Poof, a bone penetrating nail shot into Chen shisan's shoulder.

PA, Chen shisan clapped his hand on the back of the sword. He was also cut open and bleeding.

Without waiting for the other side to make a second move, Chen shisan raised his leg and kicked the VAT out. I saw the big jar flying in the air. The beautiful woman in ancient costume came out of the jar like a swimming fish. Her body was as soft as a snake. As soon as she swung her feet, her body turned around. A piece of light and shadow came out of her soft sword and cut at Chen shisan.

Facing the sword rain all over the sky, Chen shisan can only retreat again. At this time, his left shoulder is injured, which limits the movement of his left hand, and his right palm is injured, which is also temporarily unable to hold the weapon. You can only use less than 50% of your normal skills. In this way, you can't fight with your opponent. You can only be forced to retreat and dodge. Fortunately, at this time, the other party was determined to kill him, and did not deal with Jiang Guifang, so that he did not have that pressure.

The ancient beauty's skill is between that of Chen shisan and that of Zhongbo. Even in Chen shisan's peak state, he can only draw with her. Now his hands are injured and fall behind. It is obvious that the other side is cruel to kill him, and the move is deadly. At the same time, hidden weapons are constantly shooting, which makes it very difficult for Chen shisan to cope with.

Suddenly, another bone penetrating nail was shot from her mouth. Chen shisan couldn't escape and was shot on her leg. They deliberately shot him in the leg in order to slow him down, further tilt the situation and finally kill Chen shisan.

"Be careful Help... " Jiang Guifang cried anxiously.

Chen shisan has to lead the other party away from Jiang Guifang. Once he encounters misfortune, he still has a chance to escape from Jiang Guifang.

But even so, he couldn't cope with it for long. The opponent's soft sword almost cut him several times, and the victory was between the lines. What's more, Chen shisan has no way to retreat. Behind him is a huge rock. It's impossible to jump up or around. The other side has blocked all his retreat.

"Ah With the other side's roar, the speed of the soft sword's waving accelerated again. After the shadow of the sword blocked all Chen shisan's retreat, it finally merged into a sword and pierced Chen shisan's chest. At this time, Chen shisan was already unable to dodge. The other party's powerful aura had locked him up. No matter where he hid, he was unable to escape the other party's attack.

"Magic sword technique." Chen shisan exclaimed, and finally found her origin in the last sword.

Only the evil power of the demons can make her hide in the VAT and attack herself like this. But now it's too late to understand. Chen shisan can't avoid this sword, and will be killed by her next moment.

Just then there was a shot. In order not to affect the shooting speed and accuracy of the bullet, the shooter did not even install the muffler. A bullet to the ancient beauty shot, the attack is also her chest. At this time, she can still pierce Chen shisan's heart with a sword, but at the same time, the bullets will kill her.

In a hurry, she had to withdraw her sword. Body in the air is like a snake twist, can escape the bullet.

But the shooter obviously won't stop, bang bang continuous launch, fast accurate ruthless, this kind of shot Chen shisan only felt once. The beauty in ancient costume retreated one after another. At the last scream, there was a splash of blood on her back, and she was hit by a bullet.

But she was still strong enough to take advantage of the short gap time when the shooter finished one of his magazines, rush to kick the last big cylinder, grab a black box and run. By the time the shooter fired again, she had run farther and farther and never got a shot again.

"Thirteen, how are you?" Jiang Guifang rushed to Chen shisan and asked nervously.

"Thirteen, are you ok?" With a flash of shadow, Xiong Tiezhu also appeared in front of Chen shisan with a Barrett sniper rifle.

"It's OK to be shot twice by the female devil's head bone piercing nail." Chen shisan gritted his teeth and said that he wanted to dig out the bone penetrating nail on his leg.

But this kind of concealed weapon is full of barbs. It is easy to shoot it in, but difficult to take it out. It will cause secondary damage to the wound.

"Don't move. I'll help you." Xiong Tiezhu held him down, took out a first-aid kit from his backpack, sprinkled the disinfectant on the wound, then put a surgical forceps into the wound, clamped the bone nail and pulled it out. Chen shisan snorted in pain.

At this time, there is no way to slowly clean up around the wound to peel off the bone nail. After the gunshot, it is not safe here, and soon all the people and horses will be killed. Xiong Tiezhu must take out the bone penetrating nail in Chen shisan's body as soon as possible, so that Chen shisan can recover his ability of action.

"Well..." Chen shisan snorted again, and the bone penetrating nail of his shoulder was pulled out. It's exquisitely made of millennial cold iron. It's extremely hard. There's no damage after use. Obviously, it's not a modern work. Chen shisan wrapped it in paper and put it in the heaven and earth bag. It's something of the female devil's head. Sooner or later, he will hand it back to her and return it to her, so that she can feel the taste of bone piercing nails.

Xiong Tiezhu didn't sew up the wound. He just tied the wound tightly with bandage and said, "take Xiaojiang to the car first. My car is in the woods 100 meters away. I'll deal with it here."

Chen shisan knew that it was not the right time for affectation. He nodded calmly and took Jiang Guifang to the nearby woods. Although he hurt his leg, Jiang Guifang still couldn't run him and was dragged by him to keep up with him.

Here, Xiong Tiezhu, open the trunk of the Audi, take out the box, take the front and rear license plates down and take them away, and then shoot the engine with a gun to destroy it completely, making it impossible for people to trace the origin of the car. Then he smashed several large cylinders completely and left them all around the Audi. After opening the fuel tank, a grenade opened the bolt Plug it in the tank.After others run a certain distance, they turn around and shoot directly to hit the grenade. Suddenly, there is a loud bang. The car is first blown apart, and then it becomes a raging fire

Xiong Tiezhu is the most professional in this kind of work. When he catches up with Chen Shishan with a box, there is no trace on the scene except for the fire.

A car without a picture came out of the woods and sped along the country road. After a few forks, it disappeared.

More than ten minutes later, many police cars came whistling in the valley for a long time, but after the news, the police did not find many useful clues. There were only burnt cars and some broken cylinder fragments, as well as some shell cases whose source could not be found.

In the end, it turned into a headless case, overstocked in the police archives.

"Old bear came in time. You saved my life." Chen shisan sincerely thanks. At this time, they have entered the urban area. After the bone penetrating nail is taken out, the wound does not need stitches. Under the powerful Xuanmen Qi, it has been recovering rapidly. Although less than half an hour later, his injury is much better.

"Thirteen, did you just get a torch order?" Xiong Tiezhu didn't explain, but asked seriously.

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