Chapter 821

Name:Super Doctor Author:叶天南
Wu Yuantang felt very painful...

this kind of pain is not physical, but a kind of helpless and angry spiritual pain.

If Liu Changfeng, who thought he had taken the wrong medicine, had not taken the stimulant by mistake, then Wu Yuantang knew that people were not looking for abuse. Although Liu Changfeng did not surpass him, two people are only a draw, but this still let Wu Yuantang's heart deeply hurt.

Now the Liu family can be said to be a two-day position. How can the Wu family live? Is it really the only way to live in the second place?

Wu Yuantang was a little angry, but there was no way. He could only hope for something that was not reliable.

The man in huairentang quickly learned about the passing of the two ministers of the Ministry of supervision. At that time, his expression was very exciting and exciting, but he was also worried.

Every leader likes to use the technique of balance, but sometimes it is inevitable that some kind of imbalance will appear. Now... Obviously, the imbalance appears, but fortunately, the boy is obviously not reliable, and there are some who are close to each other from the Liu family, which makes him feel at ease.

However, he is still worried. Liu Changfeng has been keeping a low profile for the past few years. Until today, Xu Ze left for country m, and Liu Changfeng did not do anything until now, which proved that the Liu family was hiding very deeply...

it was night... The old man of the Liu family was ordered to enter Huairen Hall and talked with that person for a long time. He didn't leave until late at night. However, when he came out, his face was full of smiles and seemed to have gained something.

For these, although Xu Ze also received news, but he is not very concerned about, all this is Liu Changfeng's arrangement, he is too lazy to consider so much.

More than ten hours later, the plane slowly descended at Washington Airport. It was the first time for sun Lingfei to go abroad. Looking at all the foreigners with blonde hair and blue eyes, he was excited and curious. He still held Xu Ze's hand tightly.

Xu Ze smiles and says that this is not the first time he has come to the United States, but it is the first time that he has come to the United States.

When passing the customs clearance, the female customs officer took Xu Ze's passport, looked at it twice, and then passed the scan. After asking a few questions, she let Xu Ze pass. However, Xiaodao chuckled in her ear and said, "Congratulations, your free bodyguard is coming soon..."

Xu Ze smiles, waiting for sun Lingfei to pass the customs They came out slowly.

Outside the airport passageway, some people hold a sign with the word "xuze" on it. When they greet...

many passengers coming out of the same plane are Chinese. Looking at the sign outside the passage, many people are stunned and then smile. There are more than one billion people in China. Naturally, there are many people called xuze. As for their most famous one, it is impossible to appear ad locum.

Looking at no one paying too much attention to the card, Xu Ze was a little relieved...

the man who came to meet him was a tall, thin man in a slim suit, who was quite handsome. He saw the two men with big sunglasses coming up, with a trace of smile on their faces.

"Hello, sister Xu and sister-in-law Liu, welcome to Washington He shook hands with Xu Ze with a smile, then neatly took over the suitcase that Xu Ze was dragging in his hand, and said with a smile, "the car is outside, please follow me..."

Xu Ze had known about Liu Ya for a long time. He was a distant son of the Liu family. Since he was ten years old, he went to m country with his parents' orders and took over the related industries. Now it is the new generation of Liu family in M country that is very outstanding One of the young people.

The weather in Washington is much better than that in Yanjing. Although the temperature is only seven or eight degrees, the sunshine is very comfortable, which is totally different from the cold and dry weather in Yanjing.

A driver with white gloves stood in front of the door of a Cadillac. Seeing Liu Ya and Xu Ze coming out, he strode forward to take the box in Liu Ya's hand respectfully and put it in the trunk of the car. Liu Ya also opened the door carefully and invited Xu Ze and sun Lingfei to get on.

Before Xu Zelin got on the bus, he felt several eyes staring at him. Now he gave a slight smile. His free bodyguards were sharp enough, and they followed him quietly so quickly.

Along the way, sun Lingfei looked out of the window curiously. The capital of the world's most powerful country, Washington and Yanjing are quite different. At least from the airport to the city center, you can see many beautiful hills and neat villas in the distance...

only after entering Washington, D.C., did we see some prosperity The scene. However, it is not as complicated as Yanjing, which makes sun Lingfei sigh a little more.

Xu Ze quietly looked at the scene outside the window, but there was nothing abnormal, but the vision under the sunglasses seemed to have some strange changes.

"This new country, in just a hundred years, has become the first power on earth. The reason is worth pondering..." it is Xiaodao who said this, not Xu Ze.

Xu Ze nodded his head slowly and said, "the emerging forces have great advantages in some aspects and are full of vitality..."The knife suddenly stopped, and then it showed an image in Xu Ze's eyeglasses. He said with a smile: "the FBI's car is not bad. It's Cadillac... They're following up. Do you want to...

" follow me... If they don't follow, I'm still surprised... "Xu Ze chuckled:" only If only they didn't come and quarrel with me. "

"Of course... It's OK. Naturally they won't come to quarrel with you, but it's impossible for you to think how peaceful you are!" Xiaodao said with a smile: "a senior military general of an opponent country suddenly enters the country with a low profile, and the FBI will definitely keep an eye on it!"

After a while, the car slowly drove into the door of a hotel. The doorman next to him quickly stepped forward to open the door for Xu Ze. Xu Ze and sun Lingfei stepped out of the car slowly. Xu Ze looked at the surrounding environment, which was quite good, and the hotel was quite luxurious.

but Xu Ze also knew that since he came here by himself, Liu Changfeng would arrange the best Yes.

Liu Ya took Xu Ze and Xu Ze upstairs. After they were sent to the president's suite on the top floor, Liu Ya helped to put the luggage away. Then Liu Ya said with a smile: "brother Xu, you and your sister-in-law have a rest first. I'll pick you up tomorrow. If you need anything, please call me at any time."

"OK, Liu ya... It's hard for you. You should go back to have a rest earlier." After shaking hands with Liu ya, Xu Ze sent Liu Ya out of the door with a smile.

After closing the door, Xu Ze said in a deep voice: "clean it up!"

Xiaodao's reaction was very fast. With a "Di" in his ear, Xiaodao then reported: "OK, the room has been cleaned up... All the monitoring has been blocked, and no one can see the situation of the room..."

after that, he said with a smile: "of course... You have to pull up the curtain yourself... Otherwise, it will be exposed I'm not to blame for it! "

At random, the knife blocked all the monitors that had taken the FBI a lot of time to install. In a black RV in the parking lot of the hotel, several agents who were monitoring would look at the screen suddenly full of snowflakes and the noise of "beep and beep" coming from headphones, but they were silly.

"What's the matter? What's going on? " A person in charge at the back, looking at all the monitoring failed for a moment, roared out of voice.

"Head... The other party should have activated a strong jammer..." a black agent, helpless tunnel.

"Siht..." the captain scolded him, then he said a few words into his headset. After two replies, he sat down with a gloomy face and said in a deep voice, "what the hell are you doing in Washington? Without going through the diplomatic department, what kind of madness is going on in China today? "

"Head... Let's go straight to the search..." the black agent tried carefully.

"Shut up, class... Can you give me some reliable suggestions..." the captain hummed: "although the other party did not go through the diplomatic department, after all, the other party is a senior general of China. If we want to get into big trouble, the director has to fire me..."

"let Tony keep a close eye on him. Now we have no other way...

"“ Yes, head... "The black agent nodded, then pressed the headset and spoke to another person twice.

In a building opposite xuze's suite, another agent was looking at Xu Ze with a pair of binoculars. He was talking to the black detective class and nodding his head.

At this time, in the suite, Xu Ze didn't have the mind to make fun of Xiaodao. He was really tired after more than ten hours of flying. He was ok, but sun Lingfei was just afraid that he would work hard.

"Lingfei... You go to take a bath first... We'll have dinner later..." she went to the window and drew the snow-white curtain. Then she was smiling at sun Lingfei, who was excited to turn around in the suite.

"Good..." listen to Xu Ze mention this, sun Lingfei this just feel a body acid bloat, immediately opened the trunk, took out the underwear from inside, went into the bathroom.

Seeing that sun Lingfei went to take a bath, Xu Ze also sat down on the sofa, and then picked up a hotel's order list and casually looked at it.

It's getting dark in Washington. I ate that food on the plane, but it's tasteless. I have to have a good meal here.

Xu Ze is about to order something to eat, but the detective named Tony over there will look at the thick curtain, which will also be silly. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!