
"good, good!"

Yang De'an was completely frightened.

"What's more, the room is relatively large for children, at least 20 square meters."

Yang Zimei looked around the room area and said, "it's not good for children to live in such a big room."

"Why? Isn't it that the bigger and brighter the room, the more comfortable it will be? "

Huang De'an is very puzzled, but he has never heard of a small room.

"The children's room should be small rather than large. Because the space is too large, it is easy to lose human energy. It is best to control it under 12 square meters. For children under 7 years old or with weak physique, their housing should not exceed 10 square meters. Otherwise, the energy in the body can not fill such a large space, which will lead to weak body Qi."

Yang Zimei explained, "now Xiaodie is weak in body and Qi. Before she fully recovers, it's better to sleep with adults or keep the room smaller."

"Good, good!"

Huang De'an nods again.

Although Yang Zimei's tone of voice is very light, but in his ears, it is very convincing, so that he has to listen.

When she comes out of the room, Yang Zimei helps Xiaodie clean up the Yin and evil Qi in her body, and writes a JuYang Fu for Huang De'an to use a red cloth needle and hang it on Xiaodie's neck to gather the lost Yang Qi in her body.

"Well, uncle Huang, in the future, as long as you follow my instructions and pay a little attention, Xiaodie will grow up healthily like other children."

Yang Zimei felt a little tired and wanted to go home to see her mother, so she didn't want to stay longer. She got up and said, "I have to go home now. Something happened at home today."

"Xiaomei, what happened to your family? Can you help me, uncle Huang? " Huang De'an asked in a hurry.

Yang Zimei doesn't want to drag Huang De'an to Li Sheng. They are in the same officialdom. If Li Sheng turns his anger on him, it will be bad.

"Thank you, uncle Huang. It's nothing. I can handle it."

Yang Zimei declined politely.

"Well, you wait, little eyebrow."

Huang De'an enters his room, then takes out a big red envelope from it and hands it to her. "Xiaomei, I also heard that you can help people with divination and divination to see Fengshui. These are at least 100000 yuan. Uncle Huang doesn't have so much cash at home now, only 10000 yuan. Take it first and give it to you later."

Yang Zimei took only a hundred yuan note from the red envelope, bent over and handed the rest of the red envelope to Xiaodie. Then she stood up and said to Huang De'an, "Uncle Huang, I can call you uncle. The relationship between us is not a customer relationship. There is no need to worry about money. Your help to my father is priceless."

Seeing that she said this, Huang De'an was very moved, "Xiaomei, you are really a good child, Yang Qing has a daughter like you, which is really proud of."

"Thank you, uncle Huang. I'm leaving."

Yang Zimei said goodbye to Huang De'an and went out, only to find that it was already dusk and the lights were on.

She quickened her pace and entered an alley leading to her home.

There are not many people walking in this lane at ordinary times, because the light is dim, and there are high walls of residential areas on both sides, which makes it more remote and gloomy.

Naturally, Yang Zimei was not afraid of such gloomy alleys. No matter it was human beings or ghosts, they could not fight against her, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Deep alley, poor contact, a little short circuit of the dim yellow street lamp flicker from time to time, rendering a certain atmosphere.

Even Yang Zimei felt a little cold on his back


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