Chapter 875

"Yes, and you can't take the plane back to China directly. You have to make an extra turn." Annie echoed, "I know there will be a plane to East Island soon."

Although she looks like an eight or nine year old girl, she is an adult in her heart.

Shen Feng also nodded. After going to the East Island, Ren Huafei's world will be. At that time, there will be many ways to return to China, which is almost safe. "OK, let's start now."

So Shen Feng quickly rushed to the airport and flew to the East Island

"He's gone again." Mia sat in the car and watched the plane fly off the runway and take off gradually. Her eyes showed a trace of loss. Although it was urgent this time, she just met in a hurry, but she was still reluctant to give up.

"When the wind is over, we'll go to China to hold several exhibitions." Annie smiled and continued, "we'd better go back quickly so as not to be suspected and cause unnecessary trouble."

"Yes." Mia smiled and drove away quickly


There is time difference between o Zhou and Huaxia. It was noon when the plane got on. It was not dark when the plane arrived at the East Island. Then, under the arrangement of Ren Huafei, it took an express ship and quickly went to the eastern waters of Huaxia.

Late at night, the sky was full of stars and a full moon hung in the sky.

At this time, the moon is very round, but it looks a little worse to be perfect. Tonight is 14 and tomorrow night is 15.

There are many reefs on a remote coast. The moonlight cast a touch of silver on the reefs, "Hua Hua Hua..." the waves beat the reefs and aroused bursts of spray

There were three or four cars parked in a forest on the shore. They turned off the lights and turned off, as if they were waiting for something.

At this time, a roar of the engine came from far and near. A speedboat galloped from the sea. Although the speedboat was fast, it didn't turn on the light. It was completely traveling in the dark, as if it was hiding its whereabouts.

As the speedboat approached, the car parked in the woods suddenly turned on its headlights. The lights were directed directly at the sea and immediately lit up the coast. The lights also showed the position of the speedboat and played the role of a lighthouse. The speedboat accurately came to the agreed coast according to the guidance of the lights.

Moreover, the lamp was not always on. It flickered more than ten times. Before the ship stopped steadily, the lamp went out immediately and never came on again. Everything seemed like nothing had happened.

But the moment the lights came on, it attracted the attention of another speedboat.

The speedboat was several kilometers away from the sea and was also moving fast on the sea without lights.

On the side of the ship, Zhang Yong and Julie held hands. They looked at the stars and the calm sea. They felt a lot... This is already the Chinese sea. During this day, they finally reached the safety zone after several twists and turns, but it also established their feelings for each other.

"Do you regret it?" Zhang Yong asked with a look.

"I..." before she answered, an impatient voice came from her ear: "Hey, hey, you two are enough. I've heard this sentence countless times today, and my ears are getting calluses."

Shen Feng came out of the narrow cabin and frowned.

"Hey, hey." Zhang Yongan smiled awkwardly and looked away at will. A row of flashing lights suddenly lit up on the coast where his eyes went.

"Look over there!" Zhang Yong pointed to the direction of the light.

When Shen Feng followed the sound from a distance, the row of lights was particularly obvious on the coast, and it was still flashing. There was no movement after a few seconds.

"Strange, it should not be a port. How can there be lights?" Zhang Yong frowned.

"I guess it's some kind of signal." Shen Feng said in a deep voice.

Although this way of transmitting signals with lights is very old, it is a very effective way of transmitting signals on the dark sea. Unlike radio information, it will not leave any evidence. Even the most sophisticated scientific and technological means can not intercept it, but it is very unlucky to be encountered by them.

Shen Feng thought and said, "go and have a look."

With that, the speedboat slowly approached in the direction of the light

Shen Feng's hearing was far better than that of ordinary people. When he was still a distance from the coast, he heard the sound of the engine and immediately shouted to the cab, "turn off the engine! Turn off the engine! "

The voice fell, the engine was immediately turned off, and the speed of the ship slowly decreased. After another minute or so, a fast ship with no lights on sped past from a distance. Fortunately, it was night, and they turned off the engine in time and were not found.

"At night, the lights are not on like us. It seems that there is a story." Shen Feng squinted at the fast-moving ship from afar, and a faint smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

When the express ship went far away, Shen Feng ordered the ship to lean to the shore.

After landing, it was already cool for people to take tea here. There was nothing left except some rut marks.

"Stowaway?" Zhang Yong looked at the ruts on the ground and frowned.

Although illegal immigration is prohibited in all countries, it has been banned repeatedly, and it has always existed openly and secretly.

"I don't think it's an ordinary smuggling. Don't forget, it's time for the Lingwu conference to be held. If you can sneak at this time, and it's so secret, it's definitely not an ordinary person!" Shen Feng's eyes showed a trace of essence.

Zhang Yong also agreed and nodded. At this juncture, all Chinese sects gathered in Feihong mountain. Although the dragon group was responsible for guarding, China was too big to take care of, and the personnel had dispersed. If there was anything, now was definitely the best time.

"You'd better not meddle in this matter. I'll deal with it." Shen Feng to Zhang Yongdao.

Zhang Yong was slightly injured during the competition in the challenge arena. In addition, he was slightly injured in the church. Now he is taking Julie with him. Moreover, it is not clear what is going on. He is enough alone.

"Then please." Zhang Yong knows Shen Feng's intention. They are brothers who have experienced storms together, and they are not polite.

"By the way, when you get back to Zhangjia, help me go to Feihong mountain to sign. Maybe I can go back. The first position is still waiting for me." Shen Feng smiled and said.

Now the second round ended yesterday. Today's next round is the group match. If pan Zhuofei draws lots for him later, it's really in time.

"Don't worry, I'll do it for you." Zhang Yong answered and left by boat with Julie