Chapter 159: Admiration Is Not The Same As Love

Name:Supreme Dragon Seal Author:
Chapter 159: Admiration Is Not The Same As Love

This cold light was a sharp, cone-shaped hidden weapon. The person who launched the weapon wasnt particularly powerful, so the attack was insignificant to Qi Bei.

With a snap of his fingers, Qi Bei froze the hidden weapon in mid-air, then suddenly reversed its trajectory with a whoosh sound, causing it to disappear.

Ah A scream came from nearby as the hand of a young man was pierced by the sharp hidden weapon, directly pinning it to the wooden stake behind him.

Hulun, what are you doing? Han Misi stood up in a rage, shouting loudly.

Wenna cannot be with outsiders. I I disagree the young man called Hulun said with a pale face, his gaze turning to the furious Wenna.

Wenna took slow steps towards Hulun, then suddenly raised her hand and slapped him across the face, angrily saying, Ill be with whoever I want. How dare you meddle in my affairs.

Hulun stared at Wenna in a daze, his face filled with pain, and he said, Wenna, you said you liked me too.

I like heroes. Ive said before, whoever tames the Flame Horse King will be my hero, Wenna lifted her chin.

Give me some time, and I can do it too! Hulun shouted loudly.

Qi Bei understood now. When Wenna asked him to help her put on the beasts tooth hairpin, it was like a love confession. If he actually helped her put it on, it would mean accepting her affection.

Wenna was indeed beautiful, exuding a wild and straightforward charm. However, there were countless beautiful women in the world, and he couldnt just collect one every time. Besides, she wasnt an exceptional Yin-element physique, and he didnt have any special feelings for her.

Moreover, he also noticed something. Wenna did have some feelings for Hulun, but as a steppe girl, most of them had a hero complex, mistaking admiration for love.

Furthermore, it was said that steppe women didnt adhere to the concept of one man for a lifetime. Once their admiration for you disappeared, they would admire other men, and it was highly likely they would turn to the embrace of another man.

Qi Bei had a bit of male chauvinism in his bones. He wouldnt allow anyone else to touch the women he had been with. His women in this world belonged to him, and he naturally couldnt accept the customs of steppe women.

Qi Bei stood up and approached the two of them. He pulled out the sharp, cone-shaped hidden weapon that was stuck in Huluns palm and then took out a pill, crushing it into powder and sprinkling it on his wound. Soon, the wound in Huluns palm began to contract and scab visibly.

Then, under Wennas astonished gaze, he held one of her small hands and, as she looked at him with a joyful expression on her face, placed the beasts tooth hairpin in her palm.

In an instant, Wennas face turned pale. He had rejected her.

Girl, admiration is not the same as love, Qi Bei patted her shoulder. He turned around and returned to the low table.

Early the next morning, Qi Bei, along with Han Misi and his fifty warriors, escorted five horse-drawn carriages toward the Green Shade City. Qi Bei rode on the Flame Horse King, appearing mighty and imposing.

The Flame Horse King is not a magic beast itself, but when it goes into a rage and kicks, it can cripple or even kill a level four or even level five magic beast. One can imagine its explosive power.

In the Green Shade City, many people are knowledgeable, and with the Flame Horse Kings absence of a saddle and reins, it is obvious that it is completely tamed. Qi Beis head-turning rate was one hundred percent, and most of the gazes directed toward him were filled with awe.

Han Misi couldnt help but feel proud. The four hundred gold coins were well worth it. He wanted this kind of intimidating effect so that anyone who had ill intentions toward them would have to think twice.

Green Shade City isnt very large, but it is quite lively. Border cities like this are usually the gathering and entry points for many merchant caravans, naturally attracting various races and ethnicities.

According to Han Misi, the cave spanned several kilometers, with an oil lamp burning brightly every fifty meters inside, illuminating it like daylight.

The group consisted of both merchants and travelers, and Han Misis men werent nervous. If someone were planning to make a move, they probably wouldnt choose a crowded place like this.

Han Misi, tell your men to be cautious, Qi Bei said out of nowhere.

Han Misi looked around and asked, Any issues?

I have a bad feeling, Qi Bei replied.

Although Han Misi didnt think there would be any problems here, he took Qi Beis words seriously and immediately instructed his men to be on high alert.

The group entered the cave, where the sound of rushing water echoed throughout. In this place, people had to shout to be heard by those nearby.

After a while, a bright light appeared in the distance, indicating that they were about to exit the cave. During this time, nothing unexpected occurred.

Han Misi relaxed and glanced at Qi Bei, thinking that this bearded fellow was probably overly cautious. He thought this way, and naturally, his subordinates followed suit, and their vigilance relaxed considerably.

But right then, a row of crossbow arrows suddenly shot out from the rushing river. In such a short distance, more than ten warriors were instantly pierced and let out cries of agony.

Han Misi was horrified and quickly shouted for his men to defend and counterattack.

Qi Bei swept his thoughts towards the riverbed and drew his heavy sword from his back, slashing down with a blade of golden battle qi. The blade submerged into the river, then exploded with a loud boom. Blood surged but was quickly washed away, revealing bodies that swiftly drifted downstream.

With only about thirty survivors, Han Misi gathered them tightly around the carriages, but there were no further signs of movement.

Lets go. This ambush in the cave was just the first wave. The real show is probably yet to come, Qi Bei said, stepping forward.

Brother Hu Zi, we owe you a great deal this time, Han Misi said, feeling somewhat ashamed and gaining a new understanding of Qi Beis strength. With a single move, he had slain more than ten enemies underwater, at least reaching the pinnacle of a senior warrior.

Taking peoples money and resolving their calamities, its what I do, Qi Bei said calmly.

Han Misi had the dead warriors from earlier placed on the carriages and they left the cave.

Outside the cave, a woman dressed in a green magic robe stood with a magic staff in hand. Her icy gaze swept over Han Misi and the others before finally stopping on Qi Bei.

Surrender your belongings, and I might spare your lives, the mage said coldly, pointing her staff as a fierce wind rose.

A King-grade wind mage!

Han Misi and his group turned pale. They never expected to encounter a King-grade mage intercepting them halfway.

Fine, Han Misi said with a bitter voice. He took out a silk pouch from his body, let out a long sigh, and threw it toward the wind mage.

Faced with an unstoppable enemy, he could only submit.