Chapter 1139

Name:Super Doctor Author:叶天南
As Xu Ze said this, the three dark speaker suddenly looked ugly.

"Are you threatening us?" Xibola's face was blue, staring at Xu Zehan.

"Threat? Yes Your honor, speaker hippola, you may think that... "

Xu Ze said with a faint smile: "in this war, even if I don't threaten you, other people will not let you hide like a little mouse!"

"Of course I also hope that you can understand that the human race is also the key to the continuation of your ethnic group. Once there is a problem with the human race, it will not be long before the extinction of your ethnic group. "

After that, Xu Ze stood up slowly, looked at the three people whose faces changed from time to time, and said with a faint smile: "if you can You can choose to kill me If I die, then no one should be able to bother you again Of course, if you can kill me... "

Speaking of this, Xu Ze looked at the three men with a smile: "but you can rest assured that I will not kill you. At this time, I don't like the chaos of the dark Council, and I don't like the meaningless consumption of the earth's power So if you have this idea, you can try... "

The faces of the three hipporas were now and then red, and their eyes flashed fiercely from time to time. It was obvious that the three men were considering whether they really wanted to solve the serious problem in front of them.

However, soon after the three looked at each other, their faces gradually became peaceful.

Xu Ze mouth slightly upturned, and then nodded, then did not speak, turned away.

Now that the dark Council has been settled, the Vatican side will be the rest. Naturally, there will be no big problems on the Vatican side, at least Although the Vatican has always been high pitched and tight, it is impossible for him to take the opposite tone at this time. Xu Ze is very confident that no one can refuse his visit at this time.

The war soon came, and the Jiming fleet had appeared tens of thousands of kilometers away from the moon's orbit;

"Mom and Dad It's OK. You can just stay here. I've left a small fighter here. There won't be any problem Even if there is a problem, I will come back in time... " Xu Ze smiles and nods to Xu's father and mother in the screen, and then connects with Liu Changfeng.

"I'm ready. Don't worry In the Chinese cultivation world, we had a little bit of loss when we fought with those little devils. This time, we will never let those jimingxing people kill wantonly in our territory

Liu Changfeng said in a deep voice: "all the personnel of our supervision department have been mobilized, and all factions have gathered all levels of disciples. Thousands of people have participated in this emergency training. In addition, nearly 100000 special forces have been added. As long as those jimingxing people dare to land on the ground and conduct individual combat, they can't go well."

Xu Ze nodded and said, "good Our ground defense will be handed over to you and director Yang! "

Liu Changfeng also nodded, and then continued to ask: "the defense of the hiding place is not really in our charge?"

"Don't worry There are powerful defense turrets on the other side of the hiding place. There is no need for the military to intervene As long as the Tibetan military region can send ground troops and fighter formations to conduct Ground Coordination defense... "

Hearing Xu Ze's words, Liu Changfeng's eyes flashed and then nodded.

As the Jiming fleet gets closer and closer, Xu Ze looks at the more and more light image on the screen, and his face gradually becomes dignified.

In addition to 40 spherical warships, there are ten triangular warships of similar size and six spherical motherships.

In the virtual space, the data light screen is constantly flowing, the Galactic microchip is constantly rotating rapidly, and the knife is rapidly analyzing the data and data of the triangular warship and the spherical carrier in front of us.

However, in a few minutes, Xiaodao had already revealed the general analysis data of these two kinds of warships in front of Xu Ze according to their shapes.

The information of the forty spherical warships has been basically understood by the earth's mixed fleet. However, according to the shape scanning analysis, the defense capability of this newly emerged triangular warship may be slightly weaker than that of the spherical warship, but its attack power should be far better than that of the spherical warship.

According to the analysis of the knife, this kind of huge spherical carrier can carry more than 3000 fighter planes and landing ships in addition to its strong defense and attack power It's basically a small armed fighting fortress.

However, Xiaodao also analyzes the weaknesses of these two types of warships and motherships.

Looking at these data, Xu Ze's face is even more dignified. The earth now has only 29 warships. To deal with the 56 warships in front of us, I'm afraid there is not much hope of victory. The only advantage is that we can rely on those dense space armed satellites;

although these satellites do not have much mobility, they do Still have the effect of surprise force, their powerful attack power can give them a certain amount of heavy damage when the Jiming star fleet is not protected.

These satellites have been camouflaged to a certain extent, and they have not been used in previous battles. This time, they are also a very important part of the earth's extraterrestrial defense."Attention, ships Ready to receive information from enemy ships... " With Xu Ze's command, Xiaodao has transmitted these analysis data to the other ships of the mixed fleet, so that they can fully understand the situation of the enemy ships, so as to make effective response; and it has sent several attack plans just made against the enemy fleet in the past, so that each ship can be familiar with it for use.

Looking at the information transmitted from Sirius I, all the warships were overjoyed. After waiting for those warships to really appear in front of them, looking at the momentum of this huge fleet, the members of each ship were more nervous.

Now, the other side is just emerging, and the commander can make such a detailed analysis, and also transmit such detailed information, and immediately adjust and make several response plans, which makes them feel more confident.

With such a strong commander and command system, plus the geographical position, although the strength of our side has fallen into the wind, it is not without the possibility of World War I.

So, all the warships were in a good state of mind, and they were ready to deal with the attack of the other side

Looking at the approaching jimingxing fleet, Xu Ze said in a voice to the communication commander Mai Shen: "all ships, according to the No. 1 plan, prepare to fight..."

With Xu Ze's command sound, each ship's formation opens, the main gun begins to store energy, prepares to fight

(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!