Meng shuran took Lin Hao's hand with a stubborn face and stopped at the gate of the community.

Looking for a corner with no one, Meng shuran let go of Lin Hao's hand and squatted on the ground, hugging his head and crying bitterly.

Looking at Meng shuran, Lin Hao's heart was full of mixed flavors. After a long time, he asked softly, "for me, is it worth it?"

Meng shuran slowly raised his head and wiped the tears on his face: "Lin Hao, I tell you, no matter when, before I give up you, you must not give up lightly."

Smell speech, Lin Hao took a deep breath, heart immediately full of moving.

He never thought that Meng shuran could make trouble with song Yan and Meng Wenjiang for him. For a moment, Lin Hao didn't know how to answer.

A few minutes later, Meng shuran stood up, looked at Lin Hao and said, "go and drive the car to you!"

"Are you really not going back?" Lin Hao took a deep look at Meng shuran.

"I said, when they change their mind, I will go back." Although Meng shuran's tone was very low, her face was full of obstinacy.

Lin Hao nodded hard, turned around and drove the car over

"Wife, do you really want to come to me? You have to be prepared Lin Hao is thinking about how to explain to Meng shuran later.

What he said to Meng shuran before was that he had found a job with food and shelter.

But this is just Lin Hao's perfunctory attitude towards Meng shuran. If she really goes to Wanggang star, won't she be exposed?

"Forget it, I'd better break it up." Lin Hao thought to himself.

"What? Have you been looking for your mistress outside just a few days after you left home? " Meng shuran asked coldly.

"Wife, you have wronged me. You should know better than anyone who I am." At this point, Lin Hao sighed: "I just want to say, when I live in the place, you can not abandon ah."

"No matter how messy it is, you should clean it up." After Meng shuran said this, he leaned back in his chair and fell asleep.

The luxury car is driving slowly on the road. Lin Hao glances at Meng shuran without any trace.

Finally, Lin Hao made up his mind: "shuran, you can rest assured that as long as you don't fail me, I will never fail you."

An hour later, Meng shuran slowly opened his eyes in Lin Hao's cry.

Just looking at the environment outside the window, Meng shuran was immediately surprised: "Lin Hao, where is this? Didn't I ask you to take me to where you live? "

"Wife, this is where I live!" Lin Hao pointed to the villa not far away and said.

"The villa your boss gave you?" Meng Shu was shocked and turned to look at Lin Hao.

Hearing the speech, Lin Hao's face became serious. On the way to Hong Kong star, he knew something in his heart.

If he told Meng shuran a lie today, he will fill it with countless lies in the future.

Therefore, Lin Hao decided that he would not hide any more!

"Shu ran, if I told you that I bought this villa as a gift for you, would you believe it?" Lin Hao said seriously.

"I don't..."

Before Meng shuran finished, Lin Hao interrupted her: "the day you bought the villa, you were there too!"

"Is that the day you and Liu Jun had a conflict?" Meng shuran immediately remembered.

That day, she also asked Lin Hao where the black card came from.

However, Liu Jun was too aggressive at that time, and Lin Hao didn't have time to explain to her.

However, Meng shuran always thinks that Lin Hao bought the villa for his boss.

"Yes, that's the day!" Lin Hao nodded.

Then Lin Hao got out of the car and took Meng shuran into Wanggang Star: "wife, do you like this place?"

Meng shuran did not answer Lin Hao's words, but held his arm tightly.

"Lin Hao, is this your boss's villa? Does he allow us to come in? " Meng shuran's face was full of tension.

"Lin Hao, I know you want me to look at you with new eyes, but it's against the law to break into the houses. Let's leave as soon as possible." Meng shuran nervously said: "no matter how bad the place you live in, I will not give up. Since I have identified you, no matter how hard the day is, I will go down with you!"

Lin Hao looked at Meng shuran in amazement, and didn't know how to explain for a moment.

"Call your boss and apologize, and then we'll go to your place." Meng shuran was already frightened.

Although she hasn't met Lin Hao's boss, the people who can buy Wanggang star definitely play an important role in Wanggang City, which may be the existence of the whole Meng family.

At this time, Lin Hao not only did not take out his mobile phone, but also showed a happy smile on his face.

"Wife, don't be nervous. I bought it here." Lin Hao patted the back of Meng shuran's hand and comforted him."Lin Hao, don't lie to me any more." Meng shuran had a meal and looked around the magnificent villa. Then he lowered his head and said in a low voice: "this place, we can't afford it."

"Wife, why don't you believe me? I bought it here!" Lin Hao suddenly had an idea: "I helped my boss in the company to sign a business of more than 10 billion yuan with a big foreign plutocrat. My boss was so happy that he gave me a sum of money to buy it back!"

"Really? Are you really lying to me? " Meng shuran looks at Lin Hao in disbelief.

Although Lin Hao himself felt that this reason was too bad, he still said with a strong sense: "of course, wife, we have been married for two or three years. When do you think I cheated you?"

Meng shuran stares at Lin Hao tightly, remembering that he has never cheated himself since they got married.

Meng shuran looked back and thought that the star of Wanggang was worth 50 million at most. If Lin Hao really helped the company sign a business of more than 10 billion yuan, it's really possible that his boss would give him tens of millions!

"This Did you buy this villa? " Meng shuran still asked a little incredulously.

"Of course, wife, don't worry about living here!" Lin Hao said with a smile.

Meng shuran smell speech, face immediately showed a smile, pull Lin Hao inside the villa to watch up.

"Lin Hao, I'll call my mother now and tell her you bought a villa!" Meng shuran said excitedly.