After a while, the rotten wood was carried in, but it was tied by a lot of thick ropes, or isolated in a transparent laboratory, worried that there was an unknown virus on the wood, which would hurt Wu yinggu.

“……” Wu yinggu saw the rotten wood with some silly eyes, but her tears were more unstoppable. She felt Chen shisan's stronger breath, but the scene she saw was hard for her to accept. When did Chen shisan's brother become a rotten wood.

"Miss, it can't be a person, or else you'll move out and lose it?" After waiting for a while, the financial uncle made a careful suggestion.

"Lose no way! Don't throw it. Just put him there. I'll keep him Wu yinggu was suddenly awakened and cried out again.


They were speechless. They couldn't understand Wu yinggu's abnormal behavior, but they couldn't fight against her. They had to leave the rotten wood in place.

Uncle CAI was not at ease. He went out to study with medical experts for a while. Then two experts came to the transparent laboratory to study the rotten wood in detail. Aunt Wu Ying did not refuse, but was full of expectation.

Soon, they took a small piece of material from the wood and took it for analysis. The result surprised everyone.

It's not wood, it's a very dense carbon crystal. It can only be formed at extremely high temperature. They also detected the big bang in the Arctic some time ago. Is this the product of the big bang. The experts on board were excited and began to study the rotten wood.

The follow-up tests were more comprehensive and meticulous, but the results were disappointing. In addition to the materials on the surface, even the most advanced instruments could not detect the internal things. The only way to understand the internal situation is to break the rotten wood.

But this point is not sure, Wu yinggu is strongly opposed. In her opinion, breaking the rotten wood is the harm to Chen shisan's brother. She would rather wait for it all the time. She had a hunch that as long as brother Chen shisan was still there, he would come back safely and healthily. It doesn't need anyone's interference and destruction.

As time goes by, the icebreaker is advancing at a speed of 10-20 kilometers every day. This is a very expensive journey. One icebreaker is going forward, but there are many backup ships behind it. Every one or two days, large helicopters drop fuel and supplies on board to supplement the huge consumption of icebreakers.

Wu yinggu's state is also good and bad. She used to eat lingguo for a day or two, but now she can only support three or five hours if she goes down with one lingguo. She's getting weaker and weaker, but she's always in good spirits. Every day as soon as I wake up, I look at the rotten wood without blinking. Rotten wood is still like that, lying there quietly and motionless, even the experts have lost interest in re research, and will focus back on the upcoming core drilling.

Chen shisan is very confused now. He doesn't know where it is and what kind of state it is in. But the lack of memory is very serious. There are many things in my mind, but I can't remember them.

Feel like a leaf, like a floating cloud, floating all day long. He saw a lot of things, but also experienced a lot of things, delicious can not speak, hands can not move, the only dynamic is thinking, just like a wandering spectator outside the world, can only use his eyes to see, and then there is a long and confused thinking.

He drifted across the sea, across the forest, into the huge city, and still lingered in the countryside. He saw all kinds of people and saw many strange things. His memory became full, but he didn't know what use it was for him. He is still a leaf and a cloud, which seems to have nothing to do with it.

Finally, he felt tired of leaving the world to see more beautiful scenery outside.

Just a thought, he will float away from the world, rising constantly away. He found that the place where he used to be was a huge sphere, and all things in the forest and ocean world were just a part of the sphere. As he got higher and higher, he found that the world outside the sphere was not nothingness. Instead, there were more spheres, some shining brightly and emitting hot temperature, some cold and dead.

All of a sudden, the words "celestial bodies and stars" appeared in his mind. He realized that this was the galaxy of the universe, one by one star, one by one galaxy. With the drift of his mind, he could quickly shorten the distance and make the most detailed observation of a particular galaxy and star as long as he was interested.

This kind of feeling is very wonderful, also let Chen shisan indulge in it for a long time, constantly wandering, constantly looking at the strange phenomenon of hundreds of millions of stars.

During this time, he saw countless galaxies and planets of various types and colors, and even found many living planets. Although life was different from that of his original planet, life always had its unique charm, and Chen shisan could enjoy it for a long time.

With his appreciation of life, he focused more on looking for living galaxies and observing all kinds of life in close range. They are either weak or strong, or have unimaginable scientific and technological achievements. They always give Chen shisan different surprise and curiosity, learn a lot of knowledge and understand more of the true meaning of life.

The process of pursuing life is wonderful. Chen shisan doesn't know how much time he spent. Finally, he is tired of it again. He has seen and appreciated all the life forms. His enthusiasm is fading, and he becomes bored and lonely again.But he was still unable to speak and move, which made him from helpless disgust to anger. His mental state is getting worse and worse. He needs to look for another field, something new and interesting. So he set out again, jumping out of the original starry sky, thinking again, climbing again

All of a sudden, he broke through a barrier and suddenly became light. The world around him became full. He could feel the aura rolling in and let himself feel like a spring breeze.

Looking back at the world before, it turned out to be a galaxy of stars under the clouds, where it was dark and quiet, far less colorful than here. At the foot of the white clouds is nourishing aura, looking up, it turns out that there is a huge fairy mountain in the distance, where the aura comes from.

Chen shisan was full of yearning. His mind drifted there. The beautiful scenery along the way could not be expressed in words. This is the legendary fairyland.

Soon he arrived at Xianshan, where he passed was more beautiful, full of exotic flowers and plants, all kinds of ripe fruits, and rich to substantial aura. Unfortunately, he still could not speak and move, and such a strong aura could not absorb a point. He was still just a passer-by.

"Hee hee..."

A group of beautiful fairies ran past him. Anadorse suddenly touched a long lost nerve in Chen shisan's mind. He thought that he once had such beautiful girlfriends, but where they are now, Chen shisan couldn't remember. , the fastest update of the webnovel!