Chapter 3064 Untapped Potential (Part 2)

Name:Supreme Magus Author:
Chapter 3064 Untapped Potential (Part 2)

Lith felt his Spirit and yellow eye react, but ignored them since he had no need to amplify the silver lightning further. He also felt a tingle in his black and red eyes, just like in Jiera.

'What can this be?' He thought. 'How can fire and darkness interact with Life Maelstrom?' Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Finding no answer and not wanting to contaminate the silver lightning with other elements, he kept making it flow from his Spirit eye to his life force, hoping to trigger a resonance effect.

When everything Lith could think of failed and he felt the power of the Life Maelstrom starting to fade, he let it access his darkness eyes. The silver lightning turned black and Lith recognized the bloodline abilities of the Jotunn from Verendi.

'If Life Maelstrom plus darkness produces Black Lightning what would fire-' Lith's train of thought derailed as he remembered witnessing Protheus' experiments on Valeron the Second's bloodline back at the Golden Griffon academy.

'The golden flame! In his Bahamut form, Protheus mixed Life Maelstrom and Origin Flames to obtain those weird golden flames. Can I really do that as well?'

Meanwhile, Morok felt the urge to merge his eyes to form the seventh, but he resisted it. He used Life Maelstrom to amplify his life force and connect it with the power of his emerald scales.

For a single moment, the elemental energy in the rest of his scales reached a perfect balance. The now matching six elements fused and absorbed a spark of the Tyrant's life force, painting all of his scales green.

Yet with Morok's next breath, his eyes absorbed an uneven amount of elemental energy and the balance was lost. The elemental scales rejected the spark of life force and reverted to their original color.

Morok didn't notice the phenomenon. No one did but Solus did and only because the Eyes of Menadion recorded the sudden energy spike and she could rewind the footage at will.

As for Ryla, she chose a different path.

'I don't have emerald eyes or scales but I know how Spirit Magic works.' She thought. 'Glemos, cursed be his name, taught me everything I needed to know in case something happened to him and it was up to me to help Garrik Awaken.

'There is a small change, but I can't tell if it's for the better or the worse.' Solus recorded everything with the Eyes. 'What I know is that Ryla's life force is rejecting the change and she'll die if we don't remove it.'

The procedure was simple because the alteration was minimal and Life Sculpture was accurate down to the smallest detail.

"Thank you!" Ryla recovered quickly and hugged both Lith and Solus.

"For what?" Solus returned the embrace but didn't feel like she deserved it. "It's our fault you were hurt. Fixing our own mistake is the least we can do."

"I'm not talking about that." Ryla shook her head. "Sure, this can't work for me, but it might work for Garrik! He has all of my powers but his life force is still malleable and possesses the best Harmonizer Glemos ever created.

"Maybe, just maybe, if we teach him never to open his Tyrant's emerald eye and make him train like I was doing as he grows up, not only will his life force stabilize but also move on the right path for evolution!"

Ryla didn't care if that path was precluded to her. The thought of her child free from the prison of the mana geyser as he became the first perfectly evolved human filled her heart with joy.

'I swore that I'd give Garrik a life better than my own and this might be his first chance at it!' She thought.

"Guys, I know this might sound stupid but I want to ask anyway." Morok scratched his head in embarrassment. "I was thinking, since you are great at Body Sculpting, can't you make a comparative study of Ryla's fallen and unfallen life forces?

"I mean, what if you find the portion of her life force that was altered by her experiment and apply the change to her fallen form? This way, when the world energy turns her into a Fomor, there would be no resistance and she can keep practicing with us."

"This is not stupid at all." Lith rubbed his chin. "Quite the contrary, it's very complicated. We can't just alter the fallen life force because there's no telling if her unfallen life force would retain the change after shapeshifting.

"More likely, we must find a modification that will reshape itself in the correct form when Ryla goes from Balor to Fomor."