In terms of status, the imperial kitchen restaurant can be regarded as the top restaurant in China. If you want money, you can read the menu before. Although the price of these dishes is not as exaggerated as that of your own, it is almost the same. The most important thing is that the money is not bad. There are so many guests in and out every day.

What is it for? Yang Song was puzzled. At this moment, the door on the other side suddenly opened, and the waiters in black came in, pushing cars one by one, with two lids in one car. There should be two dishes on one car.


All of a sudden, the waiter who took the lead yelled at the crowd, and then ordered the people under him to serve the dishes, and all gave the names of the dishes.

"The dragon and the Phoenix bring prosperity."

"It's full of gold and jade."

"Rebirth in the fire."


a total of 30 dishes, slowly all came up, the names are very auspicious names, if you don't look at these materials, Yang Song thought it was some kind of state banquet, but after seeing a series of dishes in front of him, the whole person was a little uncomfortable.

First of all, it is said that dragon and Phoenix are auspicious. Dragon and Phoenix don't talk about it. Snake and chicken are still normal as soup. After Yang Song saw the snake, he found that it was actually a Bungarus multicinctus, and the head of the snake was all in the soup. I don't know if the poison bag is in it. Yang Song doesn't dare to move his chopsticks.

Snake soup, as an ancient Chinese dish, is not a strange dish at all. It's just that Yang song feels a bit wrong with this practice, and the snake head is also in it, which is very uncomfortable.

In Guangdong Province, dragon and Phoenix soup is actually a normal dish, but the snakes they use are usually water law snakes, that is, water snakes. They are not poisonous. They use native chicken and stew their skin. In addition, they also add some native eggs to the soup. It is said that if children like to grow prickly heat in summer, they can eat one of these eggs to avoid prickly heat 。

Although it is not sure whether it has this effect or not, at least the soup base is very tonic and can remove the miscellaneous fire in the human body. Yang Song is very supportive of this point. If the system introduces this dish in the future, Yang Song will not mind at all.

A lot of food materials, you don't think you can't eat it and deny its efficacy. If you say what kind of civet you eat! Bat! Those are completely bullshit. Yang Song is not interested in seeing them. But snakes are good ingredients for medicinal food as long as they are purchased.

We all know that snakes are used as medicine in pharmacies, so it is right that snakes have medicinal value.

Even if the dragon and the Phoenix are auspicious, the most important thing is full of gold and jade. Generally, the full of gold and jade is stir fried peas with corn, but this full of gold and jade is actually a dish of fried fish liver. Yang Song smells the full aroma. Yang Song doesn't feel attractive, but has a strange feeling.

This kind of aroma has never been smelled by myself. It seems that it has never appeared in my memory. If you have not guessed wrong, this fish liver is definitely something that Yang Song dare not think about.

Chen Jianguo was also attracted by the aroma. He couldn't help it. He picked up a piece of fried fish liver and took a look at Yang Song, as if asking if he could have a try.

After all, it's here. If you can't eat a mouthful of it, you can't really say it. Yang Song nodded. Anyway, this dish must not poison people. These ingredients will not kill people.

Seeing that Chen Jianguo had already started to eat it, Yang Song also picked up a piece of fried fish liver, and he wanted to try it himself. After picking up one piece, he put it into his mouth. A strong smell of fish liver filled his mouth in an instant. He ran not only into his mouth, but also into his nose, just like eating mustard.

It's just this kind of aroma. It's absolutely a choking feeling. It's a very comfortable feeling to eat. Yang Song was almost convinced by the taste, but after tasting the sweetness of the fish liver itself, Yang Song determined that this was indeed the thing.

Yes, this is the puffer fish liver. For all fish, freshwater fish, no fish liver can have that size, and only puffer liver can have such a size.

In the island countries, such fish liver can also be eaten raw, but such puffer fish liver is generally specially cultured. Only by using special methods can the fish liver be non-toxic. However, Yang Song still eats such puffer fish. It is definitely not the kind of fish liver. If it is not wild, it will not be so delicious.

Then he turned to a dish in front of him. After Yang Song saw it, it was the legendary hand green, a kind of fungus. If it was cooked, it tasted delicious, but if it was not cooked, it would make people hallucinate, that is, the kind of fungus that would see villains.

Yang Song was frightened by the fact that the method of making hand green was cold sauce. However, some people had eaten a lot of it. If the toxicity was calculated, it would have been uncomfortable for a long time, but now they are showing a completely normal expression.And also praised this dish to eat quite refreshing, the taste is really incomparable! Yang Song picked up a piece and put it on the tip of his tongue to lick it. After five minutes, there was no numbness on the tip of his tongue. It seemed that it was non-toxic. After Yang Song ate it, the taste was definitely not cooked.

The familiar hand blue is with a certain toughness, but this one has a crisp feeling. After a simple water pass, Yang Song ate it out.

These dishes are all bizarre. In addition to fugu liver, Bungarus multicinctus, or qingshouqing, they are poisonous ingredients in the market, especially puffer fish. In addition to the licensed puffer fish, the rest of the wild puffer fish are forbidden to eat. The imperial kitchen restaurant alone will have a big problem!

There are also many food materials that Yang song can't name. It seems that they are not in the normal food. I believe many of them are unknown. Among them, there is a kind of civet that Yang Song doesn't know. However, this kind of civet has a faint smell of bamboo leaves. It is definitely a kind of creature that grows up eating bamboo. It tastes a little bit similar to that of bamboo mice, but this move The heart of things, Yang Song looked a little strange, big a bit out of line.