
of course, she also has something on her mind, that is, the unknown disaster in city A. therefore, she has to go back to city a every other month to observe the sky and breath there.

She would occasionally wonder why the ancient tombs in the west of that state were meaningful. Although they had been there, they could not understand the mystery.

In addition, there is the enemy Meng Tianxiao. He seems to have evaporated from the world. Yang Zimei follows the dragon to the United States day by day to search for him, but there is still no sound.

The black cat, attached to the master's soul, once returned to her side, letting her put down her hatred and live a good life of her own without thinking about revenge.

At the request of the martial uncle, Yang Zimei helps the martial uncle to separate his soul from the black cat and enter into reincarnation again.

Although Meng Tianxiao is hateful and has committed a crime of Xinzhu hard to write, his whole body has been destroyed by Yang Zimei. At most, he has only one life left to struggle in the world, and he can't raise any strong winds and waves.

Yang Zimei is confident that she can kill him as long as he appears within a few hundred kilometers.

Therefore, he was not taken into consideration.

Yang Zimei was very uncomfortable because she came to her aunt. In addition, the snow lake had not been seen. She was in a low mood. After a meal with Xiao Qian, she and long sat under the big tree at the door day by day to see if the white figure of the snow lake would appear.

The waiting time is very long and very difficult.

In order to divert attention, Yang Zimei also took out the black box that long Zhuoyue gave her, and began to open the switch by every possible means.

Day by day, the dragon also helps to explore.

I don't know where it was touched. The box suddenly made a loud click, and a strong light shot out of it, straight through the sky.

Because it's day time, this light is not very obvious, but at least there are several hundred watts of strong light.

The box vibrated slightly in Yang Zimei's hand, a very uneasy look.

In order to prevent in case, Yang Zimei quickly put the box on the ground.

The box actually spun on the ground, first slowly, then faster and faster, and finally like a gyroscope, the light emitted was also spinning, and the aperture was getting bigger and bigger.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Yang Zimei looked at the box and the light suspiciously. "It can't be the receiver of aliens. It's said that the civilization of ancient Egypt was not enough to build pyramids. There are many mysteries in it. It's speculated that aliens helped build them."

"It's possible."

The Dragon nodded day by day. "I used to be interested in pyramids. I found some murals in them, like flying saucers and receivers. The material of this box is obviously not made by earth's elements, and it's not surprising that it's probably from an alien planet

As soon as Yang Zimei heard it, her eyes were shining.

Ghost, death, she has seen a lot, almost did not see the legendary alien.

This is really an alien receiver. How wonderful it is to let them go for a walk around the alien world.

When she was daydreaming about Feifei, the aperture was already big enough to spread on her and the dragon day by day.

Suddenly there was another shrill sound from the box.

Yang Zimei and dragon suddenly feel the darkness in front of them day by day. Then they seem to enter a very fast space. Their bodies are squeezed and torn, and they are constantly being rolled into the dark distance


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