v3 Chapter 331: He is not convinced! [First, please subscribe to the monthly ticket]

Name:Super Storm Author:Chen Aiting
The locker room was terribly quiet!

Everyone has no strength to speak, quietly, even dare not breathe hard.

The final score in the first half was one to one. Argentina tied the Chinese team's goal.

This is a very painful blow for the Chinese players who have taken the lead at the beginning and have received many opportunities later.

In fact, after the lead, when Argentina pressed out to play, as long as their ability to seize the opportunity is a little better, then the suspense of this game is gone.

Sometimes, football matches are like this.

Strength limits the player's play.

After the tie was scored, everyone regretted it.

Yang Yang did his best.

He was closely guarded by Argentina throughout the first half. Sabaletta was entangled with him almost all the time. He expanded his range of activities. He kept creating opportunities for his teammates, but he was still unable to grasp.

He couldn't blame his teammates because they tried their best.

No one can blame someone who has done their best, but the result is disappointing, isn't it?

After this kind of lead was tied, the blow to the leader was really great, especially to China.

The whole world knows that the psychological qualities of Chinese players are very fragile, and they always fall off the chain at the critical moment.

Yang Yang has no doubt that if he plays the second half with the current mental outlook, it goes without saying that he will lose.

Many players have even begun to lack confidence, and they have begun to shake their faith in winning. How do they play?

Such things as faith are often not meant to be what you want.

It is not controlled at all.

But you can fight for it!

Yang Yang stood up from his seat.

This sudden move surprised everyone in the dressing room.

Many people don't even dare to look at him, worrying that he will become angry.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yang looked directly at everyone, and he was very clear and powerful.

"I am confident that I can still score in the second half!"

A simple sentence made everyone in the dressing room look up and looked at him in disbelief.

Can you still score?

is it possible?

But he did enter in the first half!

Before the game, he asked the head coach to give him ten minutes, and he scored in the ninth minute.

That was the first shot of the game, and he immediately seized the opportunity.

Now, he says, he can still score in the second half.

What does this mean?

"I need you to help me keep the goal, I can't give Argentina a chance to score, and I will beat Argentina with a goal, I have absolute confidence in this!" Yang Yang said forcefully.

The locker room was still quiet, only Yang Yang's voice seemed to be echoing.

Is he trustworthy?

Of course, if he did not come forward again and again at a critical moment, can the Chinese team reach the final?

Can he do it?

Maybe, maybe not, but is that important?

"I support you!" Chen Tao stood up first.

"Me too, I believe you can do it." Feng Xiaoting also said.

"There is also me, nothing to say, I can do anything, even if it is a defender." Gao Lin shouted.

"Count me." Zhou Haibin also stood up.

"Me." Hao Junmin raised his hand.

Cui Peng was also infected, stood up, and gritted his teeth: "I'm relatively lazy, but when I get to this, I'm not willing to lose. I will fight hard in the second half, I believe you can score!

Teammates also stood up one after another and expressed their opinions one after another.

Krauchen just stood there from start to finish, and didn't move, just watched quietly.

At this moment, he feels that he is somewhat redundant in this team.

At this time, any tactics and any adjustments are meaningless.

What they need is faith.

Klauchen suddenly remembered what Arsenal coach Arsenal Wenger once said.

"To reach the peak level, players need to have unreasonable self-confidence. All great football players have this unreasonable optimism. If a football player does not know how to rule out the shadow of his inner doubts, then he cannot inspire Your own maximum potential. "

At this moment, Klauchen suddenly realized that Yang Yang would become a great football player.

Because he always has a self-confidence that is beyond common sense.

Not only that, his confidence can deeply affect everyone around him.

Perhaps, even with confidence, this game may lose, but without confidence, you may not even win.

What's more, even if they really lose, those with confidence can often get up faster.



The second half begins.

Neither side made substitutions during the intermission.

The Argentine team basically continued the situation in the first half, continued to control the situation on the court, and methodically pressed against the Chinese team. Obviously, after equalizing the score in the first half, they were more patient and more stable.

The Chinese team put away the defense steadily and waited for the opportunity to fight back.

Just three minutes into the opening, Argentina created an opportunity.

Or midfielder Arthubi shot a long shot outside the penalty area and missed the goal slightly, which made everyone shocked by the cold sweat and also grabbed the lead for Argentina in the second half.

Yang Yang realized that there was a problem in the team's midfield and immediately retreated to the left. At the same time, he constantly called on his teammates to remain calm and sensible, and don't mess up.

"You have confidence in me!" Yang Yang shouted forcefully.

Chen Tao on the right also followed the defense, leaving a Gao Lin in front of the opposing defender.

Argentine step by step, slowly overwhelmed the midline.

The Chinese team has organized a strict defense, determined to protect the goal.

Everyone tried their best to run and cover on the field, fighting for every ball and every chance.

Argentina's attack was stubbornly attacked.

In the stands, Chinese fans sang the **** national anthem, and they wanted to support players on the court in this way.

Fans in the Netherlands were also encouraged and kept cheering for the Chinese team.

Ajax players also felt this spirit in the game on the court.

Before, they were not aware of the stadium, but now people are sitting in the stands, looking very excited.

The overall strength of the Chinese team is indeed too weak, but very tenacious.

Each of them seemed to be guarding a last hope, wandering on the death line, struggling.

Maybe some people can't understand, why do you still struggle?

But when the fifty-eighth minute, Argentina passed the ball and the opportunity came, they understood.

Cui Peng tackled the ball and kicked the ball to the club's teammate Zhou Haibin.

After Zhou Haibin got the ball, he immediately sent it to Gao Lin's feet.

The Chinese team's high center blocked Garrett with his body, stopped the ball and went back to do it.

At this time, Hao Junmin just inserted from the back, after receiving the ball from the front, he took the opportunity to evacuate to the Argentine defense.

Yang Yang just retreated to the 30-meter zone defense, but at this time, it was at the fastest speed, like a red arrow, quickly inserted from the left straight ahead, and slammed Zabaleta with speed. The Argentine player is behind him.

The moment Yang Yang caught up with the ball, there was a burst of exclamation in the entire Gaogenhuad Stadium.

Even many fans have jumped from their seats with excitement.

Yang Yang caught up with the ball and rushed into the penalty area all the way.

Argentine right centre-back Paletta furiously chased back all the way, blocking Yang Yang's right side.

Goalkeeper Ustari stood on the left side of the goal, bent over and spread his arms, waiting for Yang Yang to get up.

On the right is the defensive player, who kicks the goal without a shot angle.

Ustari and Passata have blocked all shooting angles.

How to do?

Yang Yang made a sudden stop in the penalty area and dunked the ball.

This sudden change surprised Pasata, and the whole person wanted to stop with it, but he rushed a bit.

After Yang Yang stopped, leaned on the left shoulder with Pasata's left shoulder. After his left foot stabilized his body, his right foot took the ball a step towards the middle. By the way, he adjusted it quickly. Line ball.

Hit the far corner!

"Yang Yang! Yang Yang !!! Yang Yang !!!"

"Goal !!!"

"My God, the fifty-eighth minute! The fifty-eighth minute!"

"Yang Yang once again exceeded the score with a goal!"

"This is an impressive counterattack. Yang Yang drove the ball for more than 40 meters. With his personal ability, he just scored again at the foot of the Argentine!"

"Two to one, now the Chinese team is taking the lead again!"


The entire Gaogenhuad Stadium is completely frying!

All the fans rushed out of the seats and shouted Yang Yang's name.

Ibrahimovic and Maxwell and Yang Yang's buddies even screamed with anger.

Yang Yang ’s parents, uncle Shen Ming and his wife, Su Wenhong and their husbands and relatives all stood up one after another. Many people were even moved to tears by the atmosphere of the scene, and Su Ye was biting her lower lip with excitement Bleeding.

She knows that she has known for a long time that she knew from the Champions League final last year that she will never forget him!

I ca n’t forget that figure who never quits on the court!


"Great Yang Yang!"

"We can no longer describe it with any words!"

"I can only say, Yang Yang, I really want to kneel for you!"


"When the team needs you most, you can come forward every time, you can do almost anything!"

"Yang Yang's expression is so shocking! It's so wonderful!"


The narrator, the audience in the stands, and the fans in front of the TV were shocked by Yang Yang's goal.

Players on the field are not too much.

The Argentine players were hit hard, while the Chinese players were incredible.

He really scored! He really scored again!

At the opening, Yang Yang said that he could score, and he really made it.

He said at midfield that he was still able to score and he really entered again!

If there is really a **** on the football field, then Yang Yang is a god!

And it is an omnipotent god!

All Chinese players rushed to Yang Yang, and everyone carried a kind of veneration.

Behind them, on the court, on the eighteenth of Argentina, Rio Messi clenched his fists and gritted his teeth to watch Yang Yang frantically celebrating on the sidelines.

He heard Yang Yang's name almost shouting throughout the audience.

He is not convinced!