Chapter 1222: Congenital emperor

Looking at the stone of the soul that was gestating, Hansen’s thoughts raised greed, the vibrations behind the wings, the body streamed and the sky, and the stone of the soul that was bred on the forehead of the **** statue was caught. If the stone of the soul is not completely successful, it will be taken down first.

Many alien creatures roared in unison, as if Hansen had smashed their gods.

Hansen is deaf to the roar of their anger, but speeds up the speed to the stone of the soul, and there are not many opportunities to get the congenital emperor easily. This is probably the most opportunity.

Some horrible aliens want to rush to stop Hansen, but the speed is not as fast as Hansen, and there is no time to stop him.

Seeing that Hansen’s fingers almost all touched the purple stone of the soul, the stone of the soul suddenly burst into a little purple.

Hansen’s palm touched the purple awning, and was suddenly pierced, and the blood immediately flowed out. I saw that the purple was getting longer and longer, and it was actually a purple blade that was worn out from the stone of the soul.

With the palms receding, the wound on the palm automatically heals. Hansen’s eyes stare at the stone of the soul. With the purple straight knife, it is a purple smoke.

It just looks a little weird, and the appearance is completely invisible. The thick purple smoke is condensed into the body and the purple smoke flows in the wings. The wings and the person's body look like flowing purple smoke, holding a purple knife like nothing. Death.

The purple light flashed, the newly born Emperor, and he went down to Hansen with a knife. He saw that the knife was at least three meters away from Hansen, but the purple knife was above Guanghua, and turned into a purple air knife. The light was directly on Hansen.

In the hands of Hansen, the Phoenix Excalibur and the Tai Ajian were interlaced, blocking the purple knives. Under the impact, Hansen suddenly felt an unmatchable force to press down, causing his body to fall uncontrollably. Above the ground of the ancient tower.

The purple knives did not disappear, and they continued to press down. It seems that the purple knives have their own souls. They don’t need to be controlled by the emperor. They can kill Korea by themselves. Sen.

The powerful force has pressed the Phoenix Excalibur and the Tai A Sword to Han Sen's chest. The blade has even been pressed into Hansen's own armor.


The death of the general emperor took another knife, the front of the knife light Hansen has not been able to solve, the second purple knife light has already reached his face.

In the eyes of Hansen, the blazing white light surging, spread out in an instant, dyed his entire body into a blazing color, and a black hair grew wildly, dancing with brilliance.

The Phoenix Excalibur and Tai Ajian struggled for one, and the first purple knives flew out. Tai Ajian took the blazing sun to the second purple knife.


The blazing light shattered, the purple gas was scattered, the purple gas knife was hard and smashed by Hansen, and the blazing white light on the sword was also broken.

Seeing that many super-natural creatures in the back have already rushed up, there are no fewer than ten. Hansen bites his teeth and summons the rebellious knight, the little angel and the thorny female emperor.

The role of the rebellious knight at this time was maximized. Wherever the bronze rebellious aura came, all the alien creatures and the new emperor were weakened by two or three percent.

"The thorns, dragging those alien creatures." Hansen and the little angels together killed the **** of death, and shouted.

The thorny female emperor's eyebrows condensed, and the rose-like flower of the other hand gently waved. I suddenly saw a thorny giant vine that was drilled from nothingness, intertwined into a thorn wall and a thorn cage, blocking the path of the alien creatures.

Hansen has been innocently distracted to see the results, and the little angels left to the new emperor.

The two blows just made Hansen discover a thing. Although the emperor is exceptionally powerful, it is much more powerful than the average emperor, and it is likely to reach the level of the great emperor.

However, compared with the Emperor Hansen who had fought before Hansen, this emperor was weaker and there was no feeling that he could not match it.

Hansen didn't know that this was because he was not the innate emperor who started the ten genetic locks, or that he was malnourished because he was cut off by the man when he was born.

Anyway, Hansen feels that he has the opportunity to kill this emperor. If you want to retire now, there are all kinds of alien creatures everywhere. There are no fewer than ten super-natural creatures. It is not an easy task to rush out. It’s better to fight and fight, and to marry this innate emperor and take the stone of his soul.

Hansen and the little angels succumbed to the innate emperor, but the innate eyes of the emperor were indifferent, and the purple knives in their hands continued to move, and the purple knives flew to Hansen and the little angels.

boom! boom! boom!

The purple gas and the radiant glory continually exploded at the top of the tower. The innate emperor suppressed Hansen and the little angel with an enemy.

After the horrible purple air knife was broken up, it immediately re-agglomerated, from all directions to Hansen and the little angels, so that they could not even have room to dodge.

"This guy is definitely the innate emperor!" Han Sen knows that the general emperor can't have such a power. The other party has obviously opened up ten genetic locks. Otherwise, in terms of strength, the super-elect of the nine genetic locks is opened. It is impossible to be suppressed in strength.

The reason why this congenital emperor was not as tyrannical as the Emperor of Heaven, most likely may be due to malnutrition, caused by the man intercepted too much vitality.

Even so, the innate Emperor smashed out the knife, and the entire tower was almost covered by the purple knives. Everything that met the purple knives was smashed.

"Little angel... fit..." Hansen gritted his teeth and rushed to the little angel.

The little angels swayed and rushed to Hansen. In the air, the wings of the day wrapped the wings around Hansen's body, and the **** red lips had kissed Hansen's lips.

The sky and the purple knife smashed into the air and kissed the two people. At this time, there were hundreds of purple knives, and they pierced the two people from all directions like arrows and rain, and they saw that they would be stabbed into horses.


An incomparable arrogant light flashed from the two people, and all the purple knives were crushed, and the purple fragments scattered like raindrops. No one could touch the brilliance. The figure that came out of the middle.

The flaming and white body, the wings of the daytime, the golden aura of the soul on the top of the head, the figure blazing out, the transparent sword slowly rises.


The sword is like a rainbow, and it has already been stabbed in front of the innate emperor. 8)