Chapter 1086

Although the LORD was repeatedly ordered by the father before he left, she and the father knew nothing about it, and the fool who shook the God of heaven did not know.

As long as she does not say today, let the ancient clock pick the fruit of the Lingyuan quickly roll, even if it is vague past.

Yes, that's what you do.

The planned Female Emperor Dragon bit silver teeth in her heart, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "how many spiritual fruits do you want."

She raised her pale cheek and looked at the direction of the clock. She stared at the clock. Although her face was cold and extreme, she did not hate much in her eyes. This made the clock a little bit more intentional.

When he was called "emperor, little emperor", the female emperor dragon was clearly a kind of explosion appearance. How could she digest herself so quickly?

The main reason is that the Female Emperor Dragon thought that ancient bell had the chance to be her master, but now she has rejected it in her heart. It is a little bad to feel that the ancient bell only picked several spiritual fruits.

There is even a little sympathy with the ancient bell in my heart, and naturally he will not be hated again.

Ancient clock is not a mental master. Even if he has 18000 heart eyes, it is impossible to guess the idea of dragon heart of the female emperor at this time.

"There are many seats, so much," he said, directly and politely

"Ancient clock, you are too much!"

The emperor and the beast have not spoken yet. The God shaking tiger is angry first. If all the spiritual fruits are picked by the ancient clock, it will take longer for his brothers to revive.

He would naturally feel that the demands of the clock were too much, and even angry about it.

"What? Can't afford to lose? "

Ancient clock also did not break them, think that the Female Emperor Dragon clearly hurt not heavy, still lying in that half of the day did not rise, made the God shaking tiger to find trouble, he thought that the Female Emperor Dragon really can not. The ancient clock felt like he was played.

Nothing can be conceded this time.


The tiger, which is the God shaking tiger, can not be said directly by the words "can not afford to lose". But the last generation of Emperor Dragon adults said that a spiritual fruit is enough to stir the human world outside.

If too many spiritual fruits are flowing out at one time, it may break the balance of martial arts cultivation and form a distinct bipolar, and finally a big mess is unknown.

At that time, he did not understand the interests of the above, only knew to protect the ancient trees and the fruit of the gods. Unless the strength was particularly strong, he could defeat the human beings of his and the emperor, he would not easily entrust the fruit of the spirit source to the outside.

"What do you say? Dilong? "

The ancient clock stared at the dragon, and she was still in her eyes, but soon made a decision, saying, "only 11 of the existing fruit are mature, and one has already shaken the heaven tiger and has given it to you."

"The remaining ten, you will take them."


The God shaking tiger would think that the dragon would promise so refreshing, shouting to stop her, but whether it is the ancient clock or the female emperor dragon, they directly ignored his obstruction.

Although ancient clock is a bit unexpected, even a little bit of the joy, ten spiritual fruits, equivalent to epic mission required twice.

Will the reward double then? Ah ha ha ha ha, that's too cool.

"Don't think about it. You're thinking about farting."

Just as the ancient clock fantasized how rich the reward for twice the epic mission was, Xiao Jia interrupted him with a heartless voice.


"Oh The host really brought the poor nature of human greed to the extreme

“.… ... can't you think about it The God shaking tiger accused him of even if, how even the small family began to attack him.

Just, the strong are always lonely, the old leader shed tears that are not understood.

But the next thing the ancient clock said was that the dragon and beast who thought they had stepped back wanted to give him a hammer.

"Just now I sit outside and look at it, it seems that there are more than ten mature fruit of the spirit."

This is not only the Female Emperor Dragon wants to hit people, even the disciples listen to it, but also wants to rush up and cover the mouth of the ancient leader.

"You're questioning me!"

The eyes of the Female Emperor Dragon were completely gloomy, and she felt more and more that she did not recognize the ancient clock as the master, how clear a decision it was.

The father said that the world is dangerous, and men are the first among them.

A fruit from the near to mature to complete maturity, at least need to pass hundreds of years, but in fact, this century time, will not change the shape of the fruit.

Even though the breath is very little different, the growth effect of the martial arts is different. The mature fruit can make a low-level immortal warrior enter the high rank, but the immature can only make the martial arts improve the rehabilitation.

It is not surprising that outsiders like ancient bell confuse immature spiritual fruits with mature ones, but his words are clearly questioning their protection of animal credit and character.

But in this sentence, the emperor and the beast can turn their faces on the spot."Cough..." Gu Zhong also felt that he was a little too much. Anyway, picking more than a few Lingyuan fruits could not increase the reward of the task. For ten, fifteen, that is to say, adding more accomplishments

I promise If you say this, you will be beaten again.

So he shut up, put on a kind smile, nodded his head and said, "in this case, take ten first."

The word "first" is very spiritual. The idea of the ancient leader is that the whole secret warehouse belongs to Laozi. When you have enough strength, let alone the whole Shenyuan ancient tree, all belong to this place.

If you think about it more deeply, are the tiger and dragon beast of Yuangu tree belong to the ancient leader?

But the ancient headmaster thought that he was greedy for money and stopped thinking about the Shenyuan ancient tree. He didn't dare to think deep.

Since the ancient bell is no longer entangled, the female emperor dragon is not a person who can't afford to lose. When you lift your hand, ten gourd shaped Lingyuan fruits, which are crystal clear, glittering and emitting rich aura, appear in front of the Female Emperor Dragon.

At the moment of the appearance of the fruit, the aura in the space was boiling. In the dark, it was like being pulled by a force, and all converged in the direction of the fruit.

Unconsciously, it formed a vast aura.

It's a pity that his whole body is weak, and the ancient leader with blocked meridians can't feel anything. I just feel that the scene is really mysterious.

The other disciples with normal perception were all looking eagerly at the fruit hanging in the air. The eyes were hot.

"Gulu Gulu... "

Some people even couldn't control it and made the sound of swallowing.


"Restrain yourself."

With these words, the ancient clock directly used his extremely weak spiritual thoughts to collect ten Lingyuan fruits into his bag. , the fastest update of the webnovel!