But after seeing the people have already rushed up, these people are no longer hesitant, directly began to fight.

The elder also directly rushed up and found the same Terran friar who was the peak of Wuji.

Which martial peak of the Terran friar in the fight with the big elder in the moment, saw the big elder's head is already rabbit hair, began to change a trace of white rabbit ears, stupefied,.

"Are you also of the ancient race?" he lost his voice

The elder sneered, "Hunyuan jade rabbit clan."

After that, he didn't want to talk too much nonsense about this man any more. He directly rushed forward and started to wave his fist fiercely towards the monk of Wuji level.

There was no good temper on his face when he talked to Lin yaoyang.

At this time, the clan leader also joined in the battle, and with the other two elders of Hunyuan Yutu clan, it can be said that the number of Lin yaoyang on their side still has an advantage.

There is also an extra friar of Wuji level, who is more than an elder, and what four Martial Emperor level friars are trapped by one person, making them struggle in their own publicity.

Lin yaoyang's whole body is flashing light, while controlling the array in his hands, while facing the opposite savage straight forward.

The whole body is covered with black and blue light.

The distance between them is quite close. When savage saw Lin yaoyang rushing towards him so fiercely, there was a trace of anger on his face.

Lin yaoyang was so arrogant that he was just a monk at the rank of Emperor Wu. He was actually very open and open in front of himself at the level of Wu Ji. He did not show any fear at all.

However, when savage was ready to stay in front of Lin yaoyang.

At this time, Lin yaoyang, who was rushing towards him, had a shadow behind him. In the shadow, the Dragon leaped and the tiger leaped, and there was even a faint sound of real howling coming from it.

And with the approaching of Lin yaoyang's body, the smell of Lin Dazhuang's whole body is covered with savage.

Savichton felt that he had a feeling of being unable to move.

Savage's face was cold. How could he, himself, suffer losses in the hands of a Martial Emperor level monk.

If so, what face would he have to return to the family,

savage's surprised look in his eyes disappeared completely, although this guy had been showing a very careless appearance before.

However, savage is a very cunning man with all kinds of intrigues and tricks.

seeing Lin yaoyang's blow with extraordinary momentum, he decided that he could not resist it.

As Lin yaoyang came to him, savage's figure was empty and he yelled: "Yalong's shadow."

Lin Yaoyang saw Savage as like as two peas in Savage.

Moreover, this virtual shadow, like savage, launched an attack on Lin yaoyang, who was

holding a strange shaped bone sword in his hand, stabbed Lin yaoyang's chest.

Seeing this, Lin yaoyang flashed a trace of fierce color in his eyes, without any intention of yielding.

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