Chapter 408


Little feet around a pile of empty plates, look at its meaning, seems to be Not full?!

The corner of Guzhong's mouth Drew: "bring it another table of dishes!"

The disciples swallowed their saliva. Didn't they chew this little thing when they ate the food, and they only ate the food instead of eating it.


Several disciples returned to the cupboard window, and each brought up several dishes, and the table was soon filled with dishes.

Little foot nodded with satisfaction and continued to gobble it up.

After a while, the little guy was finally full and lay on the table with his bulging stomach.

A pair of small eyes staring round. He was quite comfortable.

The expression on the face of the ancient leader became wonderful, because the little guy had eaten more than 50 dishes of vegetables, and the plates could circle around the table twice!


"This little thing can eat!" the disciples said stupidly

It's more than eating. It's a disgrace!

There are more than 50 dishes. At least a dozen disciples are not enough to eat today. This is the culprit!

The ancient clock even doubted whether its stomach would explode. A newly born spirit animal would drink and eat too much, and his life would not be in danger?

No matter what, it was about time for the disciples to have dinner. Gu Zhong had to ask the canteen aunt to rush out the students' meals.

At dinner time, the students of Cangshan sect gathered in the canteen.

The disciples took chopsticks and looked at the headmaster's table. Their faces became stiff and shocked.


A little bit, a very spiritual burp sounds, full of small feet and again lying on the table, squinting small eyes, look very enjoy.

The corner of his mouth twitched violently.

Because in front of him meow more than 50 plates!

This, this, this I hatched this thing out of leisure, do I have more money?!

Li RI, just like yesterday, Xiaojiao and his disciples have to eat dozens of dishes per ton, and the food intake of more than a dozen disciples.

One day's food is enough for Gu Zhong to eat alone for a month.

And it specializes in expensive food! What deer meat, beef, all the spirit animal meat that can eat, it does not choose.

"Heel, you can't stand eating like this. Do you want some water for you?"

Five days later, the sect had no meat in stock for him to eat. Gu Zhong drew a bucket of water from the kitchen and put it in front of his heel.

If you eat so much, you won't grow up. It's a waste of my food! Since you have a big stomach, eating meat and drinking water are the same. Water is cheap and you can drink it at will.

Unfortunately, little foot and completely ignored, directly jumped off the table, to the cabinet window to find meat to eat.

The ancient clock is a little broken down. If the disciples of the sect have such an appetite, the sect will not be able to open.


"The meat in the warehouse is only enough for one day, so we need to replenish the stock."

"So fast?"

All kinds of game and nutritious spirit animal meat brought back from the God devil tomb are enough for the disciples of the sect to eat for a year. Since this little thing came out, they have known to eat meat and meat. How many days have it been? It's gone?

You know, those meat sold on the market, can sell hundreds of thousands of gold coins!


Cangshan sect disciples still practice as usual.

Lin Xiao and Han Yun are responsible for training the disciples in their respective halls. Lin Chen, as usual, takes his disciples to train their physical fitness in the physical training field.

Only the ancient leader frequently walked between the sect and the black mountain city.


Naturally, I went to buy meat for Xiaojiao!

As a result, the owners of all the meat shops knew leader Gu, and privately praised him as a good leader and went down the mountain to buy meat for his disciples.

"However, is the frequency of buying meat too often?"

"Yes, Cangshan sect's disciples can eat it!"

"It should be that training is too tired, consuming more, eating more."

If Cangshan sect disciples heard what they said, they would cry out on the spot.

Misunderstanding, it's a big misunderstanding.

They don't know what it's like to eat meat since little heel appeared.

Every time you get a dish of meat, the little thing will immediately jump in front of you and eat all the meat on your plate.


Before lunch.

Before the dishes were ready, Xiao Tian and several disciples sneaked into the kitchen. Before entering the canteen, I still look around from time to time to see if they have been found by little feet.

Tiezhu put a big bowl on the table and said to the canteen aunt, "Auntie, put some meat for me first, and I'll go back to my room to eat."

This side of the words just fell, Xiao Tian and tie a Niu also different voice with the same voice.

"Give it to me, too!"

In this way, because of the existence of small feet, Cangshan sect disciples became more difficult and cautious in eating meat.But it's no use at all! The heel is very sensitive to the taste of meat.

This is not, Xiaotian a few people just carrying the bowl of meat and vegetables, from the canteen, small feet will "whoosh" jump out of the door.

Ah, ah, ah!

Xiaotian several startled hands a shake, the meat in the bowl then shakes out, is bitten by the small foot heel.

"Baji Baji" a few times, the meat was gone, and there was only a proud carnivore in front of them.

"Ah, ah, ah, I'll fight with you!"

In order to protect their right to eat meat, Xiao Tian three people have pulled out the sword of the storm one after another, the aura poured into it instantly, and their eyes twinkled with fierce light.

Small feet to see the shape, the body a shake, mouth suddenly spurt three or four meters high flame.

In an instant, the surrounding temperature rose sharply.

Xiao Tian's three faces changed, and their ferocious expression suddenly became soft.

"That younger martial brother, I think the aunt made a few cabbages is also very good."

"Yes, yes, the cabbage is white and white, my favorite."

"Let's go and have a look."

"Yes, and bean sprouts."

Said three people to turn around in a hurry, and returned to the canteen.

But who can see, three people turn around that moment, the facial expression that wants to cry without tears?

Gu Zhong knew that it was impossible to let the heel go down so late. If the meat was eaten and the disciples could not keep up with the nutrition, it would be a bad thing.

It's not that the ancient clock won't let it only. It's just that there are so many fresh meat in Heishan city every day. The normal supply is enough, but adding a heel is not enough.

Unless the ancient clock walked 300 miles a day to buy meat in Tianxuan city

It's a waste of time. Send someone to sell it? Yes, but it's not necessary.

Looking at a pair of old man's heels, the old bell was not angry and said, "I'll throw you to the spirit peak and live and die on your own."

Your father has no money to support you. Go out and live by yourself.


Hearing the threat of the ancient clock, his heel immediately stood up and screamed at the clock Get angry.

After calling a few times, regardless of the ancient clock's reaction, he left the room of the ancient clock with a swagger. It seemed that he was going to run away from home. , the fastest update of the webnovel!