Chapter 253

Name:Supreme Bloodline Author:
Seeing that Elder Xu shifted his expectant eyes to Qin Yang, Elder Du also had a flash of curiosity. When he saw that Qin Yang was only in the middle of the sixth level, he curled his lips in disdain, and even bet on it to one. For a mid-level sixth-level fighter, Star Academy is really getting more and more depraved!

At that moment, Elder Du casually greeted Elder Xu a few times before leaving.

There was also a gloomy look in Qin Yang's eyes. At this moment, Qin Yang really understood that the current status of Star Academy is so embarrassing. Think about who he met after he came from Star Academy to Galo Academy There is no contempt in the eyes, the difference is that some people hide it very well, while others can't hide it!

Thinking of this, Qin Yang also secretly made up his mind. When it comes to the finals, he must work hard and let these self-righteous people know that the genius in their eyes is nothing in his own eyes.

Time passed by. At this time, Elder Xu had led Qin Yang and the others to find the room specially prepared for them by Galo Academy. How did they know about it? It was very simple. And there are numbers behind the four words of Star Academy, which are number one to number nine.

During this period of time, three more colleges came here. These three colleges are Wangyue College, Langma College, and Scorching Sun College. Among them, Wangyue College ranked sixth among the nine colleges in the previous session. Led by Elder Lu from Wangyue College, among them, the seventh-level fighter of Wangyue College is called Zhang Xing.

Langma College ranked seventh among the nine colleges last year. It is led by the elders of Langma College, and the student of the seventh-level fighter is named Liu Yun!

As for Scorching Sun Academy, it ranked fifth among the nine colleges in the previous session. It is led by Elder Wan of Scorching Sun Academy, and the seventh-level fighter student among them is Han Ping.

In the evening, several colleges gathered together again, because the meals were all eaten in the hall, and several elders sat together, seemingly enjoying themselves, but Qin Yang knew that it was just a superficial phenomenon, and students, naturally One table for one school

However, what made Qin Yang helpless was that these students were dishonest when they ate, and they always looked around. When they saw the strength, they lowered their heads and muttered for a long time. It was a look of contempt.

There is no doubt that Qin Yang's table is definitely the most despised one. There is no way, among Qin Yang and others, only Yi Han is a sixth-level Dzogchen fighter, and he has just broken through. The rest, a just Breakthrough to the peak of the sixth level, one peak in the late level of the sixth level, and four just broke through the late level of the sixth level. And Qin Yang, the peak in the middle of the sixth level!

On the other hand, in other colleges, none of them are below the peak of the sixth level. Don't despise who they despise!

At the Elder Xu's place at this time, Elder Xu was also feeling uncomfortable all over. When he heard these elders say that some of their students are so powerful, they are already seventh-level fighters or the peak of sixth-level Dzogchen, and they are about to break through. Hate itchy teeth!

At this time, Elder Wan laughed and said:

"Hehe, Elder Xu, I wonder if there are any outstanding students in your academy?"

Hearing this, Elder Xu's face immediately turned dark, and the other elders also looked at Elder Xu jokingly. They knew very well that Star Yao Academy will not be talking about seventh-level fighters this year, even sixth-level Dzogchen But it's only one, and it's just broken through!

"Hey, I think the sixth-level Dzogchen warrior in your academy is not bad, he should be the strongest in your academy, but it's a pity, it can't work in our academy!"

Elder Zheng of Langma College also said provocatively

Enduring the anger in his heart, Elder Xu chuckled and said:

"Hehe, Yi Han is not the strongest in our academy, but someone else is the strongest in our academy"

"Oh, who is that?"

It was said that Elder Lu from Wangyue Academy was also interested, but Elder Xu just smiled and said nothing

At the moment, Elder Lu, Elder Zheng, and Elder Wan curled their lips in boredom. They thought it must be Elder Xu who was talking nonsense in order to restore the reputation of Star Academy.

Only Elder Du blinked his eyes thoughtfully, because Elder Du thought of Elder Xu's look of anticipation when he looked at someone during the day. At that moment, Elder Du turned his gaze to Qin Yang.

But no matter how Elder Du looked at it, he found that the opponent was only at the mid-level of the sixth level. Although he was about to break through, his strength at the end of the sixth level was not enough. Could it be that the opponent had concealed his true strength?

But it's not right, as a ninth-level fighter, it's impossible not to see through whether the opponent deliberately conceals his aura

Unable to figure it out, Elder Du stopped thinking about it. In Elder Du's heart, he couldn't believe that Star Academy, which was at the bottom every year, would have a dark horse this year.

At this moment, the door was opened again, but this time there were more people. Counting carefully, the remaining three colleges came together. These three colleges are Yonghui College, Manhattan College Academy, Shaoqing Academy.

As for the last Galo Academy, they will not live here. As hosts, they naturally have their own place to live, and Qin Yang believes that it must be much more gorgeous than theirs.

"Hahaha, Elder Yue, Elder Shi, and Elder Feng, you are really slow in coming!"

It was Elder Du who came forward to say hello enthusiastically again, but Qin Yang guessed that it was not that Elder Du was really so enthusiastic. I am afraid that Elder Du's main purpose was to spy on the military situation, and to know the specific situation of the other students at the first time

Seeing these elders and students, Qin Yang smiled helplessly again. The strength of the students of these colleges has become stronger. Except for one or two peak fighters of the sixth level, the rest are all the Dzogchen fighters of the sixth level

At this time, Elder Du laughed again and said:

"Well then, let me introduce your talented student!"

At that moment, the three elders proudly introduced the gifted students of their academy to everyone who was doing it.

Elder Yue, the leader of Yonghui Academy, the seventh-level powerhouse among the students is called Luo An

Elder Shi, the leader of Manha College, the seventh-level strongman among the students is Li Mei, a girl

Elder Feng, the leader of Shaoqing Academy, the seventh-level powerhouse among the students is called Yang Lian!

So far, all the contestants of the nine colleges have arrived, except for Galo College.

The third one is delivered! ! Everyone try to support it!