Liu Cheng stares at the old man who is walking slowly towards him, especially at his bloody eyes. He only feels a kind of unspeakable terror gushing from the bottom of his heart.

Is it true that the old man is no longer a man, as the short man said?

If it's not human?

What is he now?

Liu Cheng did not dare to guess that although the old man was extremely fast, his limbs were stiff and his strength was extremely strong. One blow could break a doorframe.

Although the speech is no problem, but it is very stiff, word by word to jump out.

All kinds of signs seem to have shown that the old man is no longer human, at least not an ordinary person. But when the short man said it, Liu Cheng was still shocked.

By this time, the old man had rushed over, "box, bring it!

Liu Cheng took a look at the box with a crack in his arms and stepped back several steps. At the same time, seven or eight silver needles flew out of the box, all of them greeting the old man's navel.

The speed and accuracy of his technique are far better than his previous level.

At the moment, Liu Cheng and the old man have been fighting for more than an hour. His physical strength is not as good as before, but his strength is even stronger. Before that, the warm current in his body began to flow all over his body.

That is to say, the true Qi is often said by the metaphysical circle.

Although it sounds a bit mysterious, the affairs of metaphysics, such as Feng Shui masters, Taoists and Buddhists, are not out of the ordinary.

The real Qi in his body is constantly flowing, supporting him to perform "Qingtian nine needles".

The old man seems to have realized Liu Cheng's purpose. His action is very simple. He just covers his navel with his hands, and then walks away slowly step by step.

More than ten silver needles have been inserted in the old man's arm, but the other side is always like nobody. The blood red in the eye bead is a bit deeper than before, and the foot movement is more rigid.

"Come on, don't let the old guy become That Cried the short man.

Liu Cheng felt a move in his heart and kicked on the table beside him. With this powerful force, he swept to the side. The real Qi in his body was flowing. With a slight vertical movement, he reached the corner of the wall.

At this time, the old man roared, his arms shook, and all the silver needles on his hands and arms flew out, all of them stabbing Liu Cheng.

The latter was shocked, and quickly raised it to his hands. All the silver needles were blocked by the box, and finally fell to the ground.

Liu Cheng turned and looked at the old man step by step. His body was very hard, almost invulnerable, and he was very smart. He always blocked his navel. No matter how he shot, it was hard for him to hit him.

Thinking of this, Liu Chengyi also fell into a dilemma.

It's not easy to know the other party's death. I didn't expect that there was no way to hit the other party's death for a moment. It's impossible to enter or retreat!

Suddenly, he noticed that the short man was walking towards the door.

That guy wants to run?

Liu Cheng's heart gushed out such an idea, immediately a shout, "Hey, you even want to escape? Stop

At the same time, he reached for a lift, and several silver needles broke out of the air, hitting the short man's back.

The short man had suffered from the silver needles before, but he didn't dare to escape. He immediately stood in the same place and didn't move, especially when he saw the silver needles falling on the ground.

Liu Cheng cheered: "hurry up, or I'll go with the box. I'm afraid your teacher hates you even more!"

When he finished his sentence, he suddenly remembered that there was another man lying outside. He immediately called out, "go outside and wake up the tall man. Maybe there is still some hope for the three of us together!"

After hearing this, the short man rushed outside. Seeing this, Liu Cheng kicked the chair at the old man, who hit the chair with a fist. The chair broke all the sawdust.

Taking advantage of this gap, Liu Chengfei jumps and follows the short man to the outside of the room.

The short man saw the tall man lying on the ground and patted him on the head. The latter opened his eyes.

"What's wrong with me..." The tall man struggled to his feet. "Who's this kid?"

As soon as he finished, he suddenly remembered what happened before, pointed to Liu Chenghe and asked, "did you knock me out before?"

Liu Cheng sneered: "it's better to get rid of the things inside first."

"What?" The tall man was stunned. At this time, the old man rushed out of the house with a roar. His eyes were completely covered with blood, and his limbs were more rigid than before. He walked like a robot.

However, even so, his speed is not comparable to that of Liu Cheng and others.

"Die for me!" The old man roared, stretched out his hand and rushed to the three men.

When the tall man saw the old man like this, he was shocked and said, "old man..."

Before he finished, the old man's leader had already grasped his neck, and the latter had difficulty breathing. He just felt that the whole person was confined in a shell.The tall man's eyes are bulging, and his eyes almost fall out.

When the short man saw this, he was shocked and yelled. One punch hit the old man's waist, and another hit his navel.

The old man suddenly moved and kicked out, just in front of the short man's chest.

"Bang!" A, the short man should fly out, heavily fell on the ground.

Seeing this, Liu Cheng knew that if he didn't do it now, he might really have no chance.

The tall man was pinched tightly by the old man. He had difficulty breathing. He stretched out his tongue and protruded his eyes. It was extremely frightening.

"Quick Save I "

he struggled and yelled. At this time, Liu Chengbang gave a drink, stimulated the Qi in his body, kicked out and kicked the old man hard.

The old man gave a strange cry, his right hand loosened, and the tall man fell to the ground. He took a big breath, and his face turned red. He could drop blood.

Liu Cheng quickly called out: "you two, although I don't know what happened to your master, I'm afraid that at this moment, only three people can control this old man!"

The tall man and the short man looked at each other and rushed to the old man with a roar.

Liu Cheng put the box aside and rushed up with a flash.

The circulation of Qi in his body, almost every punch, every foot with all the strength.

The three joined hands to fight with the old man, and the situation became more and more fierce, especially the short man who had been seriously injured before. Now he was almost the weakest of the three, and he was hit on the shoulder or leg by the old man several times.

For a moment, the short man's mouth was bleeding, and he could hardly hold on.

At this time, Liu Chenggang just put it in the box beside him. The crack on the box suddenly reflected a lot of brilliance, just like a rainbow, but two colors were missing.

If they hadn't faced the situation of life and death, they would have been surprised by the vision on the box.