Boom! Bang! Boom!

The starry sky vibrates, in the roar, carries the wail.

The Honghuang people were cleared again, and the armies of the heavens followed Ye Chen and killed them all the way. I don't know how many races were destroyed, and the blood color gradually faded into the starry sky.

"In the eyes of the emperor, the result is tyranny."

Far behind Ye Chen, the old and the old all lament. I once heard the King say that they still don't believe it. Now they really believe it. In the famine that we can't find on weekdays, we can find a Juner, among which there is the inheritance of the emperor's way.

"I'll tell you! The law body will not disappear for no reason

(January 22, 2020)

thank you for your support and encouragement all the way!!!