Chapter 11: Requesting Aid

Name:Supreme Dragon Seal Author:
Chapter 11: Requesting Aid

It wasnt until noon that Qi Bei finally woke up, and as he opened his eyes, the golden rays of light that fell on his face were blinding like the sun.

He sat up, feeling dazed for a moment, before recalling his memory in fragments.

Fairy. Qi Bei looked around for the graceful figure of Yao Rao, but the cave was empty except for him, and the peerless beauty had already left.

At this moment, Qi Bei saw the shimmering blue text on the cave wall.

Travel two days south and you will be out of the Undead Mountain Range. We dont owe each other anything. Last night was just a dream, dont mention it to anyone or itll cause big trouble. If fate permits

The text ended there, but Qi Bei seemed to see a complex expression on Yao Raos face.

He laughed and murmured to himself, You think you can escape being my woman? What is fate, if I say we have it, we have it. You planted my dragon mark on your soul, even if you run to the ends of the earth, Ill still find you.

Feeling relaxed, Qi Bei began to check his own condition carefully.

At this point, the golden internal energy in his dantian had solidified significantly, and there was a hint of a dragon shape within it.Read latest chapters at Only

The first transformation of the Divine Dragon, its already complete. Qi Bei was stunned for a moment, then felt a surge of joy filling his entire body.

He circulated his internal energy in his hands, feeling the entire hand start to rapidly expand. Piece by piece, golden dragon scales covered his hands, and sharp claws extended out.

An irresistible and terrifying power filled his hands.

Qi Bei shouted loudly, his sharp claws smashing at the cave wall, and they cut through the hard rock like tofu.

Then he swiped his claws to the side, and the entire cave began to shake. It was about to collapse with just a simple attack.

However, Qi Beis internal energy had been depleted by half in an instant, meaning that he was almost out of energy.

But this was already terrifying enough. To suddenly use the Divine Dragon transformation in battle was enough to change ones fate.

Captain, I dont understand. Its been eight months already. Why doesnt the commander give up the search? One of the soldiers whispered.

Yeah, eight months. Even if its an earth-level warrior who ventured this deep into the Undead Mountain Range, its more likely to meet a bad end than anything else, another soldier chimed in.

At this moment, the big man at the tip of the arrow formation turned his head and shouted, Shut up! A soldiers duty is to obey orders. Also, you, Iron Head, do you think you can insult the commanders brother? If I hear it again, Ill skin you alive.

Captain, I, Iron Head, have my own opinion. I respect the commander, and if he ordered me to die, I wouldnt hesitate, but his brother Iron Head, the black-armored soldier, stubbornly replied. In the army, only fists were respected, and they looked down on those who were weak and helpless like young masters and misses.

The big man flashed in front of Iron Head, slapped him flying with one hand, and then followed up with lightning speed. He clamped Iron Heads head with his iron palm, causing his eyes to bulge and his tongue to stick out.

Because youve just entered the Black Armored Army, Ill give you a lesson. Otherwise, Ill skin you alive. The commander is our heaven, our god. He has a deep affection for Young Master Qi Bei. Insulting him is insulting the commander. Remember that for now. The big man spoke sternly and released his grip.

Yes, commander, Iron Head said, bowing his head, but his eyes still showed defiance.

Return to the team and continue the search, the big man said, shaking his head inwardly. Although he also looked down on Qi Bei, he would never show it. The Black Armored soldiers who had been with the commander for a long time knew how doting he was on his younger brother.

The team advanced about five miles before the leading big man suddenly had a change in his expression and made a few gestures to the men behind him.

The ten people immediately came together to form a standard defensive formation.

Suddenly, many undead creatures emerged from the jungle, rushing toward them like a pack of wolves smelling blood.

The whole team remained calm instead of panicking. It was evident how highly trained the soldiers of Black Armored Army were.

Da Niu, send out a distress signal. Everyone has one. Roll out the blade formation and retreat toward the back. The big man gave the order expressionlessly. The undead horde was enormous, with over a hundred creatures, and more undead were still emerging from behind.

They hadnt even penetrated deep into the Undead Mountains Range yet, and coming across such a large group of undead creatures was rare. Unfortunately, they had encountered them during the day.

A blaze shot up into the sky, exploding in a beautiful display of a roaring tiger shape above the thin black smoke covering the Undead Mountains.

Twenty miles away, Qi Bei easily chopped off the heads of three zombies when he suddenly saw the fireworks in the sky. He was momentarily stunned.

The Tigers Roar Signal? Isnt that the unique distress signal of the Black Armored Army under my elder brothers command? Qi Bei muttered, then headed toward the direction of the fireworks.