Liu Zhi, Li Qiang and the rest had gone crazy, they suddenly turned and started punching and kicking Qing Pi and the rest, slapping them the lightest of all, every punch hitting their sore points, some of them even took out their batons, belts, and started beating them up.

In less than a minute, Qing Pei and the others were already drenched in blood. They were beaten until their heads looked like pigs, paralyzed on the ground, crying and losing all their strength.

Xiao Yao was frightened by the bloody scene, her beautiful face was pale, she hid behind Chen Shisan and did not dare to look, but Chen Shisan had a cold face, allowing them to beat her up without saying a word.

"Plop …" Finally, Liu Zhi and the rest kneeled down, kowtowing to Chen Shisan, all of their foreheads were covered in blood. He begged in fear, "We didn't know we were disturbing the hero. We deserve to die, we deserve to die... "Please spare me …"

Eh, what's going on? The just and kind-hearted Chen Brother Shisan had actually become the cold-blooded demon king, scaring this group of hoodlums to such an extent. Xiao Yao curiously looked at Chen Shisan, filled with suspicion. Even so, she didn't think that Chen Shisan was a bad guy.

"Drag them all out. Don't dirty my place. This has just been renovated." Chen Shisan finally waved his hand and instructed, his tone still ice-cold.

"Yes, yes, yes. Thank you for not killing me. We will leave now. I guarantee that in the future, we will not show up wherever you are." Liu Zhi guaranteed as he hammered his chest.

They were really scared, not just Chen Shisan who was as terrifying as a ghost that night, their life and death would be determined with just a wave of his hand. What he was more afraid of was Chen Shisan's huge power in the police force. That night, Chen Shisan and Hu Feifei rode on their motorcycle in the Jiangwan Town Night Market. Within a few days, the police had sent people out to capture them. Although they weren't sentenced, the detention for half a month wasn't something anyone would be able to bear. Many people came out from the detention center and were still in bed.

They knew that this was a deliberate punishment, to let them remember this lesson. Even if he was not Chen Shisan, he had a huge relationship with him. They were messing around in society and could not win against Chen Shisan. They could not compete with Chen Shisan's official background, so what rights did they have to fight against Chen Shisan? It could only hide once every time, hoping that Chen Shisan would never set his eyes on it again.

However, this ignorant Qing Pei had offended Chen Shisan again, and even tricked the rest of them over. Facing Chen Shisan directly, he had no chance of turning back. What could they do if they didn't beg for mercy?

The group of people entered quickly and left even faster. They dragged the green-skinned and the others to the door. Liu Zhi and Li Qiang were at the back, nodding their heads and bowing as they said their farewells to Chen Shisan: "Calm down hero, we will immediately scram …"

"When they leave, you stay." Chen Shisan instructed again. However, the two of them were so frightened that their legs went limp and they knelt on the ground once more.

"Hero, spare me, truly spare me …" "We didn't know that you were the one who …"

"Get up and talk. I didn't say I'm going to do anything to you." Hearing that, Chen Shisan became impatient and shouted coldly. The two of them immediately stood up, but their legs were still trembling, not knowing what to do next.

"You guys are doing pretty good, and you're still messing around with Li Jincheng?" Chen Shisan asked.

"None... We never did anything bad with Li Jincheng again. After the river bay company was renovated, Li Jincheng went to prison and is now under the management of a woman called a cuckoo. The demolition plan she gave was much better. The villagers didn't need our threats, so they automatically went to the company to sign the contract. The demolition process went very smoothly. Our family was also within the demolition zone, and we had a lot of money, so we made a good living. " Liu Zhi immediately explained.

"We really didn't resort to violence and eviction. Otherwise, we wouldn't have let our little brother come over to collect protection fees." Li Qiang added.

"I don't think you can accept the protection fee. It's not like you young and strong people lack the ability to do so. What's wrong with you? You must join the society." Chen Shisan revealed a look of disgust.

Yes yes yes, the chivalrous hero is right..." "But we only have the experience of working on the site, nothing else. The site is not allowed to work right now, so there is no way out." "" Liu Zhi explained pitifully.

"Do you really want to go back to work at the construction site?" Chen Shisan asked in his heart.

"Of course, actually, we have a very good set of management skills. We have participated in many of the major projects in the city and there haven't been any problems." Li Qiang patted his chest in guarantee.

Chen Shisan believed those words. The construction industry was a mess, without them, it would not do, not only would they coordinate the purchase and shipment of goods to deal with all kinds of disputes, but also personnel management.

"How about this! I'll call the cuckoo back and tell you to keep working on her site. But you can't do what you did before, you can't do anything under the command of the cuckoo. " Chen Shisan said slowly.

"Ah …" Great... The hero really is our reborn parents. " Liu Zhi was overjoyed.

"In the future, if you need us brothers, you can go through fire and water before you die." Li Qiang was overjoyed. He did not expect Chen Shisan to still have this power, he was also familiar with cuckoos.

"Don't thank me so quickly. It still depends on your ability to work. If you can't do it well, you'll be fired." Chen Shisan was still serious.

"Yes, yes, yes. We will definitely listen to the chivalrous hero and the general manager of the cuckoo." Both of them nodded repeatedly.

"En, my name is Chen Shisan, if you have time in the future, please walk around. I also need you to take care of this place." Chen Shisan nodded.

"Yes, yes, yes. Boss Chen's business is our business. We will definitely protect this place well." Liu Zhi quickly promised.

"Boss, are those people outside making trouble? I'll go out and beat them up." Li Qiang mighty said.

"Pui!" Don't always think about fighting and killing. Use your brain to do things. You don't have to worry about the people outside, I've already dealt with them. " Chen Shisan scolded loudly, scaring them silent again.

"Let's go!" Go back, I don't have a banquet prepared here. " Chen Shisan waved his hand, the two of them knew that they could not stay any longer, and immediately bowed and bowed, then left the private box.

The mood at this time was different. Previously, he was afraid, but now he was happy. Chen Shisan intentionally used them to make introductions. They would be Chen Shisan's people from now on, it would be strange if they weren't excited to be able to reach Chen Shisan's side.

The group of people arrived quickly, and the commotion they caused was even greater. The peddlers outside were all puzzled. What was going on? A group of bullies had gotten into the store, and Qing Pi and the rest were dragged out in less than two minutes. The others also looked anxious.

In the end, Liu Zhi and Li Qiang came out with joyous looks on their faces. They bowed and bowed towards the workers as they expressed their gratitude. This was something that had never happened before. When had they ever spoken in such a low tone?

Although they did not understand what was happening, but the vegetable dealers did understand that Chen Shisan was not someone to be trifled with. A person who could beat a Jiangwan Town lackey into submission within a few minutes, definitely had terrifying strength. They couldn't afford to offend him.

They couldn't help but feel a lingering fear in their hearts. Fortunately, Chen Shisan had only been reasonable with them previously, if they used a method like dealing with bullies, they would still be alive right now.

Let's go! Since this wasn't a place to stay for long, he quickly left. This time, none of the food dealers stayed behind. They ran even faster than the hoodlums. In the blink of an eye, there was not a single person at the entrance of the restaurant.