Huang Haitao can't understand what is happening in front of him, but he must first control the situation.

In terms of catching and fighting, ten Chen Sheng were not his opponents. Chen Shengcai fired three bullets into the sky. Huang Haitao threw his whole person to the ground, then twisted his hand behind his back, handed in his gun and pressed it on the ground. But Chen Sheng burst out laughing wildly, just like a madman with a sudden mental disorder.

Shen GE's chatter is cluttering. He knows that this is absolutely not an accident. This must be the blood curse. After all, how can he encounter such evil things? Is the next one his own?

Li Tianan tidied up his clothes and looked at Chen Sheng, who was subdued. He said faintly: "let someone take him to do a psychological and mental assessment immediately. If he has any problems, he will be sent to the mental hospital directly."

Chen Ju spent several years trying to pave the way for his son, but he didn't expect such an end. At that moment, he was about to collapse. He tried to resist the complicated emotions in his heart. He was about to ask Li Ju for mercy. There was another commotion in the square.

The fire brigade colleagues who were inconvenient to intervene in the public security affairs were still standing in the square. At that time, no one paid attention to them. At this time, they asked for help. They did not know what was going on. They even fought with several policemen. Some of them also used batons and bricks. For a time, blood and teeth were flying. One of the fire officers and soldiers ran to their fire truck and turned on the high-pressure water gun and went crazy The same shooting everywhere, not only to fight the people shot everywhere, but also to reporters and Li Bureau and other directions, spray their face.

Li Tianan finally couldn't calm down and said angrily, "what's the matter with you today?"!? Arrest all these people right now! Now

Huang Haitao immediately organized people to surround them and forcibly separate them. When they were caught, they still kicked and kicked each other like mad dogs in the direction of each other, shouting and drinking in their mouths, as if they were their father killing enemies.

The whole public security bureau is in a mess.

This incident has also aroused the high attention of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government. Although we have done some work on the media, there are too many media reporters coming that day, and they are completely out of control. It is impossible to completely suppress them. As for the issue of responsibility, it is estimated that everyone on the scene, especially the supreme leader, is to blame.

Shen Ge found that all crazy people have one thing in common, that is, they are involved in the harassment of green apple, which is absolutely impossible to be a coincidence.

After Chen Shengshi's assessment, although his psychological problems were not serious, he was dismissed. If he was prosecuted, he might face punishment such as detention. Director Chen's joint and several liability was demoted to other places. Li Tianan made a review and recorded demerits. His position remained unchanged. All other police officers involved in the case were removed from public service!

Shen Ge was shaking and fat. He couldn't stop murmuring: "blood curse, it must be blood curse. It's over, it's over..."

Chen Sheng found him, he was like this, Huang Haitao found him, he was still like this, finally, he became the only one who was sent to the mental hospital

Looking at this strange scene, Huang Haitao thinks of the person who disappeared mysteriously last night, and suddenly feels a burst of spiritual fluctuation. Although he didn't join the secret service team of the Security Bureau, someone had already come to inspect him and found that he had much stronger mental power than ordinary people, so his perception skills were better than ordinary people. At this time, he had this feeling. He was deeply convinced and suddenly turned his head to look at the past. He just saw a man standing at their gate, looking at this side and seeing him, the man Smile at him, turn around and leave slowly.

This is the man who mysteriously disappeared in the bathroom last night.


Ye tiantrace looks at Xia Yu with a strange look in his eyes. Xia Yu slaps him in the back of his head and says, "why do you look at people like this? It's impolite!"

Ye tiantrace said: "what did you do? I saw the news, the public security bureau is in a mess, many people are said to be inexplicably crazy. "

Xia Yu deliberately said with a smile, "I gave them a curse. I didn't expect it was so easy to use."

Ye tiantrace, of course, didn't believe it and cut it.

Xia Yu said: "anyway, they deserve it. If they let them take the money of the people and bully them, it will be punished by heaven."

It's a good way to punish the leaves

Xia Yu laughed bitterly. He thought, a little more. I don't know if my life will be saved. This time, he used a series of powers. It was OK. There was only one price. But he asked him to dance striptease in public. The "crowd" had to be no less than 100 people. Oh, my God, how to complete it

The deadline for this time is 12 hours. Today, it must be completed.

Xia Yu thought for a day without any good methods. Finally, he decided to go to a nightclub far away from his usual place. At this time, it was the atmosphere of the nightclub. As soon as I entered the door, I felt a heat wave coming. Although it was a cold day, all the girls inside seemed to be in Hawaii.

Strong smoke make-up, flying hair accessories, style of body, manic music, no one to sleep tonight. On the dance floor, there have been a lot of high and low hand dancers. Some of them hold on to the music beat and twist with rich rhythm, and the enchanting body makes people happy. Some of them not only have thick hips, but also think that they are thousands of people who are crazy about it. In fact, there is no action on the drum beat.Everyone calls it "the dance of demons.".

In fact, Xia Yu didn't come to such a place less. He used to choose this place for his classmates' party, but he didn't like it at all. He just wanted to be closer to girls when they chatted because the music was too loud to hear. They just wanted to be closer to girls' bodies because they were dancing on the crowded dance floor No one will have a problem if they dance or touch them inadvertently. They just want to have a weepy love affair with girls for only one night, because under the stimulation of alcohol and crazy music, everyone's hormones are more likely to gush.

Xia Yu only hesitated for 0.5 seconds, then jumped off the dance floor and got into the middle of those men and women. Then, start, take off!

Of course, he can't do striptease. Even, he can't dance at all, but he has a strong motor nerve, and he has seen many dances. He can only put on his head and take off his clothes one by one.

When he took off his overalls and trousers, he was finally discovered by the people around him. If it was a female stripper, everyone would be more interested. If a man danced, everyone would think that he was a psychopath. The people next to him were far away from him. If they were found in the distance, some people left the dance floor quickly.

Gradually, only Xia Yu is still there Take off.

There was a burst of laughter from the crowd, no matter whether he thought he was crazy or not, but he was at least very interesting. His movements were not sexy at all, but they were not awkward and ugly at all. Some movements were imitated unearthly and very funny.

Xia Yu took off his midcoat and short sleeves and threw them on the ground, revealing his strong upper body muscles and soft line chest muscles. Many women in the crowd began to scream, and others began to call "take off, take off" and "strip, strip."

Xia Yu continued to take off his trousers and stood on the stage with only one pair of underpants. There was a scream and whistle. At this time, it was supposed to be a pole dance performance. The foreman saw something wrong and called the security guard. The two guards rushed to the stage to remove the people. Xia Yu stepped on the steel pipe of the stage with the rhythm of music like walking up the ladder Go, then a beautiful back somersault jumps behind the two guards, kicks one guard off the dance floor with one foot, then two back somersaults to avoid the other guard, and then step him off the dance floor with a side kick.

If the action just now is funny and lovely, now Xia Yu is almost naked, and he is like a rabbit, jumping and kicking the security guard. With his beautiful muscles, he suddenly becomes sexy. The women are immediately crazy, screaming, shouting, and others are shouting: "naked, naked!"

Xia Yu felt the atmosphere at the scene and was crazy. Excited, he made some cool jumps. After two more guards came, he kicked the security guard off the stage by using the whirlwind of the steel pipe rotation. The beautiful girls raised their hands to scream. The hot girls who were supposed to do the pole dance were even worse. They jumped onto the stage to hold Xia Yu A bold girl wanted to tear Xia Yu's underwear secretly. Fortunately, Xia Yu held on to his last piece of cover.

Seeing that the steel pipe dancing girls touched Xia Yu, many women who were not willing to be outdone also gathered around Xia Yu, trying to plot an evil plan. Xia Yu felt that the countdown in his mind had disappeared and the task was completed. He immediately called out. He could not even pick up his clothes and trousers. He grabbed a piece of cloth from nowhere, jumped onto the steel pipe, and then used the steel pipe to jump out of the hoop Like acrobatics, she flew across the tables and quickly escaped from the bar. If the speed is used to compete with Ye Mei, she can win.

After escaping to a safe place, Xia Yu had time to examine himself. Damn it, there were palm prints and lip prints everywhere. I don't know which dead woman gnawed them. There were teeth marks on her arm. Xia Yu wiped the cloth on her hand and wiped it twice to find that it was a woman's belly bag

I don't know if the owner of the belly bag is beautiful. If she is a fox Evil Xia Yu quickly threw away his belly bag. Suddenly a piece of paper fell off his body. He felt that his underwear was very uncomfortable. When he looked down, there were several large banknotes on the edge of his underwear. Xia Yu put his hand into it for a while and collected all the paper. There were still thousands of pieces of paper. It was also because he ran around in a hurry and jumped around, and most of the rest were lost. If all of them were counted It seems promising to be a dancer , the fastest update of the webnovel!