Marshal Tianpeng: "hey hey, Dafan, where did you learn this magic skill? There are cards... Research has cards..." br >

daffodil, tell me what you are doing, and give Nezha that little fart child the special effects added to his self-image

"Daffodil... Dafi... Good things should be shared with good friends. You can never hide your private affairs. Daffodils..." br >

daffodils... Daffodils... Are you here? Are you here, daffodil? Why not ignore my old pig...... "

"... "

needless to say, Zhang Xiaofan simply flipped over the wechat message that marshal Peng sent to him on this day.

I see, this "second elder brother" is basically the same as the three Prince Nezha before, and they are all the same. Ask yourself how to take photos and add special skills.

But Nezha came to find Zhang Xiaofan to learn and add special skills just to how to make his own photos more beautiful, more generous, more ornamental, interesting.

However, the reason why this "second elder brother" wants to learn special skills, Zhang Xiaofan even if he wants to use the back brain spoon to know that in 1989, it is inseparable from Chang'e's little sister!

I don't know. This second elder brother is in the heart of learning from here PS technology and then helping Miss Chang'e sister P take photos. So I want to get the good feeling of Chang'e's little sister?

After thinking about this, Zhang Xiaofan did not have to disdain in his heart, fingers on the screen, and edited a message to send it.

I am Mengxin (zhangxiaofan); "Oh, there are other things to be busy with here just now. What is the matter with Marshal Tianpeng coming to me this time? There is a questioning expression behind it. "

Zhang Xiaofan, just after sending out the news, saw that it was less than a minute before the beginning of the vibration of listening to the mobile phone and "buzzing... Buzzing...".

Marshal Tianpeng: "I said Dafan, your old man's family is finally reconnected!"

"The Jianghu is in a hurry, dafi. How did you add that special skill to Duan? Teach me the old pig quickly... "Br >

I am Mengxin (zhangxiaofan):" this is not that I don't want to teach Marshal Tianpeng, mainly because of some force majeure factors, and lack of spare power... "Br >

so, Zhang Xiaofan will give back the set of words about Nezha before, and give back the" second elder brother "as many as they have

"Well... It's still a familiar recipe, or a familiar taste.

Marshal Tianpeng: "Oh... It was!"

"But Dafan, since my old pig is not convenient to learn the method of adding special skills, you can help me add special skills to the old pig. The results are the same anyway..." br >

it is no loss that it is "second elder brother", which is really a guy with a thicker face than the wall!

If we simply talk about the degree of cheekiness, in this God Xiao Tianting, the immortal Luo Jinxian, the second elder brother, if he thinks the second, no one dares to recognize the first.

"Ha ha... Since commander Tianpeng has opened this mouth, I will not refuse you naturally, but what about this matter..." br >

although the face of this "second elder brother" is very thick, he is not vegetarian either....

he is not vegetarian either , the fastest update of the webnovel!