Xia Yu said that he had never heard of Mu Xiaoyu, and Lu Fei was excited.

"How can you not have heard of Mu Xiaoyu? He is the most dazzling star in our primary school department. He has been the champion of fighting in the city since the second grade of primary school. It is said that he is still a young master of some family, and he is super handsome..."

Xia Yu to a: "these reasons, which one I must know?"

"You Children can't stand the people they like are not recognized, Lu Fei said angrily, "ignore you!"

Xia Yu said with a smile: "ignore the best, I go back first."

Lu Fei wanted to get angry and go ahead first. After hearing Xia Yu say so, she immediately turned back and grabbed him and said, "no, you can't go in with me."

When she entered the gymnasium, because there were so many people, Xia Yu simply took Mu Yingshi's shoulder and took her with her. Lu Fei couldn't see it, and said in a soft voice, "teacher Xia, in public, can you pay attention to the influence?"

Xia Yuqi said: "what impact is not good, Mu teacher's eyes can not see, now there are many people, I am forced to do so, what's your opinion?"

"I'll do it!" Lu Fei breaks Xia Yu's hand and holds Mu Yingshi's arm. Xia Yu rolled his eyes, and Mu Yingshi laughed, without refuting.

A challenge arena has been set up in the center of the gymnasium. Many students from the primary school department came to the arena and surrounded it. All the students from the student union came out. In addition, the members of Taekwondo, karate and Jeet KUNDO in the primary school department worked together to maintain order. It was not easy to clear the arena from the coach rest area.

In addition to their own system of competitions, there is also a free combat. As the name suggests, there are no too many rules for free combat. In addition, to accept the application of any martial arts association, it can be said that to win the championship, the gold content is the biggest, which is much more powerful than the simple Sanda champion karate champion. After all, this is all martial arts clubs Can participate in the Wulin grand meeting.

Of course, Xia Yu didn't know that at all. He's just watching.

Lu Fei saw Ouyang from a distance and some of his classmates had already occupied a good position in the crowd. He immediately pushed Xia Yu into the crowd. Although this behavior was very hateful, many primary school people knew Lu Fei and Mu Yingshi, and also knew that Xia Yu was the leader of the leading class in Xinjin primary school. Everyone didn't say anything and let them pass.

At the meeting place, Lu Fei asked Ouyang Tiantian, "what's the matter

Ouyang does not have a good airway every day: "what's the matter? It hasn't started yet."

"Where's Xiaoyu?"

"I've said it several times. Don't make a fool of yourself and call me so numb. I'm familiar with you?" Ouyang rolled a white eye every day, a pair of helpless appearance, "you are all good, is this aspect cannot hold."

"Poof..." Xia Yu stares at Lu Fei, "are you already in Xiaoyu?"

Lu Fei's face was flushed, she stamped her feet and said, "what nonsense! It's worship. Don't use words indiscriminately. If you can't learn Chinese well, it's all due to teacher Xia's failure to teach well! "

Ouyang turned his mouth every day and said, "don't engage in blind worship. When the time comes, Mu Xiaoyu will hook his fingers. Can you hold on to that crazy flower?"

Xia Yu followed up, "I seconded."

Lu Fei became angry: "you two mean it, don't you? You come to see Ouyang every day? "

"I'm a pure martial arts fan," Ouyang said coolly, "I'm just a martial arts fan. I'll watch anyone who comes to the final. You'll see people. How can I be the same as you?"

Lu Fei was so angry, "I'll treat him as idolatry. What's wrong with him? He won so many honors for the school. Don't you have any idols? If Zhixin comes to school, I think the whole school, including the teachers, will be crazy! "

Xia Yu inserted: "Zhixin? Do you like Zhixin when you are so young? "

Ouyang Tiantian and Lu Fei and other students nearby turned their heads and looked at Xia Yu with disdain. Ouyang Tiantian said: "Zhixin has many nicknames, one of which is called infinite singer, which means that her songs have no age limit. You don't know?"

Xia Yu pointed to his nose and said, "I know Zhixin. Her name is Xu Xin."

Lu Fei disdains to say: "I also know ah, don't know her person estimate is in Mars?"

Xia Yu said: "she also knows me."

Lu Fei and Ouyang almost want to compare the middle finger to him every day. Finally, considering that he is the head of the class, or he only replied with a not fierce word: "cut!"

Xia Yu is very aggrieved. No one believes the truth these days

"Wow!!! Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu A burst of noise suddenly hit, almost overturning Xia Yu.

In the white camp, a young boy in a white military robe came out. He was taller than the average primary school students. His eyes were clear and beautiful. From Xia Yu's point of view, he was not so handsome. He was very white. Even when he grew up, he should not be able to change. Let alone compare with Ye Mei, Liu Yufei could not compare with him.

It seems that the primary school students' aesthetic needs to be improved, or should it be his halo that gives him a different coat?

At this time, the referee team has been in place, and both camps are making preparations. Mu Xiaoyu's opponent is a little fat man. However, Xia Yu sees that he is fat and fat, but his skill is very flexible. Such a person is not easy to deal with. Mu Xiaoyu pretends to be forced, and his hands are always around him. In the warm-up, he kicks the swallow legs randomly, but every time, he can Set off the whole scene, causing screams.Xia Yu was impatient and said, "why didn't you start so long?"

Lu Fei said: "what are you anxious about? This is a regular competition and a final. Naturally, you should prepare well."

Xia Yu frowned and said, "I can't see any preparation. The referee group and the coach group are all in place, and all the equipment is ready to give them warm-up time. Anyway, they all show there, and none of them is serious about warming up."

"No, isn't that serious about kicking?" Lu Fei said unhappily, "you just can't see others so popular! Envy. "

To tell you the truth, Xia Yu didn't hate Mu Xiaoyu, but he was not interested in watching such a bad game, especially when he was still pretending to be forced at that level. After listening to Lu Fei's words, he didn't refute it. Anyway, the emperor and Laozi couldn't stop him before waiting for another ten minutes.

Fortunately, shortly after Lu Fei finished speaking, the referee motioned for both sides to prepare for one minute.

At the beginning of the competition, Mu Xiaoyu used gorgeous moves to rush to attack, and steadfastly suppressed the opponent. Fortunately, the fat man was flexible and kept stable, and didn't let Mu Xiaoyu take too much advantage.

Although Xia Yu is not a martial arts expert, he has learned some top martial arts skills from ye Mei recently. It is obvious that Mu Xiaoyu's moves are really good. He combines the strengths of other schools and contains some exquisite moves of ancient martial arts. However, his foundation is obviously too weak to be practical.

He had no interest in watching. Seeing Lu Fei fascinated by the gorgeous moves, he couldn't help sighing: "this level also shouts so loud."

Although Ouyang didn't shout every day, he still admired those moves. Seeing Xia Yu say so, he couldn't help saying, "what qualifications do you have to look down on him? You may not be able to beat him. "

Lu Fei is more direct: "many senior students are not mu Xiaoyu's opponent, think that a person hit a taekwondo club's straw bag is invincible in the world?"

Xia Yu shrugged and said, "even if you don't listen to me, anyway, what I said is the truth. I dare not say his achievements in the future. If you fight with me, there is no one percent chance of winning."

The two girls cut a look of disdain again.

Xia Yu had no choice but to say the truth to Mu Yingshi: "why did no one believe me when I told the truth?"

"I believe it," said Mu Yingshi with a smile

Xia Yu was stunned for a moment and said with a smile, "thank you."

In the second round, Mu Xiaoyu used a gorgeous series of moves and scored continuously, which made the whole court boiling. After that, the opponent launched a fierce attack in order to score, but mu Xiaoyu launched a beautiful swimming body method, leaving the other party no chance. In the third round, the opponent was obviously in a hurry, and the attack was more crazy and fierce. However, the more fierce the attack was, the bigger the weakness was. When you couldn't attack, it was easy to let the opponent enter. Mu Xiaoyu obviously knew such a tactic and used a very beautiful whirlwind kick to directly defend the opponent's Ko and successfully defend the title.

After Lu Fei finished, she looked back at Xia Yu and said, "see? This is called strength! How dare you say you can win? It's just like flowing water. It's so handsome and powerful. It's too type

Xia Yu waved his hand and said, "OK, the game is over. Should your mother come to pick you up? Hurry home, and I'll go back to dinner

Lu Fei snorted and said hello to Ouyang Tiantian and others. She still walked out with him, but she was still very excited and chattering about the game just now. Her eyes seemed to turn red.

This time Xia Yu didn't say anything more. When he met Lu Rao at the school gate, he said to Lu Rao: "your daughter is crazy. Seeing a handsome man makes her eyes red." Angry Lu Fei grinned at him and compared his fist.

After several days, Lu Rao did not work overtime any more. Sometimes she could not help but direct herself at home. But she was able to have dinner with Lu Fei. Lu Fei felt very magical about this, especially when she knew that it was because of the changes brought about by Xia Yu talking to her mother. She was shocked by Xia Yu's magic power.

She always thought that only when her life was threatened would her mother give up her job and come back.

During this time, Lu Fei was still in front of Xia Yu's little tail, and sometimes ran to green apple at night. Instead, she met a lot of Xia Yu's friends, such as Chen Xin and Wang Xue. She also knew some things that she had only heard about before.

A week later, Keran's signing meeting started as scheduled, and Xia Yu made a decision that made the independent league's most troublesome group of three people all dumbfounded - skipping classes.

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