Chapter 500

Name:Supreme Martial God Author:Xuan Dao
Tens of thousands of years ago, Ji bingyue's old acquaintance

Lin Yue looked solemn and knew that it might be troublesome.

Since the other party can drag away the gluttonous food unconsciously and bake it here, there is no need to say more about the other party's strength.

It seems that this bamboo gun is not the other party's carelessness, but deliberately left for Ji bingyue.

They want to send a signal that they are back, and they are not afraid of Ji bingyue. They want to frighten Ji bingyue!

"Who... Are they?".

Ji bingyue's fingers moved, and the hard bamboo gun made a brittle sound, breaking in two.

"The ghost clan, a powerful race, is born to hide its whereabouts. Even if I didn't deliberately explore, I wouldn't find them.".

"Ghost clan... I remember you mentioned this race. So, are they back?".

When Lin Yue heard the name of the ghost spirit family, he vaguely remembered that Ji bingyue once said that this race refused to accept her. Later, she sent a large army to hang her. Later, she predicted that the great disaster of destruction would come, and she was self styled and connected with the earth. Only then did she survive.

So are these powerful ghost families also predicting the disaster of heaven and earth and hiding in advance!?

As if she knew what Lin Yue thought, Ji bingyue spoke faintly and said, "the ghost family is the descendant of the heavenly ghost and has the consciousness closest to the heavenly way. If heaven wants to change, the creatures who want to know most must include them".

"What is a ghost?".

"Heavenly ghosts are beings outside the realm that exist in the void. They travel in the void. There are almost no natural enemies except heavenly ghosts themselves... You can understand that they are a form of existence of the Tao of heaven, but they are not everywhere.".

Lin Yue was stunned by Ji bingyue's words. What is the existence form of heaven? What kind of existence should it be!?

Ji bingyue turned around, looked at Lin Yue calmly and said: "in the era when I lived, there were many powerful races, which were not inferior to the ghost spirit family. I thought everything had been destroyed with the coming of the disaster, but from the ghost spirit family's point of view, my judgment was not accurate...".

Lin Yue knows what Ji bingyue means. Since there are still people of the ghost spirit family, it is possible for the strong people of that era to exist in Pangu now!

The strong men of that era

Lin Yue looked at Ji bingyue in front of him and his heart trembled. This is the representative of the strong when the disaster did not come tens of thousands of years ago. He can roll the wind and cloud with a wave!

They are almost the top combat power in this era. Only those super factions have the strength to compete with one or two!

"How many people do you think they will have?".

Lin Yue is more concerned about this problem now. If the number of the other party is limited, Ji bingyue may be able to suppress it by means of Ji bingyue. If there are a large number of people, I'm afraid Ji bingyue is also difficult to resist.

"As descendants of heavenly ghosts, the ghost spirit family also pursues the law of walking alone. They never live in groups. At most, they are a family together, and their strong physique makes it difficult for their family to prosper, usually about five to ten...".

"However, since there is a ghost spirit clan, the ghost spirit clan now living in the world will not be one!".

They stayed in the cave for a moment and could not find any other traces before they walked out of the cave.

Ji bingyue looked at the distance and showed a trace of loneliness. She raised her jade hand and held it in the air. A bright white light suddenly lit up on her hand.

The white light shone and roared, and the mountains behind him immediately collapsed and swallowed up the cave.

Lin Yue knew that this was Ji bingyue's response. In the face of the demonstration of the ghost family, Ji bingyue declared war.

"Lin Yue, the old and new hatred between the ghost family and me is getting heavier and heavier. I will never stop until we solve them!".

"However, the plan to expand the site must also continue. Therefore, most of the important tasks in the future will be left to you to solve! The strong people we have incorporated now have good strength and should be enough to sweep eight thousand miles!".

Lin Yue frowned and said, "if we expand outward, the forces above the five-star sect will be the forces above the five-star sect. Even if we have strong capital, we can never sweep away. If there is no super strong, we will suffer losses after all".

"Don't let me down. You can help me settle this eight thousand miles, and I will take over the follow-up action myself!".

"Eight thousand miles away, at most, there will be eight star sect. Their high-end combat power is at the level of Emperor Wu. At most, there will be a primary martial saint. Don't worry about the martial saint. And Emperor Wu, haven't you killed? If you can kill the first, you can kill the second and third. Let go. I only ask for results. I don't care about the rest. After returning to Youming sect, you can start.".

Lin Yuegang wanted to say something. Ji bingyue had waved her robe sleeve and turned into a beam of streamer, flying towards Youming sect.

"If you can kill the first, you can kill the second..." Lin Yue shook his head, smiled bitterly and murmured, "you think this is killing pigs, that's Emperor Wu!".

But in fact, according to their integrated strength, Youming sect does have far more combat power than before!

Dozens of strong men of the sect are all under their command. There are more than 1000 King Wu and more than 500 strong Emperor Wu. There are also more than a dozen Emperor Wu at the beginning! So many strong people can kill other sects even if they rely on their heads!

Lin Yue returned to Youming sect in a complicated mood. First, he summoned his confidants and called Gao Xuan, Liu Meng and others together to discuss the next action.

"Isn't it! Boss, does the female devil really hand over everyone's power to you?" after Lin Yuegang finished the situation, Liu Meng immediately stared at Lin Yue with big eyes and adoration on his face, and said excitedly, "this is too exaggerated! Boss, you're going to send!".

"Send your head!".

Lin Yue raised his hand and knocked heavily on Liu Meng's head and said, "what we are going to face next is not a small force. Basically, they are six-star sect and seven-star sect. Do you think these sects are so easy to attack!? each of them has a thousand years of history. If we want to conquer them, the price we pay is absolutely small!".

Liu Meng bared his teeth, hugged his head and shouted pain. He didn't dare to speak again.

Gao Xuan's face was solemn and said, "younger martial brother, how many chances do you think we have to win?".

Lin Yue said: "fifty percent, after all, we have gathered so many strong people. Even if they don't do their best, with such a huge array, as long as we take advantage of the situation and open the gap, we can disintegrate the resistance of those sects.".

"Fifty percent... The probability is not small. We can fight!".

Gao Xuan's eyes lit up a light. He is not stupid. With the relationship between Lin Yue and Ji bingyue, if Ji bingyue can really establish a super Dynasty, Youming sect will also soar to the sky and become a super faction again!