Chapter 1303

"Give me the little tiger." Shen Feng said in a deep voice.

"You can't throw it away." Zhou Sitong is alert to the tunnel.

"Nonsense, let's go!" Shen Feng directly carried her up and ran quickly.


"Wait for me here for a while. I'll go in and see what's going on inside." Shen Feng put her at the mouth of the cave and said.

With that, he hurried into the cave.

"That..." Zhou Sitong looked at Shen Feng's back and just wanted to say something. He had gone in.

At this time, it was dark in the primeval forest. She stood alone at the dark hole. She couldn't help feeling a little scared. She subconsciously leaned against a boulder next to the hole, so that she could find some sense of security

Time passed slowly. Shen Feng had just walked for less than two minutes. She felt like two centuries.

"Oh, Wuwuwuwu..." a burst of mandrill cry came from a distance, which made her face white and subconsciously moved a few steps towards the cave.

"Hurry up, Shen Feng. Why don't you come out?" Zhou Sitong's forehead exuded a trace of fine sweat and looked into the dark hole, but she couldn't see five fingers inside. She didn't dare to follow in at all, so she had to wait here.

At this time, "rustle..." a thin voice suddenly came from the woods not far away.

"Who's there?" Zhou Sitong shouted alertly.

The voice didn't fall, "brush!" With a sound of, a dark shadow rushed out. The shadow was a mandrill.

The mandrill was obviously bigger than the one just now, and its eyes were fierce. It directly reached out and grabbed Zhou Sitong's shoulder.

Zhou Sitong looked at mandrill's detestable face. Although she was afraid, she also responded quickly. There was no one around her to rely on. Everything could only rely on herself, not to mention that she was also a martial artist.

Although it is not congenital, it will not wait to die.

So she picked up a slap big stone and hit the mandrill hard in the face.

Mandrill screamed and retreated. It was hit with blood all over its face.

The blood aroused the ferocity in the mandrill, "Oh, Wuwu..." the mandrill first roared, and then grabbed the stone and threw it.

After Zhou Sitong escaped the stone attack, the sound of "rustle..." in the woods became more intense. It was obvious that he had summoned his companions.

"No!" As soon as her face changed, she might be able to deal with one or two mandrills.

But listening to the sound, mandrills are obviously a large group. The number is unknown, but it is definitely not something she can deal with.

Thinking of this, she turned and ran towards the middle of the cave. Although it was dark inside, at least Shen Feng was inside.

"Oh, Wuwu..." the mandrill, whose face was hurt, looked at Zhou Sitong and wanted to run. She caught up quickly, stretched out her claws and grabbed her backpack directly.

Zhou Sitong's body stagnated after being caught in the backpack. The mandrill's strength was surprisingly large, and even caught up with an adult man. If she hadn't been a martial artist, she might have been pulled down by it.

"Let go!" Zhou Sitong scolded and earned suddenly at the same time.

"Prick." With a sound, the backpack was torn open by the power of one person and one beast, and all the things in it fell out and scattered on the ground.

There is a lot of food in it, and there is a yellow gourd at the bottom.

Mandrill is an animal growing in the virgin forest. When it saw the Yellow gourd, it immediately brightened up and took it in its hand like lightning.

While Zhou Sitong watched the gourd taken away by the mandrill and immediately stopped.

The most important thing in the backpack is the gourd. It is specially made to hold autumn frost. If the gourd is lost, she will basically come in vain this time.

Don't want anything, but you can't lose it!

"Put it down!" Zhou Sitong, with an angry face, put down the tiger cub and rushed towards the mandrill.

The mandrill, who was playing with the gourd, was stunned when Zhou Sitong rushed. Then it immediately showed its fierce light, opened its big mouth, stretched out its fangs and bit it.

Zhou Sitong turned sideways and hit the mandrill in the stomach like lightning.

Although their strength was not small, their physical strength was not strong. Zhou Sitong beat them back seven or eight meters with one punch.

It screamed and knew that he was not the woman's opponent at all. He turned and ran away, but he still held the gourd tightly in his hand.

Zhou Sitong looked at it and wanted to run with a gourd, desperate to catch up

The mandrill was injured and couldn't run fast at all. It was caught up before it ran far, but the mandrill quickly climbed to the tall tree.

"Roar..." he bared his tusks in the tree and threatened Zhou Sitong not to let him near.

"Give it to me!" Zhou Sitong held a stone and stared at the gourd cold tunnel.

Mandrill is very smart and understands her intention, but it doesn't give her any meaning. It keeps waving gourds, like showing off its booty.

Zhou Sitong could only throw stones and force it down, but the mandrill was very agile. It hid behind the trunk, and several branches were discounted, but it didn't hit it.

When Zhou Sitong was helpless, the mandrills came one after another, which soon put Zhou Sitong into a heavy siege.

There are thirty or forty mandrills that can be seen. It can't deal with them at all.

Zhou Sitong looked at the mandrills around her, and her heart sank. She just wanted to recapture the gourd, but she forgot that she had been surrounded.

She has no mind to worry about gourd now. Her own safety is the most important thing.

"Don't come!" She pulled out her bright dagger and shouted at the mandrills.

The dagger is only for her self-defense. She won't take it out unless she has to.

The mandrills looked at the cold light on the dagger and subconsciously sensed the danger. For a moment, they didn't dare to move forward and kept a distance of more than five meters from her.

Although these mandrills did not dare to come for a while, they kept narrowing the siege and were ready to attack at any time.

"What should I do? Can he find it here? " Zhou Sitong swallowed her saliva and a cold sweat seeped out of her forehead. She had no way to deal with these things. She could only place all her hope on Shen Feng.

But Shen Feng is in the cave again. She doesn't know that she has chased out without authorization. Even if she is not in the cave, she may not be able to find herself.

Just when she was confused, she was distracted a little.

A cunning mandrill saw the opportunity, threw the stone from the side and hit Zhou Sitong's head