With Wang Qian's action faster and faster, the naked eye can see that the little paper sitting in Wang Qian's circle, people have slowly stood up.

At the same time, cui'er feels that she has a connection with the man.


Cui'er's eyes widened, too.

"Three please God, Donghua emperor! Liujia Liuding Tianshu, the God of Liuding

Wang Qian suddenly gave a violent drink.

Then, all of a sudden, he stamped his foot on the deck twice.

Hum! It's a big noise.

There were more than a dozen inexplicable white light groups on Wang Qian's head.

One of them seemed to be attracted by the paper man, and came fast towards the paper man.

At this point.

Chen Sha's face was extremely ugly.

A ghost with drooping hair and extremely long body appeared in front of the crowd.

But the ghost's figure is very empty.

Wang Qian then looked at cui'er and said, "miss cui'er, is this your ghost?"


Just for a moment, everyone's eyes all looked at cui'er.

Once cui'er is sure, it's a certainty. It's the ghost who puzzles cui'er, and then Jiang Ping slaps her apart.

Although cui'er doesn't like Wang Qian, she doesn't lie about it.

After seeing the real ghost, cui'er nodded without hesitation.

"That's him!"

The voice fell and the room was still.

"How can it be?"

Even Zhao Hualong was stunned. He thought that Wang Qian was really looking for death when he agreed to Chen Sha's bet.

After seeing the ghost come out, he finally felt relieved.

Cui'er walks towards the ghost step by step. When she comes near the ghost, cui'er feels the chance of the ghost.

Then he nodded solemnly.

"That's him! It can't be wrong

The voice fell, and everyone in the cabin was surprised.

"Is it really that ghost?"

"Big hammer Wang did it!"

"No way! Absolutely impossible Chen Sha suddenly yelled.

He is already a step forward to lean out, slap will toward life ghost catch.

"I don't believe it!"

Bang! It's a big noise.

Jiang Ping stepped forward, and in an instant, he directly blocked Chen Sha.

"Chen Sha, what are you doing? Can't afford to lose? "

Jiang Ping has a gloomy face.

"I can also testify that this is the ghost who puzzles cui'er!"

After Jiang Ping spoke, no one dared to oppose it.

It's just that everyone's eyes on Wang Qian are a little complicated.

"Ghost, can you tell me who ordered you to confuse cui'er?"

When Wang Qian said this, he kept his eyes on Chen Sha.

Chen Sha stepped back several steps in an instant.

Wang Qian grinned grimly.

"Ho ho..." The slender ghost wants to speak.

However, in the next moment, the ghost suddenly dissipated.

Poof! It's a big noise.

The paper man burned to ashes, and the light above disappeared.

Wang Qian sighed deeply when he saw this scene.

The ghost spirit on the ghost is too little to last long.

When the ghosts were gone, there was a complete silence.

Chen Sha seems to have thought of something and is about to leave.

At this time, Wang Qian's voice came into the ears of all the people.

"What do you mean, elder Chen? Can't you afford to lose? "

Chen Sha's back stopped when he left.

A lot of people on the deck were looking at Chen Sha, with a look of schadenfreude in their eyes.

Bao Xing said with a smile: "this old bastard, I'm afraid he wants to run away?"

Shen Qi shook his head and said, "sledgehammer, it seems that the old guy has given up. He knows he will lose. He still wants to play tricks."

"Chen Sha, what do you mean? That's not what you said when you bet with people just now

"Yes, Chen Sha, what are you running for? As the senior practitioners, we should set an example for the younger generation! "

Two more elders said.

In fact, these people are not united. They will not let go of this opportunity to expose the truth of others.

Besides, it's not a fight, it's not a mockery by themselves.

Practitioners also need to be addicted.

Seeing Chen Sha's figure, Wang Qian showed a disdainful smile on his face and said: "it seems that elder Chen Sha is nothing more than that. At this time, he only knows how to run away. If he loses, he will run away HumChen Sha looked back at Wang Qian indifferently. In his heart, it was a secret message: "Wang Da Chui! I won't run away with three slaps, but you need to go to a place where there is no one to fight! "

"In full view of the public, where can you make me lose face? I don't have face in guiwangzong, and you don't want to have a better life in the blood demon family! "

When Wang Qian heard Chen Sha say that, he just laughed in his heart.

He doesn't need to give face to the ghost King sect. As for the blood demon sect he is in, Wang Qian doesn't care any more. Anyway, this sect has been on Wang Qian's blacklist. It's only a matter of time before it's pulled out.

"What did you say? You threaten me, don't you? "

Wang Qian suddenly cried out at this time.

This cry aroused the attention of many people on the deck at that time.

"Can't afford to lose?"

"Chen Sha?"

"That's right. How about Chen Sha slapping people ten times?"

When Chen Shagang heard what they said, he had to turn around and come back.

Jiang Ping shook his head slightly, and the second lady also looked at Wang Qian thoughtfully.

"This man, do you really want to fight Chen Sha?" A lot of people are watching and looking forward to the next scene.

At this time, Chen Qian came to kill Wang Jian.

He said coldly: "boy, I only said that I would let you fight, but I didn't say that I won't use my body's defense. At that time, you are injured, no wonder I am!"

Chen Sha is a top-notch man, and the distance between Wang Qian and him is just like a cloud.

As soon as his voice fell, Bao Xing spat hard at that time.

"Bah, that's shameless!"

Shen Qi also said: "shameless! How could a man who was born at the top play such a trick? "

As for other long-lived people, it's also a frown.

Chen Sha's elder martial brother came out and said, "my younger martial brother is not cheating. Just now, there is no real agreement not to let my elder martial brother defend? "

"Ha ha..."

"Chen Sha is really powerful."

Everyone looked at Wang Qian with pity.

Wang Qian said with a faint smile: "well, even if I shoot this guy to death, we didn't talk about this one just now."

Hearing Wang Qian's words, Chen Sha raised his head and pointed his chin to Wang Qian, "that's right. It just depends on whether you have the ability to pat me to death. I want to know if you can do it!"

"That's what you said." Wang Qian said plainly.

The voice fell and the room was still.

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