Although the monks can't be disturbed when they are practicing, they are only concerned when they don't drive the practitioners out of the cultivation state.

What's the meaning of Chen Jie if those oppressive actions can't be practiced?

He now understood that the significance of the existence of the black tower was to let the students in the underground courtyard stand the test of these oppressions, and then practice in it to get the horrible cultivation speed.

Chen Jie holds his head and goes back to his home step by step. Then he lies on the bed without moving.

Then, the snoring like thunder spread all over the villa, and even faintly brought some echoes.

In the extreme, sleeping is the best way to replenish energy no matter how.

He was too tired. In the black tower, he had been under the double pressure of spirit and body for tens of minutes. Chen Jie wanted to break through his limit, but he didn't notice that the congeniality in his body was very serious, and even some internal injuries occurred.

And regardless of Chen Jie's physical injury, even Chen Jie's spirit has been hurt.

Although Chen Jie's spiritual strength is strong enough, he has been oppressed by the spiritual strength of the seventh level peak of Shenjing, and also suffered a lot of damage.

The key is that in the real world, there is a limit to the opponent's mental strength. It will not directly oppress Chen Jie's soul like this.

The power of the black tower is almost endless. After all, Chen Jie is only his own power, unable to resist the endless spiritual power in the black tower.

"I'm just the peak of the fifth level of the divine realm. If I upgrade my cultivation to the sixth level of the divine realm, I can definitely stay in the black tower for a longer time."

Although his body and soul suffered great pain and even suffered some damage during the dozens of minutes he stayed in the black tower, it made Chen Jie's body and soul fit more and more, and the more effective he could play.

For example, Chen Jie's current nerve reaction speed is 0.01 second, that is to say, the body must go through 0.01 second before it can make the corresponding action.

After all the pressure from the black tower, Chen Jie felt that his control over his body was a little higher than before!

If this kind of benefit always exists, then after a hundred times and a thousand times of black tower pressure training, Chen Jie's reaction speed makes him feel scared!

When fighting with the enemy, if your reaction speed can beat the other side, you can beat the opponent directly until he is dead.

At the same time, Chen Jie, oppressed by the black tower, has a wonderful feeling that his soul has become more solid and his body is gradually developing in a higher direction.

"Although this coercion has no substantial help to improve my mental strength, it can help my soul become more solid, and my ability to resist mental attacks has become stronger."

Chen Jie felt his mental strength carefully and found that his judgment was correct.

Indeed, after a long period of spiritual pressure from the black tower, Chen Jie's soul has solidified a little. You know, there is no chance to experience this endless mental pressure in the outside world.

Although this feeling is not good at all, Chen Jie believes that as long as he can survive the initial difficult period of time, he will surely get more wonderful benefits from the black tower.

Chen Jie has been sleeping in bed for a long time. When he wakes up, he is already in the sun. He looked through the calendar beside his bed and knew that he had been sleeping all day and night.

"Damn, I'll never go to that black tower again."

Chen Jie spat and felt helpless.

Although heita has infinite magical effect, it is obvious that you have to bear the pressure of omnipresent and all-round oppression.

Although it is not fatal, it is obvious that every time you go in, you will spend a lot of energy, and when you come out, you will be exhausted.

Chen Jie sleeps all day and night, which is the best portrayal of his great energy consumption.

Since Chen Jie began to refine the dark golden fog, he has never had a serious sleep for several times. When refining the dark golden fog, there will be a very pure mental force to supplement his consumed mind. Naturally, Chen Jie does not need to supplement his wasted energy through sleep.

However, as a tradition handed down by human beings for thousands of years, sleep naturally has many advantages, and the recovery of energy is also the fastest in sleep. Otherwise, why does the body fall into self-protection system when it is fatally threatened, and directly fall into coma and deep sleep.

"In another day, it will be the first class teacher's lecture that day."

Chen Jie still has a lot of confidence in the teachers of kanshui University. Since he saw no less than seven or eight strong people in kanshui University, his attitude towards kanshui university has changed from indifferent to important.

If there are so many strong people willing to be teachers in the college, will the hidden power of the college be poor?

Moreover, there are four magic black towers in the four academies, which can bring many benefits to students.

The four black pagodas, according to the generals, are "the incomplete parts of the four ancient artifacts, and four twelfth of a real artifact."

All the artifacts left over from ancient times are the ultimate weapons that can destroy the heaven and the earth. Even the swords are not ancient artifacts, but can barely stand in the ranks of artifacts.

If this is not four incomplete artifact parts, but a whole artifact, Cannes college will not keep it. It will be taken as its own treasure by the strong beyond the heaven.

At this moment, Chen Jie understood why this college separated Huang Xuandi and Tian's four academies at the expense of countless human and material resources.

The original reason is that these four black pagodas are incomplete parts of artifact, which have many undetected magical functions.

But it is just a defective part of the artifact, which makes Chen Jie and other students have such a change. What if it's a complete artifact? It's a terrible scene, isn't it?

Such an artifact, maybe a humble monk like Chen Jie, will turn into powder at the touch of it.

Chen Jiejing is sitting on the balcony of the villa. He can feel that his level barrier has gradually loosened and is about to break through to the sixth level of Shenjing.

As long as you reach the sixth level of Shenjing, Chen Jie will be able to get the martial commander level certification of the hunter headquarters!

Although Chen Jie's accomplishments are still at the general level, don't forget that Chen Jie has a special talent that few people have, so he can raise his rating to the next level.

In other words, as long as Chen Jie reaches the sixth level of Shenjing, he can formally take over the task of Wushuai level!