Chapter 506

"My Lord, you can't stay here any longer." The pudgy man shouted at sage who was fighting with Shen Feng.

Sage glanced at the surrounding situation with his remaining light, and then looked at Shen Feng. His eyes showed a cold and determined color. Without looking back, he whispered, "you take the box and people first, and I'll meet you when I kill the boy."

"Yes!" The pudgy man answered, and an invisible force flashed in the palm of his hand and hit several people who were infected with the virus.

"Bang!" With a slap, the pudgy man lifted more than 20 people and rushed through a path of blood.

Then he grabbed the road with the box, and the rest of the zero organization people evacuated behind him with the wounded.

The young man and the old man looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and chased the direction of the retreat of the zero organization people

People retreated, leaving only Shen Feng and Sachi in the center of the whole research base. Some of those infected with the virus chased the escaping people, and some surrounded Shen Feng tightly.

However, Shen Feng and sarge didn't take them in their eyes at all. The weapons in their hands roared. They didn't have to deal with them deliberately. They couldn't get close at all.

"Bang!" With a sound of, the hundred war sword and the frost heavy sword hit each other. This time, they didn't retreat separately, but they were deadlocked together.

"Give up resistance. You have no chance of winning in the face of me!" Sage said coldly to Shen Feng.

After that, he pressed down with both hands, and the edge of frost Epee gradually approached Shen Feng's face.

"Really? But I don't think so! " A smile of evil spirit suddenly appeared on Shen Feng's face.

Then, Shen Feng quickly withdrew his left hand. At the same time, the black awn on the Tianmo ring flashed, and the snow immediately appeared on Shen Feng's left hand.

The moment the snow appeared, the edge flashed to Sacchi's abdomen.

Saki looked at the snow and was surprised. He didn't know where Shen Feng "changed" a knife. He suddenly somersaulted back, avoided Shen Feng's attack, and his body fell on the table not far away.

As soon as Sarkozy's body fell, more than a dozen people with red eyes and virus rushed up with a low roar.

"Frozen!" Savage murmured.

His voice fell, and the cold air suddenly burst out centered on his body. The cold air froze all the people around him, and his actions became rigid. He became an ice sculpture in situ.

Shen Feng pushed Sarkozy back with a knife, and more than a dozen people with blood red eyes rushed to him.

"Die!" Shen Feng's eyes were cold and his double-edged edge was cold. He crossed two perfect arcs in the air. More than a dozen heads flew up and blood splashed everywhere.

Saki jumped up, jumped up high, and cut Shen Feng with his frost sword.

Shen Feng looked at the edge of the Frost Giant sword and his eyes sank. The task in front of him was to take away the serum, not to fight with this sage.

"Take your time. I won't accompany you." Shen Feng gave a cold drink and turned to chase the short and fat man in the direction of escape.

"Don't want to go!" Saki looked at Shen Feng's back and shouted angrily, and then immediately chased up


Biochemical research base, a remote research laboratory.

Dai Xianxue carefully studied the serum, while Kang Shengguo kept a close eye on the outside, because now the outside can be said to be "noisy", and the sound of gunfire and explosion can be heard all the time.

"What the hell happened outside?" Kang Shengguo frowned. Although he was not at the scene, he could hear that someone was fighting.

Just then, a burst of soft footsteps came into my ears, and several figures quietly approached here. Kang Shengguo's eyes showed a trace of joy, because lengfei had just contacted him.

"Team leader Kang, it's me." Lengfei's voice came from outside.

"It's lengfei." Kang Shengguo immediately opened the door of the laboratory, and lengfei came in with the soldiers.

Those guards changed their faces when they saw Kang Shengguo. They were originally the guards of the base. Although they had not fought with Kang Shengguo, they had also seen the power of Kang Shengguo.

But this time lengfei can find here so quickly thanks to them.

"Dai Lao, we should go." Kang Shengguo came to Dai Xianxue, who was studying serum carefully.

"Wait for me a little longer. It'll be ready in a minute." Dai Xianxue said without raising his head.

Kang Shengguo also knew that Dai Xianxue was at the critical moment of development, and did not continue to disturb him. He ordered lengfei and others to close the door and wait quietly.

About twenty minutes later, Dai Xianxue suddenly stood up and shouted excitedly, "it's done, it's done!"

Kang Shengguo asked Dai Xianxue, "old Dai, what's done? Let's leave quickly."

"What do you say? Of course, it's serum research." Dai Xianxue replied excitedly.

"Really? Old Dai, you won't lie to me. " Kang Shengguo frowned.

This antiserum is not a cold medicine. In his eyes, it is basically impossible to study it successfully in just one day.

"Of course, it's just that there's no clinical trial yet, but it's possible in theory." Dai Xianxue is firm and authentic.

He is the authority of Huaxia in biology. He was kidnapped here to study antiviral serum. He also read the previous research data, so now Dai Xianxue's research is really improved, and the zero organization can only be regarded as semi-finished products before improvement.

Kang Shengguo didn't know Dai Xianxue for the first day. He looked at Dai Xianxue's firm eyes and believed it in his heart.

"Leng Fei, you quickly call Shen Feng back. Since Dai has successfully studied it, we don't have to get tangled with zero organization." Kang Shengguo said to lengfei.

Lengfei answered, but she couldn't get in touch with Shen Feng because Shen Feng was being chased by Saatchi full base.

"How's it going?" Kang Shengguo asked lengfei.

"Team leader, I can't contact you at all." Leng feidai frowned and shook her head. Her eyes were full of worry.

The people in the base who are infected with the virus and fall into madness are already very dangerous. Now there are zero organization people here. Shen Feng must be in a very difficult situation alone.

"Leng Fei, you take Dai Lao and these people to negotiate with the military outside the town. I'll meet Shen Feng." Kang Shengguo ordered in a deep voice.

"Team leader, you'd better negotiate with the military. I'll find Shen Feng." Lengfei thought.

"Well, you must protect yourself. You and Shen Feng must come back safely! I'll wait for you outside! " Kang Shengguo said.

"Yes!" Lengfei answered and turned away