
only Yang Zimei and Tengmu are left in the principal's office.

Rattan touched his cheek, and his eyes hidden behind the black mirror frame looked at Yang Zimei with inquiring eyes.

Yang Zimei raised her eyebrows and met her.

Rattan slightly avoided her sight, reached out and said, "we are big Japan. We always advocate martial arts and fairness. If you defeat our sumo, I will not dispute with you. However, please return the pentagonal ornament that you took away."

"It's OK, but you have to explain to me the origin of those two ornaments, otherwise, they won't be returned."

Yang Zimei studied the wumang star in his hand for a long time, but he couldn't find out the reason why it could make his Yin evil spirit reverse. He didn't put any seal on it.

The most important thing is that Zhen Zi, who has never asked for desire, actually asked her for it this time. After wearing it, it seems that some wonderful changes have taken place.

Therefore, she is full of curiosity about the origin of the pentagram ornament.

"It's just a protective gift from our national master. It's not a valuable thing, but it's very precious to them."

Vines are patient.

Since the little girl in front of her eyes can knock down the three sumo wrestlers in her own country, it must be unusual to let Li Sheng hit her in the face just now.

Therefore, he did not dare to peep at her and kept a certain degree of caution towards her.

"Oh? That's it? "

Yang Zimei was a little disappointed and continued to ask, "is your national teacher good at Yin and Yang?"? How old are you? Why did he send those two sumo accessories? "

"I'm sorry, but I can't answer your questions. Because I have never met our great national teacher. "

Rattan road.

"I've already used those two ornaments, and I can't return them to you. Well, I'll compensate you for the loss. Just tell me how much you want."

Yang Zimei saw that rattan's attitude towards her became better, and her tone naturally relaxed.

If you give me a foot, I'll give you back.

If you are not good to me, I will report it.

This has always been her attitude towards people.

Moreover, Fujiki is the Japanese ambassador to China. She does not want to see the Buddhist noodles as well as the monks' faces. She does not want to cause any problems in the diplomatic relations between the two countries because of her temporary mood.

She couldn't afford it.

She is not afraid to fight a single person.

However, in this world, no one can beat the national machine.

Rattan's face changed slightly and shook his head. "As I said just now, those two things are very precious to them, and they can't be bought by money."

He pointed to the mahogany card hanging on Yang Zimei's neck. "I believe that mahogany card on Miss's neck is the most precious one for you. If I take it and give you money, would you like it?"

Yang Zimei reached out and touched the mahogany.

Indeed, even if the world's money and jewelry are stacked in front of her, she is not willing to change out the mahogany card.

"Miss, you have an old saying in China, do not do to others what you don't want. You don't want others to take away your precious things with money. So do our Mr. sumo. Please be considerate."

Tengmu is indeed a man who has been a diplomat for so many years. His words are tactful but powerful, which makes people unable to find a basis to refute.

What's more, Yang Zimei is not an eloquent person.


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