"But the big elder, the stubborn old immortal, didn't understand what I was thinking about as the leader of Tiangu gate, and even beat me up."

"Therefore, the reason why Tiangu gate has been reduced to this situation today."

"The real fault is not on me at all, but on the big elder, and on you old guys who are complacent and unwilling to make progress, it is you who have harmed Tiangu gate!"


after hearing Gu Wang's fierce words, Si Tengfei also sighed deeply and said angrily.

"You are still stubborn now

"At the beginning, the reason why the elder came forward again and again to stop you was not to fight against you, but he didn't want you to fall into the evil way and go astray."

"But you turned a deaf ear to the great elder's painstaking efforts, and even decided to do it in the end."

"Now, instead of half repentance, you are still in this evil path, and you are getting deeper and deeper."

"Even, they began to get involved in the evil art of the three ghosts and one Gu."

"Do you really think that when you practice these three spirits and one Gu, we can get out of this corner of Tiangu gate and have a place in the Chinese spiritual cultivation world?"

"No, it's a big mistake!"

"If you really do that, we Tiangu gate will not be famous in the Chinese Xiuzhen world, but will be called as a passing mouse in the name of the demon sect, and everyone will yell at us!"

"By then, there will be no place for Tiangu gate in the whole world..."

"hum, pedantic views!"

"History is written by winners, and now I have enough strength to match the golden elixir."

"As long as I have cultivated three spirits and one Gu, even the ordinary golden elixir is not my king's unified enemy."

"How can this king, who has the power of veneration, not be able to revitalize the Tiangu gate? How can we not make Tiangu gate famous in the Chinese Xiuzhen world? "

After saying this, Gu Wang's face also took bursts of gratification.

In his opinion, there is no doubt that everything is based on their own strength. In short, whoever has strong strength will have a big fist.

At that time, as long as he kills afya and Tian Shengyu and takes the three spirits and six spirits of these two people. Thus, he can be refined into three ghosts and one Gu, and complete his ambition of being a wolf!!!

At that time, Gu Wang, who has three ghosts and one Gu, will be able to achieve this King Kong immortal body in a real sense.

Even if he were to become a famous and influential golden elixir, he might not be able to break his physical defense.

Therefore, in any case, he Gu king has been able to make himself invincible by virtue of his not bad golden body of three spirits and one Gu. Why worry about not carrying forward the Tiangu gate?!!

"Gu Wang, so far, don't say these so-called zhenzhenzongmen, self deception."

"The reason why you do so much, frankly, is not to satisfy your own selfish desires."

"And Tiangu gate is a valuable tool in your hand. It's just a stepping stone."

"You will be the first one to destroy the poisonous door after it loses its value in your hands."

When it comes to excitement, it's more exciting.

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