"What Yewushuang was also shocked. Murong Qingcheng got up in a hurry, put on her clothes and ran after her. She knew very well that Su Jue was in a very dangerous state. If she was not careful, the ice fairy who was wandering would "I'll go to the lady. You go to find the young master. Don't let him in. Otherwise, when the queen wakes up, it will be over."

The three quickly divided into two groups and rushed to the village.

At the same time, Zhou Yang's figure has come out of the hall where ice fairy usually goes out.

"Strange, why not? Isn't it closed?"

Su Jue had some doubts, so he wandered around and suddenly saw the fog not far away, and he didn't know where it was.

With curiosity, he went into the white fog and vaguely saw a small pool in the center with hot air.

"Hot springs There are hot springs here. "

Su Jue was so happy that he immediately took off his clothes and walked over. But just as he came near, he suddenly saw a man climbing on the stone platform floating in the middle of the hot spring.

From the figure, he judged that this is a woman, and a woman with good figure.

There are only two people with such good figure and skin in bingwuhai, they are goddess and ice fairy.

Ice fairy he thought it impossible, that woman a pair of everyone owes him millions of appearance, usually even the neck is not willing to leak out, it is impossible to take off inch repeatedly here to take a bath.

And it's like a goddess.

Think of this, Su never from a smile, motionless into the hot spring, and then climbed up the floating platform.

Although it's not positive, it's still attractive.

Su could not help but look down along the back of the incense, suddenly all over the blood gushing, can not help but bow down.

What surprised her was that her weight didn't wake up the goddess. He never believed that the goddess was asleep. He thought that she must pretend not to know. After all, women are shy.

Thinking of this, he was not polite. He moved, and the next moment he felt like he was on the cloud, feeling out of his mind.


Su Jue took a cool breath. At the moment, he felt like he was in Wanjing palace when he was married to the goddess.

The first time!

"No..." Su Jue, who had gone back to God, suddenly felt cold and turned over the goddess's head. Then he found that it was not the goddess at all, but Ice fairy!

He accidentally on the ice fairy, but also in its completely unknown circumstances.

"Who is it?"

Only at this time, ice fairy suddenly opened his eyes, and the stars burst out a touch of light. At the next moment, a powerful force directly opened Zhou Yangzhen's eyes.


The water was churning, and the ice fairy jumped up, and immediately put on a long skirt, staring at Su Jue in the water.

For a long time, ice fairy's hand came out from behind, and his eyes took a look. There was a trace of blood on it.

"Su Jue, I really want to kill you!"

With this, the water of the hot spring suddenly became ice, and the cold wind was blowing all around, showing a strong and incomparable murderous atmosphere.

At the moment, the ice fairy was extremely angry, because he knew that he had just become a real woman from a girl.

In 18000 years, she lived for 18000 years. She used to be the first lady of a big family. Even after the family declined, she supported the Black Sea by herself.

She is a queen and a noble ice fairy. She has never thought about men and women, so her first kiss is still there.

But it's a pity that although her first kiss is still there, the girl's body is no longer there.

"I I didn't mean to. I thought it was feng'er... " Su Jue was embarrassed.

"Feng'er You mean you and feng'er have already... "

Speaking of the ice fairy, he is more murderous. It's a foregone conclusion that he will lose his life, but I don't think even feng'er will be killed by this guy "She hasn't told you yet?" Su Jue doubts a way.

The ice fairy didn't say a word. He just felt that he couldn't stop trying to kill people. But this guy didn't kill each other. After all, the other party contributed to his own ice black sea, and it didn't look like a fake.

But what's the matter with me? I can't help him.

"I can make it up to you. Of course, if you let me be responsible, I will be responsible too." Su Jue got up and said.

Ice fairy turned his head, "dress me first."

Su Jue nodded and put on his clothes, then said: "I know it's very difficult for you to ice Wuhai now..."

"It's really difficult, but what can you do for me?"

Speaking of this, the ice fairy suddenly said, "what did you get in the Ninth Section of the Great Wall?"

"It's a secret. I'm afraid I'll tell you. I won't live long, but I can give you wealth and give you more resources to live in new places."


The ice fairy's eyes are freezing. How dare this guy treat himself as something that can be bought with money? "Who are you when I'm an ice fairy?"Su Jue took a black line and said, "in fact, I wanted to talk to you about it, but when I went to your palace and found you were not there, I wandered here, and then I took you as feng'er..."

"What do you mean by wealth?"

After a while, the ice fairy took a deep breath. She knew the situation very well. Since she had lost her life, she could not kill this guy. If she could get some benefits, she would get some.

"Great Wall BRICs!"

"Great Wall BRICs How many do you have? " Ice fairy urgent way.

"How much do you want?" Su Jue originally intended to pay only the part of Murong Qingcheng and yewushuang, but now it seems that he can't.

Ice fairy looked at Su Jue suspiciously and thought to himself, "does this guy have a lot of Great Wall gold bricks?" he said, "give me ten thousand Do you have any? "

"Ten thousand!" Su Jue was stunned.

Ice fairy a see Su Jue's facial expression then disappoint, "five thousand, five thousand always have."

"This..." Sue is in a bit of a dilemma.

"Is it a thousand?"

Ice fairy frowned, although said, 1000 already many, if exchange into gold leaf, that is 10 million gold leaf.

If you want to know that an ordinary elemental God of war is worth 100000 to 1 million gold leaves, most of the unparalleled God of war is less than 10 million.

However, she is a god of heaven and naturally has a high vision. What's more, the guy who killed a thousand swords has defiled her body.

"You don't have a thousand, do you?"

After a while, the ice fairy was disappointed.

"One hundred thousand. I'll give you one hundred thousand Great Wall gold bricks to make up for your loss. How do you think?" Su Jue also felt guilty.

"A hundred thousand!"

The ice fairy was stunned. One hundred thousand bricks of the Great Wall is a huge fortune. You should know that the total number of bricks they got on the Great Wall in recent years is just like this, and the site he bought in binghuoxing was only sixty thousand bricks of the Great Wall

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