Chapter 128

His untidy broken hair scattered in front of his forehead, covering his unfathomable eyes.

Then, Yu Sen also said: "little Lord, it's raining outside. Miss Ning Huan didn't bring an umbrella, and she came alone."

"Cheng, did the little woman say something wrong to annoy you? As a past person, I must tell you that women should be spoiled. "

"I don't spoil her enough?"

"You are a strong pet, and you have not spoiled her at all." What Leng Xinan said is not unreasonable.

Quan Shaocheng was silent for a moment, and then ordered Yu Sen on one side, "send someone to put pressure on the officials."


"Besides, send for her!"

"Yes." Yu Sen didn't expect to be ordered by Quan Shaocheng. He immediately laughed with joy, "I'm going to find Miss Ning Huan. After all, it's very dangerous for a girl to walk on the road at night."

Quan Shaocheng picked up the car key, ready to leave the private room, but was stopped by cold Sinan.

"You can't drive when you're drunk. Let them find it. You can find it."

"Get out of the way."

"You can't go to her anyway! Did you forget about three broken ribs after you had a drink? In case Xiao Yueze conspires to arrange a traffic accident for you, what do you do? Three more ribs? "

"Little Lord, Leng Shao is right. I'll send someone to find Miss Ning Huan immediately. I'll find it."

"You can't go anyway, or she works under my hands. Don't blame me for being rude to her."

"Dare you threaten me?"

"For the sake of my good brother's life, I'm OK to threaten ten times." Leng Xinan has a steely heart today. For the sake of personal safety, he can't let him leave here for half a step.

Quan Shao took a look at Leng Sinan, then dropped the car key and sat back into the sofa on one side.

"Yusen." He said coldly.

"Little Lord."

"Find it now!"

"Yes, little Lord!" Yu Sen did not dare to delay again, quickly rushed out of the private room, immediately called and sent someone to find Ning Huan.

Once again, Quan Shaocheng said nothing. The atmosphere almost fell below freezing point

After Ning Huan ran out of the pub, she realized that it was raining in the sky, and the rain was getting worse and worse. The pedestrians around were in a hurry, eager to go home before the rain.

Only Ning Huan

Only Ning Huan dragged the tired body and heavy pace step by step aimlessly in the street.

Her tears flowed on her white cheek, and dropped down her delicate cheek

"Boom!" With the sound of thunder, the heavy rain poured down in an instant Rain and her tears mixed together in an instant, can not tell is the rain is tears, but she can clearly feel the pain of her heart.

She was sitting in the station. The heavy rain came directly in with the wind. She was wet through and didn't care more.

Ning Huan doesn't want to go back to Green Valley Villa, to Xiao Yueze's place, or to her adoptive parents. For a moment, she feels a little homeless.

She took out her mobile phone and called Su Ziqing.

The phone was put through soon.

"Ziqing." Her voice was shaking.

Su Ziqing on the phone heard the voice of Ning Huan, which made him silly.

"Sister Ning Huan, what's wrong with you? Where are you now

"Ziqing, my heart hurts."

"Heartache? What's wrong with you, sister Ning Huan? Tell me your address and I'll come to you in a minute

"I don't know where I am. It's songan Road station."

"Song'an road..." Su Ziqing thought about it carefully, and then immediately said, "OK, I know where it is. Before I come, please don't leave! Wait for me, I'll be right there

After hanging up the phone, Su Ziqing quickly took an umbrella, also took a coat and put it in a plastic bag. Then she quickly took a car and headed for song'an road.

Ning Huan was shivering from the rain. She only felt that she was very cold all over her body. She had not completely recovered from the cold. She began to sneeze again.

When Su Ziqing arrived, he was stunned to see the Ning Huan in front of him.

She quickly put on her coat for Ning Huan, and then pulled up Ning Huan, who was sitting in the station. "Sister Ning Huan, what's the matter with you? Is something going on? "

Ning Huan didn't say a word.

Su Ziqing sighed, "first get on the bus, wait until my home, you will catch a cold like this!"

"Achoo! A-choo Ning Huan sneezed again and again.

Su Ziqing quickly pulled Ning Huan into the taxi.

"Driver, please turn off the air conditioner. My friend is in the rain. Blowing the air conditioner will definitely catch a cold.""OK." The driver nodded, then reached out and immediately turned off the air conditioner.

"Sister Ning Huan, are you ok?" Su Ziqing looked at Ning Huan with a worried face, "how can you get wet? This is songan Road, far away from Jianglin hospital! How did you come here? "

Ning Huan didn't say anything. She reached out and hugged Su Ziqing and began to cry on Su Ziqing's shoulder

Su Ziqing saw Ning Huan cry for the first time, and she was scared by Ning Huan. But at this moment, Su Ziqing didn't dare to ask anything. She was afraid to ask the pain of Ning Huan and make her more sad!

After arriving at Su Ziqing's residence, Su Ziqing immediately took clean clothes for Ning Huan. "Sister Ning Huan, you should go ahead and have a bath. I think you have a little cold."

"Thank you." Ning Huan took Su Ziqing's clothes and went into the bathroom. "It's a problem for you again."

"What's the trouble? We're friends! Ning Huan elder sister, you quickly take a bath first, I go to find you some cold medicine, must take some medicine, early rest! "

"Thank you, Ziqing." Ning Huan can only say thank you, if not su Ziqing, she does not know how to do now.

"Take a bath." Su Ziqing pushed Ning Huan into the bathroom.

Ning Huan hands powerless support in the washing table, even if the rain washed, she still feel his lips left his traces.

She forced herself not to think about Quan Shaocheng any more, not only because she thought that his heart would hurt, but also because the urgent task now was to quickly solve mufei's affairs.

But even Quan Shaocheng didn't help. What should she do?

Ning Huan turned on the faucet, let the warm water gush from the water column, let her cold body gradually warm.

After taking a good bath, Ning Huan walked out of the bathroom, Su Ziqing quickly handed her the glass and pills.

"Sister Ning Huan, take the medicine quickly. Don't think about anything now. Eat the medicine quickly and go to bed."

Ning Huan nods and swallows the pill. Under the push of Su Ziqing's hands, she walks towards the direction of the master bedroom.

"Well, I'll sleep with sister Ning Huan tonight. Sister Ning Huan, I'll supervise you to sleep. After you fall asleep, you'll wake up and all your troubles will run out."

"Ziqing." Ning Huan called out to her, "do you have trouble?"

Su Zi counted and nodded, and her eyes fluctuated. "Yes, I have a lot of trouble, but I always told myself not to think about it. I told myself that the boat will go straight to the bridge. Sister Ning Huan, do you think it's raining hard outside now? Isn't the weather very bad? "


"Tomorrow, it will be sunny, the air will be very fresh, and the weather will not be very hot, so think carefully, this rain tonight is not very bad!"

Su Ziqing's words are indeed reasonable. Ning Huan nodded with approval.

"I know, I won't think about it any more. Even if I want to, I'll wake up tomorrow and think about it."

"Yes Su Ziqing nodded in agreement, then quickly turned off the light in the room, "go to bed quickly! You have to work tomorrow, don't you? "

"Well, I have to go to work tomorrow."

"That would be more sleep."

"Good night, Ziqing."

"Good night!"

Ning Huan turned around, in fact, has not been asleep, she is difficult to sleep, turning over and over are thinking about what happened today.

She only felt that her head was in a mess. When she saw that beautiful woman in the arms of Quan Shao Cheng, she felt very uncomfortable, and even wanted to drive that woman away.

Did she really fall in love with Quan Shaocheng?

Such a recognition makes Ning Huan afraid. Thinking of the attitude of Quan Shaocheng today, she doesn't know whether she is right or wrong in falling in love with him.

Gradually, she felt her consciousness more and more unclear, the whole person was very heavy, and then fell into a deep dream.

This night, Quan Shaocheng's people searched through the monitoring of the whole city and finally found Ning Huan.

"Little Lord, Miss Ning Huan is now in the home of a girl named Su Ziqing. It's very safe. Please rest assured, little Lord."

"How's Shangguan's handling?"

"People sent for suppression, but the complaint has been handed in. The Shangguan family said that they would withdraw the lawsuit tomorrow." Even if there are millions of people who do not want to, Quan Shaocheng has sent someone to speak. Who dares to appeal?

In their opinion, Shangguan Wu died unjustly, but ye mufei had the right to accept less. They were not the opponents of Quan Shaocheng.

In Jianglin City, who dares to be the enemy of less power?

"Well, it's handled very well. We'll send people to pay attention to the trend of the officials."

"Yes." Yu Sen nodded, "it's not unjust that Shangguan died by force. I'm afraid that people like him will go to 18 levels of hell after their death, relying on their own father and family background to bully things."

Shangguanwu was indeed dead, but ye mufei did a good thing."What has Xiao Yueze done recently?"

"He has been trying to improve his performance, but his performance has continued to decline. Recently, the situation has been very bad, which can be said to be almost to the point of depression."

"Send people to continue to stare, bite the Xiao family, let Xiao Yueze know what is no play singing!"

"Yes, little Lord."

Quan Shaocheng's face was cold and heavy. It almost hurt his heart to think of the expression of Ning Huan today.

He is extremely manic. He must catch the little woman as soon as possible. Let her be alone outside. He won't allow her to say anything! , the fastest update of the webnovel!