Gusts of breeze with a cool, a smell of sea water is coming.

Yan looked at me for a long time, and finally just a sigh: "it seems that you have made up your mind."

Although Jiawen didn't say it, I could still read the sadness in his eyes.

Lena once scolded Jiawen for putting on a poker face all day, but no one's home was wiped out in front of her eyes, so it was hard to smile.

Several times I saw Jiawen crying in the middle of the night like a lost child.

At that time, I told myself that I would help Jiawen open her heart anyway.

Now is an opportunity!

As for my danger, I never knew.

Don't underestimate just a dream. The reason why nightmare can freely shuttle other people's dreams is because of his innate ability.

But for others, if you are careless, you will be lost in the endless world forever.

"Keep an eye on Jiawen these two days. I'll go back and get ready." Yan said, throw me an elegant back, turned away.

Looking at the figure of Yan leaving, I opened my mouth, and finally no words came out of my mouth.

There is a long way to go. Take care!

Over the next two days, the relationship between Gavin and Lena became increasingly strained.

Jiawen also began to alienate me and Master Xin.

All this I see in the eyes, the heart of silent prayer Yan's action faster.

Finally, the news that Yan brings is ready to enter Jiawen's dream at any time.

The night sky, so quiet.

The stars in the sky blinked quickly, just like a playful child asking for candy from an adult.

315 dormitory, this is the dormitory vacated by the super theological college for Yan.

Today, Yan invited me here.

Looking at the glittering number in front of me, I took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

All of a sudden, a delicate fragrance came to us, which was also mixed with a little girl's unique body fragrance.

This is a warm room. The light in the room is excellent, and the moonlight crawls in with the windowsill, which makes the whole decoration dreamy.

A large number of potted plants are planted on the balcony of the room. The unknown flowers are in full bloom, red and yellow are in full bloom. The attractive fragrance of the flowers comes from these beautiful elves. In the corner of the room, there is a swing built with ten thousand year old ivy.

At this time swing is slightly shaking, and Yan is sitting on it.

The moonlight sprinkles on her like running water, making Yan look like a fairy coming out of the painting.

Her long silky legs swung with the swing.

Seeing me coming in, Yan quickly got up from the swing and said with no expression: "Ge xiaolun, I warn you once again that even our angels have not completely mastered the power of this dream. If you regret now, it's still too late."

Is there still time?

It's too late.

In recent days, the relationship between Jiawen and Lena has almost come to the brink of collapse. If we don't find a way to save it, it is estimated that it will be only sooner or later that the supernatural team disintegrates.

I shook my head with a smile and lay down on Yan's bed. I said with a smile, "don't worry about me. If I really can't wake up, maybe your kiss can wake me up from that far away shore."

I don't know if it's because of the current situation that my joke didn't catch Yan's eyes.

She just looked at me seriously and sighed after a long time: "I don't know why, I always feel like I've seen you somewhere!"

"That life, we once hand in hand, made the most beautiful oath in the world!" I silently said a word in my heart, then looked to Yan and said with a light smile: "can start!"


the bed began to shake slightly, and then a huge array of stars rose around me.

Yan saw that there was no panic on my face, and his face showed a look of approval: "Ge xiaolun, there will be a force that will bring you into Jiawen's dream later. Don't try to resist. I will always guard you and won't let anyone hurt you. Remember, when the world is gone and dreams are broken. You must come back before the complete destruction of the world, or you will always be trapped in the eternal darkness....

with Yan's voice, I gradually felt sleepy.

At this time, a soft light dragged me.

It was very comfortable, like back in my mother's arms.

There is no noise, no noise, there is only a quiet!


With a dull noise, I woke up.

Looking up, I was no longer on the Grand Canyon, but on a vast plain.

The boundless plain is flat and vast, like a huge dark green emerald disc, vast and magnificent.A continuous plain, stretching under the sky, without hills, is as calm as the sea on a calm day.

The heavy rain, like a hazy smoke, covers the Huaihe plain.

There is also a thin River on the grassy grassland, exposed in the sun, from a distance, like a luminous silver necklace.

The grassland after the rain, wild flowers competition, like a just soaked turban, even the dew is colorful!

A vast prairie, boundless, the breeze supported the soil to send out the fragrance, a large area of a large crop blowing waves.

Is this Jiawen's home?

How beautiful!

Just when I was intoxicated with the beautiful scenery, a figure came into my eyes.

Fix an eye to see, that person unexpectedly is Jia Wen.

But the Jiawen in front of me was a little bit younger than the Jiawen on the Grand Canyon, and there was a heroic spirit between my eyebrows.

Behind Jiawen is a middle-aged man, who is seven points like Jiawen. But the middle-aged man wore a crown on his head, which made him look more dignified.

The middle-aged man looked kindly at Jiawen running all the way. His eyes were full of doting and a little reluctant.

"Father, when I grow up, I will be a wise monarch like you." Jiawen stopped, turned to show off to the middle-aged man, and said, "I will lead my people to protect their homeland, and will not let it be infringed at all."

"Jiawen, I believe you will become a wise gentleman in the future." The middle-aged man smiles and looks at something with a trace of regret: "it's a pity I can't see it."

"Father, I didn't hear you clearly." Jiawen roared.

But the middle-aged man didn't pay any attention to him. His eyes were fixed on the easternmost side, like facing the enemy.

So I hid and watched, and did not make a sound, because I knew that the destruction of the denor system was inevitable.

Sure enough, there was a huge roar in the East, and then an unparalleled sun rolled towards the DeNO system.

At this moment, the original rich and fertile land was instantly evaporated, and countless cracks spread around.

Rivers, rivers and lakes... Fish and shrimp, at this moment, die.

Countless people were shouting and crying for help, but it didn't help.

The huge sun in the sky seems to incarnate into a cold eye, watching all this coldly!