Chapter 263

Name:Super Doctor Author:叶天南
Xu Ze has never called Tang Guorui on the phone, but after waking up from the phone in his sleep, he frowned. After seeing the phone number, Tang Guorui's eyebrows jumped lightly. Although he is not very familiar with his nephew, he knows very well that the other party has nothing important to do. He will never call himself at this time, and he will press the button to connect him.

With a faint sense of sleepiness, after a few words on the phone with Xu Ze, Tang Guorui's eyes soon disappeared, showing a trace of fierce color, and after half an hour, he soon appeared in front of Xu Ze.

Seeing Mayor Tang's rapid arrival, Zhang Jingming finally showed a trace of relaxation. He was very clear that if Mayor Tang did not appear at this time, he, the deputy director of Xingcheng Police Bureau, would encounter irresistible pressure by tomorrow morning at the latest.

However, Mayor Tang appeared, and Xu Ze, who killed Gu Xiaobing himself, must be able to make the mayor of Tang believe the authenticity of this thing in his hand. When he handed this thing to Mayor Tang, he would obtain the support and protection of the Tang clan. Zhang's family, who is far away in Yanjing, will certainly not have any idea and ability to exert pressure on himself.

After listening to Xu Ze's statement, Tang Guorui quickly changed his face after reading the information sent by Zhang Jingming, but in a moment he calmed down.

As Zhang Jingming expected, Tang Guorui gave him thanks and encouragement, and affirmed the nature of the matter. Gu Xiaobing, deputy chief of the supervision section of the State Security Bureau, was suspected of conspiring with the enemy and treason. After the incident was revealed, he was killed on the spot by Xu Ze, a major of the second Intelligence Bureau of the general staff, in pursuit of director Zhang of Xingcheng Police Bureau to seize intelligence.

Looking at Tang Guorui, Xu Ze only went into the office and stayed alone for half an hour. After making a few phone calls, he gave himself the name of a major in the second Intelligence Bureau of the General Staff Headquarters. It was very strange. But I finally saw the terrible strength of the Tang family.

Seeing that Xu Zena himself has become a deputy director of national security, his face is as indifferent as ever, and suddenly his expression of amazement suddenly appears. Tang Guorui can't help but laugh.

Tang Guorui is in a good mood now, so he is very happy to see Xu Ze's expression

Xu Ze really made a great achievement this time. Without this information, the Tang clan would have suffered a great loss in this incident. But now it is different. The Tang clan knew this matter in advance, but it can be prepared calmly to cope with the accident and reduce the loss to the minimum.

Therefore, Tang Guorui personally contacted Master Li, the most important ally of Tang clan in Yanjing, at 5:00 a.m. and informed him of the incident.

To Tang Guorui's surprise, after hearing that Xu Ze was involved in this matter, Mr. Li directly arranged a quota for a chief staff major in order to save Xu Ze from future troubles and save time and trouble.

Tang Guorui is very clear about the difficulty of suddenly arranging the name of a major in the general staff. If it is a captain officer, it is not very difficult. However, although the school level officer is only a major, even Mr. Li, who has great influence in the military, will have to spend a lot of money.

Thus, it can be seen that Xu Ze's weekly visit to Yanjing has not been in vain recently, and Mr. Li's attention to him has reached such a level.

This is the best thing to do. Tang Guorui is also relieved. This matter can not be covered up. As the deputy chief of the national security supervision section of Xingcheng City, he has a great relationship with Yanjing Zhangjiakou. It is not easy to deal with it well. Although he can arrange the situation for Xu Ze, it is not as simple as Master Li.

However, he did not know that Xu Ze had a special file in Guoan a long time ago, and it had already been registered with the general staff. The military had already made special provisions in this respect. Therefore, Mr. Li did not have much effort to arrange the general staff major.

Now, it's a good thing that his nephew Xu Ze got such a status in vain. This boy is destined to be a conspicuous role in the future, so as to avoid any trouble in the future.

In the face of such a sudden change, Xu Ze is also a little bit unresponsive, looking at Tang Guorui in doubt.

Tang Guorui didn't explain, but said with a smile: "tomorrow Yanjing will have your ID card. In the future, you will still go according to your own idea, but there will be a big backstage in the future..."

Zhang Jingming is also very satisfied with the current situation. Next year, Yang Li, the police chief, will be promoted. Now he has officially put on the brand of Tang clan. With the support of Mayor Tang, the position of director can be regarded as certain.

However, he was also shocked by the sudden emergence of the title of military major by some young master Tang Jiagan. His three-level police supervisor was almost equivalent to the rank of a colonel, but it took him decades to climb up. But it's just a matter of a few words. At the age of 212, he was mixed up with a major. This person is really incomparable with others. There are people who are good at being officials

Although Zhang Jingming has some feelings, his heart is more and more solid. In his eyes, the Tang family has become more and more mysterious. He knows the influence of the Tang family in the military, but he can't think of such a big one. This shows that he can't find a reliable supporter.Xu Ze went to the hospital at 8 a.m. yawning. Although he was forced to get involved in a big incident yesterday, he didn't expect to get such a benefit. This is what he didn't expect.

Xu Ze can now be said to be the most relaxed person in the whole attachment 1. His daily work is to follow director Zhang Reid around and look at the patients by the way. If he wants to say something, he doesn't have to write the medical record and do nothing. Besides, he still has some ideas of pretending to be a tiger

With the name of director Zhang, in the First Affiliated Hospital, at least in several departments of the Department of internal medicine, everyone was polite to him, even the other directors were no exception.

However, in recent days, these directors have been more friendly to him. In the past, they were just worried about Xu Ze, a person valued by director Zhang Da, and gave him a little face.

But now, Xu Ze has been wandering in these departments with director Zhang Da for a long time, but relying on his ability, he has shocked many people and helped a lot of these departments. Therefore, although he has no real identity in Annex 1, he still has a lot of weight in people's eyes, and his boat is getting higher and higher.

Zhang Reid was very free today. Xu zebian wandered in the Department of Cardiology and chatted with Zhang Jiang in the director's office. He had a good cup of tea and talked about the future of acupuncture and moxibustion in cardiovascular diseases. Xu zebian swayed out again and went to see Zhang Lizhi.

Zhang Lizhi is recovering very well now. Although his spirit is not very good, according to some estimates of Zhang Jiang, as long as he stays for another two or three days, he can almost be discharged from hospital.

Looking at the young doctor who is a classmate with his daughter, Zhang Lizhi is also very general. Unexpectedly, he saved his life by his daughter's affection, so he became more and more enthusiastic about Xu Ze.

Xu Ze didn't see out. He took a peeled banana from Zhang Linyun, ate a few mouthfuls, and then chatted with Zhang Lizhi. After saying some polite words about rest, he left.

Later, after the old man's phone call, Xu Ze went back to Tianyang mountain.

It's four or five days before the Spring Festival. Xu Ze, a dry grandson, naturally has to do his duty, but accompany the elderly.

The old man is more and more fond of Xu Ze. Although he had expected that his grandson would be a great figure in the future, he did not expect that he would give such great help to the Tang family.

However, it is a good student with a straight face that Xu Ze has been educated for some time Other special forces come out, and have guns in hand, you a little thing to join in what If something goes wrong, how can I, the old man Listening to the side of Tang Zhi is full of laughter

After teaching a few words, it is a small book with a straight face

This makes Xu Ze happy. After spending so many years outside, he naturally knows that the world is not easy. The power and money are very important things, which he has understood since the beginning of University.

If you don't have the Tang family behind you, even if you have a knife, you can mix in the world. With your own origin, you will never have such insight and identity.

If it wasn't for the Tang family, I might still be the intern who wanders in the Huimin clinic and is afraid that the health bureau or the health supervision office will come to find trouble every day.

Now that I have this identity, I don't have to be so taboo when I do some things in the future. I don't need to worry that I will be ignored and find fault to hide myself.

At least like the last time, when I was visited by the health inspection center, even if I didn't have a license, if I had the identity of the military, the other party would not dare to do anything to him. I also don't need to think about it afterwards and trouble Tang Zhi to find someone to take care of himself.

It's not easy to mix the world It's not easy Xu zeru sighed

The bell of new year will ring soon Mixed with the crackling sound of firecrackers, a faint snowflake was floating in the sky. Today's reunion dinner was very different. Xu's father and mother looked at the three children around her who were obviously taller than at the beginning of the year, and all of them were full of the atmosphere of big cities, and their eyes were full of joy.

At the end of the year, Xu qinger came back with several violin prizes and handed in tens of thousands of yuan to his family

Although the Xu family is no longer worried about money, but looking at the bonus handed in by her daughter, the two couples are more happy than making 100000 yuan.

Originally, the couple planned to give Xu qinger the allowance for the next semester, but she was rejected by Xu qinger with a smile. She said that her brother's monthly living expenses could not be spent and saved a lot every month

Xu Hao, who has always been the most worrying person, did not disappoint the couple. At least, his grades were good. He did not fail in the first half of the year.

In particular, aze, the eldest son, looked at his tall and straight figure, which was already two centimeters higher than Xu's father, and several plaques and banners hanging on the wall of the external hospital, which made the couple very happy.

Xu Ma's face is getting better and better recently. She hasn't set up a stall for several months and has been given a full rest. In addition, her daily pressure has been greatly reduced, and many nutritions Xu Ze has sent back from time to time to nourish her, making her more and more young.In the early morning of the first day of the lunar new year, there are still some tiny snowflakes scattered in the sky, but some people go to the Xu family to pay New Year's greetings very early. Most of the people in the countryside are very simple. If you are kind to him, you are kind to him. Most people will remember for a lifetime

The two husband and wife came to the door with a child, but it was the drowning child rescued by Xu Ze. The couple came to the door with their children and some gifts. They came respectfully to pay New Year's greetings to Xu's father, Xu's mother and Xu Ze.

After a while, after drinking some tea, he took the child home with the red envelope given by Xu Ze

Then came two more, let not many relatives of the Xu family in the new year's Day is very lively

Looking at the happy parents, carrying some melon and fruit cakes out, reception guests, and then give two children a red envelope Xu Ze is holding a warm big tea cup on one side, smiling with warmth on his face

After the guests were sent away, Xu Ze drove his car and took his family to the temple outside the town to pray to God and make a wish

Tianfu temple on the first day of junior high school is always the most lively. The terrace in front of the temple is full of all kinds of carts and cars. When Xu Ze drives by, he can't find any parking space.

However, seeing this car with a fork like sign in front of it, several believers who came to help maintain order in the town quickly moved away a few stools, gave up a parking space, and made gestures to guide Xu Ze to stop by the side

Xu Ze stopped the car, got out of the car and expressed his thanks to several people. In the polite smile of several people, he accompanied his parents to the temple

Along the way, in the crowded crowd, there are always people who are polite, intimate and even smile with a little respect to greet Xu's father, Xu's mother and Xu Ze beside him, which makes Xu's father and his mother a little surprised and happy

Both husband and wife know that all these are stained with the light of their son, but they are very happy with their laughter

After thanking an old man who gave him half of his position with a smile, Xu Mu carefully inserted the incense candle in front of the censer, knelt down on the futon and worshipped the Bodhisattva. She sincerely thanks the Bodhisattva for his care of xuze last year, and prayed that the new year would continue to be smooth and profitable, and that his family would be safe

After staying at home for more than ten days, school is about to start, and it's time for Xu Ze to go to Yanjing

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