Chapter 234

As soon as I listened to casaden's words, my heart sank and my face became ugly.

"Isn't that portal destroyed?"

But I can't think much about the form in front of me. Kasadin took up the sword in his hand and instantly disappeared in the same place. The expression on the faces of the people immediately became dignified.


On that day, the head of the first army of the Chinese clan started to fight with the sword in his hand, and his momentum soared to the extreme. A whirlwind began to appear around him.


The violent whirlwind instantly formed a dragon. With the big sword in the hand of the leader of the first army of the angel clan, he saw a golden light shooting from the sky. The distance formed by the storm was intertwined and swept away towards kasadin.

However, this time, kasadin did not disappear directly out of thin air. The expression on his face was slightly dignified, but he soon recovered calm.

Kasadin slowly raised the strange sword in his hand, Shua, a black smoke straight into the sky, the whole sky became overcast.


then I heard a loud hum in my ear, and saw the blow of the head of the first army of the Chinese people swept towards kasadin again that day.

On that day, a proud smile appeared on the head of the first army.

However, that brief smile disappeared immediately, and the kasadin disappeared again when the storm came.

"Blink..." Yan seems to think of something, looking at the direction of kasadin disappeared, said with a puzzled face.

Man three Dao a listen to surprised shout: "what displacement?"

When I heard Yan's words, I couldn't help but feel a little heavy on my face. In the face of kasadin's speed advantage, it can be said that Mocha's long-range attack can't play any role.

Because when you move, kasadin has immediately disappeared in place, when you reach the long-range attack, the kasadin in place is just a shadow.

Mocha, the leader of the first army of the angel clan, saw his powerful blow fall into the air again, and his cousin on his face became ugly for a moment.

The red face was full of anger.


The disappeared kasadin instantly appeared in front of mocha. With a loud noise, kasadin's sword directly collided with the weapon of the head of the first army of the angel clan.

However, the angel family of mocha is not vegetarian, although the long-range attack on Mocha did not have an advantage, but in the face of kasadin's sudden attack, instinctive resistance.

With a strong momentum, namogana did not take advantage of her speed advantage.

Under the continuous resistance, the strong pressure produced by the collision of the two swords tore the air and made a crackling sound.

"Well, it seems that you have some ability." Kasadin even drew a curve at the corner of his mouth and said to mocha, the head of the first army of the angel clan.

I saw the confrontation between mocha and kasadin, and my heart suddenly got a flash of inspiration. I picked up the windstorm sword in my hand and cleaved to kasadin again.

That kasadin a frown unexpectedly disappeared in the same place again.

After that, kasadin had already distanced himself from us and appeared in the void again.

"Well, you still want to attack me? A lot of people, right? " That casaden sneers a way.

Then kasadin picked up the big sword in his hand and rowed down toward the sky. Suddenly, a huge shadow appeared on the original big sword.

Looking at kasadin's move, man Sandao and others took a big breath of cool air: "how can it be so strong?"

My heart sank to the bottom again when I saw that casaden's move.

Looking at kasadin, I don't know if I can really beat him.

"Watch what you're doing, let's go together!" Looking at that kasadin's surging momentum, I turned back and cried anxiously to man Sandao and others.

"Ha ha, you don't want to run today." That kasadin seems to be full of self-confidence, the corner of the mouth outlines a touch of evil smile.

When they heard my cry, they reacted quickly and rushed to casaden.

However, in the face of the siege of the crowd, kasadin was not worried. The sword in his hand came to us with a black air.

Suddenly, the big sword caused a wave of air, which pulled up two trees around and leveled them to the ground.

Withstanding the strong storm, man Sandao yelled: "special, I'll fight for you."

But kasadin began to disappear and appear, disappearing and appearing.




Every time we attack, we hit the shadow.


With a loud noise, kasadin suddenly appeared in front of man Sandao. We haven't reacted yet.

I saw man's three swords and a tight one. He was chopped by kasadin and flew backwards. He fell down heavily and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"How can it be? "Man san dao didn't take casaden's blow?" I can't believe it.Because I know the strength of man san dao. I was shocked by the injury of man san dao.

But the speed was not as fast as we thought. When I came back to my mind, cassadine had appeared in front of me again.

Seeing that kasadin took up the big sword in his hand and was about to split it like me, my heart suddenly tightened, and a dense sweat appeared on my forehead.

I was in a panic. I picked up the storm sword in my hand to resist, but the speed of kasadin was too fast. When I collided with kasadin's sword with the storm sword.

A sharp pain began to come out along the arm, which immediately became numb.

Under that blow, blood began to appear on my arm, and the blood trickled down the handle of the storm sword on the ground.

In the hand holds this storm sword, all starts to slightly forehead vibration.

When I was struggling to resist, you kasadin actually released a hand and hit me in the chest with a fierce punch.

At that time, I only felt that my chest was stuffy, my throat was sweet, and the corner of my mouth began to overflow with blood.

Yan and Zhao Xin looked at me and instantly recovered.

At that moment, he began to disappear.

Zhao Xin and Yan rushed over and helped me. I just felt my chest suddenly relaxed and my blood began to churn.


Who knows that kasadin appears again, passes through Zhao Xin and Yan and hits me again.

Bear this intense pain, I actually in Yan and Zhao Xin under the eye of the beat fly out, and man three knife as heavy fell to the ground.

Watching me hurt by kasadin, Yan and Zhao Xin both showed a look of worry.

However, I didn't give up. I forced the blood in my chest to turn over and jump up immediately.

"Is Xiao Lun OK?" Yan looked at me from the ground immediately turned up, can't help worrying asked.

"Nothing." I went back immediately, staring straight at kasadin.

At first, kasadin was like a ghost. No matter what he thought, it was always the shadow left by kasadin who attacked the past.

It can be said that there is no way to take casaden now. In the face of the reality that we have no way to take casaden, I am also deeply helpless.