"There are also 200, 00 yuan for ICU intensive care unit and 100, 00 yuan for morgue."

"If you don't pay the money, then don't blame our hospital for business..."

at this time, a middle-aged doctor in a white coat with a medical record file in his hand came towards Zhang Xiaofan and Zhao Liying.

However, the middle-aged doctor saw Zhao Liying's pure, charming and beautiful face. After that, he swallowed the ugly words again.

Then, see him pretend to cough twice again, and then serious, way.

"Are you Zhao Liying, the family member of the patient who called earlier?"

"Ah... People can't be reborn after death. You'd better be more open and calm down..."

"OK, what I'm holding in my hand is the consumption list of your brother Zhao Jianfei in our hospital before his death."

"If there is no problem, go to the toll office to settle the debt..."

while speaking, the middle-aged doctor forced the patient files and list in his hand towards Zhao Liying's arms.

"Wait a minute

However, at this time, Zhang Xiaofan is a direct step forward, directly separated Zhao Liying from the middle-aged male doctor.

The expression on the face, how much is also with a bit of bad!

And Zhang Xiaofan's move, of course, also has his own reason to do so!

This doctor, does he have no eyesight at all?!

After seeing the patient's family members receiving the notice of critical illness from the hospital, they are in a very sad and sad time.

Not only did not take the initiative to comfort the patient's family, but also showed a pair of power villain like ugly face at this time.

Open your mouth and shut up, except for money, money, money is nothing else, how can a copper stink?!

What's more, the ICU (intensive care unit) in your hospital is as high as 100, 00 yuan a day.

You know, although the ICU ward charges are very high, but at best, a day is in the price range of 1000 yuan to 2000 yuan a day.

How can empty mouth white tooth direct want 100, 00 yuan a day?

Isn't it just sitting on the ground and raising the price, when the family members of the patients are wronged!

This hospital's "blackmail" food is too ugly, right?!

"Who are you? What does this matter have to do with you?"

After hearing Zhang Xiaofan's sharp words and tricky accountability.

The middle-aged doctor also looked up and down at Zhang Xiaofan, and his tone was full of impatience.

"I think you are not a family member of the patient, are you?"

"Since you are not a family member of the patient, do not interfere with the normal work of our hospital."

"Otherwise, I will ask the security guard to invite you out!"

"Normal work of the hospital?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan Leng Leng, and then he is a sneer, way.

"Is it impossible for your hospital to work normally without saving people's lives?"

"What are you talking about? I warn you, little red man, this meal can be eaten indiscriminately, but this can't be said nonsense. Be careful that I will sue you for libel --!"

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