Chapter 2751: Strong kill

That thing is a bit like the weird blood coral in the past. It looks black, but it is faintly bloody, but Hansen can clearly see that it is not a coral, the surface is smooth as a mirror, with a slight Xu arc.

Because the exposed part is only as big as a desktop, I can't see what it is, but the human association ability is very wonderful, because there is already a preconceived guess, so when Hansen saw the thing, the heart A fierce jump, there is a thought in the brain: "This thing looks like it is like a huge dragon scale... Isn't that the body of the legendary dragon?"

After the eel swallowed the blood coral, it continued to struggle and twisted, and the blood on the body became more and more heavy.

"Hey, you are sick, you are a life. This is an excellent opportunity." Hansen no longer hesitated, and the electric eel was still painfully twisted there. The ghost tooth knife condensed the power of the whole body and directly teleported. Next to the eDonkey, he took a knife down the abdomen.


Because the eDonkey was too painful, there was no defense at all. Hansen slammed the abdomen with a knife, but the knife actually left a shallow mark on the red scale, which had little effect on the electric eel. The electric eaves in motion, the tail almost smoked Hansen.

Hansen smashed a few knives against the shield before he opened a small hole in the eDonkey, and the tail of the eDonkey slammed on the shield, and Hansen flew out a few hundred meters.

When Hansen was teleported back, the wound that had just been smashed by Hansen actually healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ghost tooth knife is really not used. Go back and make sure to get a deified knife. The Buddha has snatched my knife embryo. I heard that it was made into a magical treasure, and after that, there is a chance. I must take the knife back..." Hansen just thought about it, and he knew that the reason why it was so was not because the ghost knife was not used.

After the electric eel swallowed the blood coral, the body became significantly stronger, and it also had a more self-healing ability. Even the fangs with tearing ability could not prevent its wound healing, which is powerful.

It was only at this time that the electric pain was so powerful that the bottom of the sea was twisted and rolled, and there was no time or energy to pay attention to Hansen.

"If you don't want to kill it now, and wait for it to continue to change, I am afraid I have no chance at all." Hansen thought, no longer hesitating, a strange wave of power swinging in him.

Hansen’s body changes rapidly. In normal times, there is no way to use both the hole and the mantra. However, when Hansen and the spell are combined and used, the two forces merge instantly, not just two forces. The blood vessels and the ice muscles are also merged into one.

The four forces are combined in a special structure, which makes Hansen's body mutate greatly, giving off a strange and strange atmosphere. The whole person is like a evil spirit from hell.

The temperamental image that combines coldness and enthusiasm, holiness and evil, strangeness and beauty is almost completely different from the usual Hansen.

At this time, Hansen does not seem to be human, it is more like a cold and ruthless alien god.

Hansen stared intently at the painful twisted electric cymbal, and the ghost tooth knife held in his hand seemed to be infected by a strange power. The original purple-black color was dyed black in the black flaming flame. Such as the color of the ink, even the knife gas is as black.

Hansen holds the ghost tooth knife and feels that the body strength is unprecedentedly powerful. The four kinds of warfare bodies are formed into a heterogeneous battle body, which makes Hansen’s combat power teleport.

"I don't know if the power of the heterogeneous warfare can kill the current eDonkey. If it can't, then it's really troublesome." Hansen secretly thought, but he did not hesitate, and he twisted the pain into the pain. I smashed the past.

Under the support of the power of the heterogeneous warfare, the black flame on the ghost tooth knife swayed and slammed into the abdomen of the eel with a horrible knife.


The embarrassed cockroach, the hard-boiled knives cut the scales and flesh and blood, the whole fangs fangs smashed in and directly fell into the handle.

Hansen’s heart was ecstatic, and he dragged his ghost tooth knife and directly reversed it. He cut the entire abdomen of the eel, and the blood mixed with the internal organs suddenly sprayed out.

"Hunting and smashing the singularity of the singularity of the virtual air scorpion, gaining the emptiness of the scorpion, and discovering the alienated genes."

Even Hansen did not think that he had so easily killed the eDonkey, and could not help but squint a little, looking at the ghost tooth knife in his hand.

After the reaction, Hansen was ecstatic, and the power of the heterogeneous warfare had exceeded his expectations. It was so easy to kill the metamorphosis.

"I didn't expect the heterogeneous warfare to be so strong, so the power of horror, I am afraid I will soon catch up with the effect when I started the super-spiritual body." Hansen was ecstatic.

Hansen stepped back and waited for the blood of the elder to sink. This saw the thing that was cut out from the belly of the eel, in addition to its internal organs, there was a strange blood coral.

I don't know if it is Hansen's illusion. Now look at the blood coral. It seems that it is more like a dragon. The details are much stronger than before. It seems that you will open your eyes and fly away at any time.

There are some lines on the coral, and it is not known whether it is corroded by the electric stomach juice or how it is formed. The road looks like a dragon scale.

"This thing is really a bit evil. If the eDonkey doesn't eat this stuff, it won't be so easily killed by me." Han Sen looked at the blood coral carefully and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The deified blood of the creature does not mix into the seawater, but it will only fall on the bottom of the sea. However, Hansen did not see a little blood in the bottom of the sea, and there was no blood on the fallen internal organs.

"Where did so many blood go?" Han Sen stared at the blood coral of the real dragon, and felt that the red light on it seemed to be more and more glamorous.

"Is this stuff not a living thing?" Hansen stared at the blood coral, but it only sank on the bottom of the sea, without a half-reaction.

After observing for a while, seeing that the blood coral is not abnormal, Hansen has gathered strength, and the volley caught the blood coral. Originally thought that there will be a change. Who knows that the blood coral is easily caught in the hand, it seems to be a strain. Ordinary life corals, without any abnormalities.

I took it in my hands and looked at it again. I didn’t find any abnormalities. Hansen put it aside and went to the pit just now.

"If it is really the body of a true god-class dragon, then I am really developed this time." Hansen landed at the bottom of the crater and looked at the black thing like a scale, thinking in his heart.