"The first step is to pinch people!"

When Zhou Yuanqi heard the speech, he wanted to stretch and pretend that he had just woken up.

Yang Song shot quickly, and could not see how much strength he used to press Zhou Yuanqi firmly.

A second later, a pig like howl sounded on the challenge arena.

Zhou Yuanqi woke up and cried. His eyes were full of tears.

People in this situation, do not pinch do not know, is really painful.

"Yang Song, what are you doing..."

"Don't get excited. Don't get excited. I saved you." Yang Song quickly grabbed Zhou Yuanqi's arm and wanted to help him up: "although I'm your Savior, you don't have to promise me by example. It's the good character of our ancestors. Just bow to me and say thank you sincerely."

"I thank you..." Zhou Yuanqi pushed Yang Song angrily, completely forgetting that he was supported by Yang Song at this time, and most of his strength depended on Yang Song.

Yang Song naturally won't be beaten by him, and suddenly let go.



There's no mistake. This time, it's louder than just falling, and the sound of being hit back by the floor is more powerful.

Zhou Yuanqi was dizzy with pain. He wanted to curse and beat people even more. The target was Yang Song.

"Don't cry, you have to be strong." Yang Song took the lead“ You can't cry. If you lose, you lose. "

Zhou Yuanqi vomited blood, but he was still adamant: "I don't know, Yang Song, don't think I don't know. You must give gifts to these old things. I'm just trying to buy them. You're the bastard who really disturbs the fairness of the game!"

Yang Song was happy: "this judge is from you. Before the opening, I don't know who you invited."

"Lie!" Zhou Yuanqi gnashed his teeth: "you take more advantages to buy them."

Yang Song said, "do you mean I have more money than you? I'm better than you. I can spare you and bribe the judges ahead of time? "

"Fart, just you, I Pooh!" Zhou Yuanqi is a man of contradiction.

"According to your logic, I have neither money nor ability. How can I bribe these judges?" Yang Song touched his chin and said, "with my handsome, incomparable temperament and personality charm?"

"It's possible."

Zhou Yuanqi sprayed: "Yang Song, do you want to be shameful? You can buy these old things because they are blind

He fell twice, got up with a disheartened face, pointed to Yang Song and the judges, and said, "if you dare to interfere and challenge justice, I can't spare you. I want you to stay in Los Angeles!"

Yang Song sighed: "this is my mistake."

Blame him for agreeing to the challenge of shiweige.

The judges puffed and glared with anger.

"Chef Yang, although he didn't see it with his own eyes, I can also guess that this grandson, who comes to the door to ask for a beating, will be able to get away without being beaten. What's the reason with grandson?" Zhang Dashan has the biggest temper and sneers.

"We can prove that five days ago, when the grandson sent the challenge book, his tail could be lifted to the sky."

"We have to discipline our bear children when we go back. If we don't manage them well, we will be such a jerk when we grow up."

"It's a common indignation. How did the grandson's father raise the child? It's so outrageous

There are many people in the food street who are diners of Baifeng Pavilion. They are very clear about the relationship between the two families.

To put it bluntly, it's just the same trade.

Yang Song sits in Baifeng Pavilion. His cooking skill is out of the reach of the ordinary people. He can't help but be remembered by villains.

Insiders know everything.

I can't bear the fact that there are many outsiders in the food street today. Plus the Internet friends, most of them haven't tasted Yang Song's cooking skills.

Zhou Yuanqi is still fragrant: "can you prove that Yang Song didn't bribe the judges?"

How can we prove what we haven't done?

This grandson is even worse.

Yang Song said, "do you have evidence to prove that I bribed the judges?"

"You are so treacherous, how can I find evidence?" Zhou Yuanqi said angrily, "you are a sinner. You have ruined this wonderful cooking competition and hurt us real cooking lovers!"

A cavity to say that is called loud, as if the protagonist aura.

If Yang Song is not the party concerned, he will be trusted.

"Everyone, you can see how exaggerated these so-called judges just ate. Is Yang Song's bamboo rat really so delicious? The judges are gnawing their fingers down! "

"You are making a show and deceiving the masses."

"Too shameless, too mean, too inhuman!"

The vicious words, righteous words, whether it is on the Internet, or the street completely do not understand the inside story of the masses of eating melon, there is really someone defected.

"In fact, the food in shiweige is delicious. The key is cheap."

"The menu as like as two peas Pavilion is half cheaper than 100 Phoenix Pavilion."

"Pass by the gate of Baifeng Pavilion and look at the price of the dishes. I'm distressed."

Many people will think that cheap is good, and it is worth buying. They don't have a high sense of expectation for cheap things. Even if the things they buy are not satisfactory, they can also explain that they are cheap after all.

What's more, the food of shiweige is not only cheap, but also delicious.

Some people take advantage of the girl friend is not around, said: "the main dish is the little sister is really beautiful."

"Yongzhi vulgar powder, eating in Baifeng Pavilion, the beauty of the food can make you enter the fairyland in a second, what Xi Shi Diao Chan, Yang Guifei, Wang Zhaojun is near, and Chang'e sister and seven fairies."


"Of course it's true!"

That is to say, Zhou Yuanqi's hard work really made many people question the fairness of this challenge.

"Zhou Yuanqi bribed the judges, but there is really no evidence to prove that Yang Song did not bribe?"

"Did you kill yesterday?"

"What nonsense? I was still working overtime in the company last night. I was so busy all day. How can I have time to kill people? "

"Overtime kills you?"

"You don't want to be unjust!"

"What proof do you have that you didn't kill yesterday?"

"How can we prove what we haven't done?"

"Yes, why do you want to prove something you haven't done?"

Zhou Yuanqi forced the result of the challenge to be invalid.

"Unjust challenges have to be abolished, of course." Zhou Yuanqi felt that he was the son of good luck. In a few words, he could turn the situation around: "Yang Song, as a cook, you bribed the judges. You don't respect our chef Lu. What's your face? I'll give you 24 hours to get out of the food street with baifengge! "

What is a war of words?

What is a turnaround?

Zhou Yuanqi is a great man!

Yang Song became weak and helpless in his eyes. He could let Zhou Da Shao knead flat and round.

"I can make it up." Yang song no longer regards Zhou Yuanqi as an old classmate. "Who says I can't prove myself?"

Next, no one thought that Yang song would use such a way to prove his innocence.