"This... Should be one of the most famous swords in the world in ancient China, the male swordsman of moye!"

"The male sword is so powerful that it overflows the sword itself and becomes a solid aura sword shell!"

"In the years of attrition, gradually in no aura outside the sword shell accumulated a lot of dirt, just become what you see!"

Chen Jie can't hide his excitement. One of the ancient Chinese artifact, the male and female swords of moye, has been found by himself!

In the ancient Chinese historical legend, Ganjiang was a sword maker who only knew how to forge swords. He wanted to make a name for himself and his wife, change their poverty, and live a proud and glorious life.

So he took his best works to visit the world's swordsmen and challenge them.

He cut off the works of countless famous craftsmen and soon became a recognized master of sword casting. Naturally, the swordsmen who had their signboards smashed would like to have him skinned and cramped.

There is a great sword casting master who has lived in seclusion for a long time. People say that his sword can not only cut iron like mud, but also has the spirit of sword.

Many of the disciples of the master were defeated by the sword of the general, so the disciples of the master united to complain to the master and asked him to go out and teach the general.

So, the master sent a visit and challenge to the cadre.

The general is very excited, because he is the real first man to cast sword after he has defeated the master!

But when he came to the house at the appointed time, the master didn't even show up. He just put an ordinary iron sword in front of the house.

The general is very angry, and he splits his masterpiece on this ordinary sword, trying to split it as heavily as before.

Unexpected things happened. As soon as the general's sword touched the ordinary iron sword, it turned into pieces. The general himself was hit far away by the rebound force!

When the disciples watched the generals fly out, they felt a bad breath. They laughed at the generals, brought the news to the world, and gave them back the humiliation they had suffered in the past.

The general ran down the mountain, burning with the anger of failure.

When he got home, he did not challenge other swordsmen any more and began to repeat his daily life.

Ten years later, his furnace never went out. Every sword produced is sharper than the last one.

However, the sword made by the generals is always a dead sword. The difference between a dead sword and a living sword is the same as the difference between cloud and mud.

He was so absorbed in making a living sword that he completely forgot his original intention. He didn't even know that his wife was getting sick and was getting weaker.

The story of madman casting sword spread to the conspirators at that time.

Everyone was interested in him. A man who called himself the emperor of the East paid a visit to the generals and led him to the place of seal, where stood a huge sword.

The general immediately recognized that this was one of the master's works - "the sword of the emperor".

"This sword is the first sword since ancient times. His name is Diyi. There is a very powerful sword spirit in it."

"He is not only a sword, but also a seal to suppress a wild beast in heaven. Anyone who approaches it will be torn apart by invisible force."

Above the divine realm is the realm that can destroy the heaven and the earth, smash the mountains and rivers, and wave away half of the rivers and rivers!

"If you help me destroy this sword, you can achieve your wish and become the greatest and most outstanding swordsman."

The Eastern Emperor's plan was effective and difficult: to make a sharper sword and cut off Diyi.

"Before that, I'll tell you the secret of sword spirit."

The cadres crazily hold their heads and can't believe what they hear.

The Eastern Emperor handed him a piece of Jidao Longyan iron left from ancient times, and asked him to forge a sword that could cut off emperor Yi.

After burning for 49 days and nights, Longyan iron showed no sign of melting in any case.

The general's eyes are full of despair, and his heart is full of struggle. The forging of this sword, in the mouth of the Eastern Emperor, must have a sacrifice of life, in order to let the sword live!

He was so absorbed that he didn't even notice his wife's silent approach.

Ten days ago, his wife received a letter from the Eastern Emperor. The Eastern Emperor was afraid that he would not be able to forge a sword. Instead, he would be killed by the refined iron, so he told his wife the secret of casting a sword.

His wife's body has long been no hope of good treatment, she tried to adhere to the sword without disturbing the cadres, but finally, she felt that her time was running out.

His wife looked at the pain of the fireside cadres, eyes shed a few drops of tears, jump into the high temperature of the terrible sword furnace.

Before the general could react, he saw a figure in the huge sword casting furnace. It was his wife moye!

The general roared bitterly, but at this time, the refined iron suddenly changed, and gradually formed a sword embryo, with the appearance of a peerless sword.

The joy of success watered down the grief of his wife's death, and the cadre gave full play to his strength. Finally, on a rainy night with lightning and thunder, he forged a peerless sword and named it after his wife. Moye!

The general took it to see the Eastern Emperor. Sure enough, the sword spirit of moye sword collided with the sword spirit of emperor Yijian, killed the sword spirit of emperor Yijian, and chopped up emperor Yijian!

With a faint smile, the Eastern Emperor flew him hundreds of meters away. The general spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at the Eastern Emperor resentfully.

However, the Eastern Emperor and the dragon shaped wild beast rushed out of the sword tomb into one, and they rushed up to the sky in a flash. They only heard a dragon chant that shocked the heaven and earth, and they never saw anything again.

"From now on, I am the king!"

The cadre returned home lonely, he forged the world's first sword, but lost his favorite wife.

The general took good care of his injury and went to visit the master again.

Open the door, the courtyard is withered and withered. If you look inside, the master has already become a bone in a tombstone.

Ganjiang's painful roaring, now, he even has no meaning to live in the world.

The general decided to cast himself into a sword to accompany his wife forever.

One night later, there was no more swordsman in the world.

Only sharp and powerful: "Ganjiang moye sword"

Chen Jie finished, he Sicheng was said to be dizzy.

He only knew that this sword was a legend in legend!

Chen Jie doesn't even dare to untie the energy shell of the sword. Once the shell is untied, the spirit of the sword will wake up and send out the power to frighten the world!

At least, he won't untie the seal of this sword until he has enough strength.

He Sicheng nodded slightly, pondered for a moment, said: "brother Chen, do you have your own martial arts?"

With a good sword, it's natural to have matching skills.

Now the goal is to find a martial art that is worthy of this sword!