Chen Jie came to the teaching building outside Sanhua town.

"This building is as like as two peas."

Looking at the building in front of him, Chen Jie couldn't help feeling.

This building is really like that weird teaching building, but it is more simple and clear, and there is no magic array like the center.

The building has only two floors. All the doors and windows on the first floor are closed, so that Chen Jie can't see the scene inside. The voice of teaching and learning from the underground courtyard came from the upstairs, and it went directly to Chen Jie's ears on the first floor.

Chen Jie slowly ascended the stairs, while climbing the stairs, he generally observed the whole building. Although the first floor is only a few hundred square meters, it is divided into many rooms. Unfortunately, all the doors and windows on the first floor have been closed. Otherwise, Chen Jie would have pushed the door to have a look.

When the teacher saw someone outside, he stopped talking for a moment. He didn't even look at Chen Jie. He just nodded to Chen Jie to come in and continue his lesson.

Chen Jie didn't care. He said in secret, "according to Premier Nalu, every teaching is at least the cultivation of the highest level of the divine realm or even the heavenly order. I really want to respect them."

Yes, they are the peak of the divine realm and even the heaven realm. What if they are arrogant?

Chen Jie smiles and looks around the house. It's a big place with hundreds of square meters, occupying most of the second floor.

I don't know how the college thinks about it. It places all the students in the back of the teaching house, while the teaching is in the front of the teaching house. The open space in the middle is made of some special metal. I don't know what the purpose is.

He stepped in and there were only two people inside.

One is a beautiful girl with black hair and waist. Even if she leans lazily on the table, she also has the posture of sinking fish and falling geese.

Although her facial features are not very good-looking when picked out alone, there is a natural feeling when combined, which is very pleasing to the eye.

Seeing Chen Jie coming in, the girl understood Chen Jie's identity and gave him a smile.

Those who can come here are all disciples of the underground courtyard. Otherwise, they are not qualified to come in and can't come in.

Naturally, this girl is one of Chen Jie's two elder martial sisters, but I don't know whether she is the fourth elder martial sister or the sixth elder martial sister.

There is another who makes Chen Jie's scalp numb.

A little monk with a bald head and a Taoist robe was sitting not far from the girl when he saw Chen Jie come in. He just took a look at Chen Jie and continued to listen to the lectures of the college.

Isn't this the ninth elder martial brother Chen Jie met in heita?

Chen Jie remembers that the ninth elder martial brother heard what he said that day. Instead, he flew faster and became a scene where the shadow disappeared directly. He felt a little speechless.

The girl's smart big eyes saw Chen Jie's embarrassment, and gently waved to Chen Jie to come and sit beside him, which made Chen Jie less embarrassed.

There were only 20 seats in total. The girl sat in the middle of one side, and the little monk sat in the middle of the other side. No matter what he did, he would meet someone.

Fortunately, the elder martial sister helped herself out.

Chen Jie went to her and sat down. He said in a low voice, "I'm Chen Jie, the twelve disciples of the underground courtyard."

That young girl is a tiny smile, say: "I know, I am your six elder martial sister, cloud smoke."

Then, the professor seemed to arrive at the critical moment. The girl's expression became serious, and then she stopped talking and stared at the front.

Seeing the latter's seriousness, Chen Jie was naturally witty. He no longer bothered the sixth elder martial sister, but began to listen to the lectures himself.

How to improve your strength without improving your accomplishments?

The answer is simple, combat skills.

Combat skill seems to be a very thin four words, but it contains a lot of content.

How to kill the opponent quickly and reduce the loss when the strength exceeds the opponent?

How to kill a group of opponents quickly and efficiently?

How to find an opportunity to defeat an opponent when he is stronger than himself or to escape?

How to use all the favorable conditions to influence the opponent, such as sunshine, air, water, forest or land, when fighting. How to use them to enhance their own strength and then defeat the enemy?

Chen Jie benefited a lot from these things that the old teacher of that Prefecture yard talked about all afternoon.

Although Mr. Xi is not a celestial realm, he is just the peak of the divine realm, his experience in this field seems to be extremely powerful, even if he is just an ordinary person without the strength of the peak of the divine realm.

However, Chen Jie found that as long as the old teacher was given enough time to prepare, he could definitely ambush a strong man in heaven.

"The strong one in heaven is not a monster, but also a man. Since he is a man, he will be injured and die."

When Lao Jiaoxi said this, his yellow eyes flashed a ray of light, just like a hunter seeing his prey.

In Lao Jiaoxi's view, although Tianjing is a very strong person, as long as you let him suffer very serious injuries, such as the upper body turned into blood stains, such as a cracked head, he will die.

As he looked at the crowd with a kind smile, Lao Jiaoxi talked about how to kill the enemy, how to use Yin moves in battle, and how to defeat the enemy when his strength was less than the enemy.

The foaming old teacher talked all afternoon, from the time Chen Jie came in at noon to the yellow sand at sunset. However, he seemed not tired at all. He grabbed the books in front of him and turned to walk away. He only heard the sound of the stairwell coming down the stairs.

Chen Jie swallowed a mouthful of saliva and wanted to ask the elder martial sister a question.

When elder martial sister Yunyan saw Chen Jie's appearance, she opened her lips and said, "this professor is called Yingliu. When she didn't join kansui college, she was the most terrible killer of the kingdom of water. There are many places where she died in his hands."

When Chen Jie heard these words, he became pale as a ghost and asked, "in this case, why didn't he escape and come to kansui college? Doesn't the Empire blame the academy? "

Cloud smoke is a faint smile, as if the terrible killer is just a street old man who can only play tricks. He said: "he is a killer who works for his country. He used to be the first killer of the Empire. Naturally, he will not be investigated."

"As for why he came to kansui college, it was because Dean Jing was kind to him."

Chen Jie looked into Yunyan's eyes, swallowed his saliva and said, "this... Is really a cruel man."

Do you want to kill Tianjing? It must be a joke.

But this old man named Yingliu did it, more than once.

"It turns out... Combat skills are such an important thing."