In fact, Wang Lao didn't want Yang Song to be a soldier for a certain reason! The most important thing is that you don't want all the excellent cooking skills of Huaxia to be lost! Flowering dumplings! Green bamboo and scallion! They are all skills and things that have been lost for many years! Mr. Wang didn't know how Yang Song got it! But as long as he can make something like this! Then it means that there are more lost things that can be seen again!

There is also a personal reason, that is the matter of Queen bailing! I've been thinking about making two people get married! But as soon as her granddaughter heard that she wanted her to go on a blind date, she went to America directly! I haven't been back for months! Who would like to see Yang song now, actually know that Yang Song has a girlfriend! In the heart said does not regret the words, or false! If my granddaughter would listen! Come back earlier, everything may be different now!

But now Mr. Wang really wanted to ask Yang Song if he had made it. So he got close to Yang Song and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Yang, I'll ask you! Do you have any way to get it? "

"Snow Mountain black chicken?" Yang Song is stunned! This thing comes out from Wang Lao's mouth. It is estimated that it is a kind of bird which has been extinct for many years! But I don't know!

At this time, the system pops up a message! Yang song seems to have seen it for the first time! Click open information, immediately understand! The system helps oneself to get out the information about Snow Mountain black chicken actively!

"Snow Mountain black chicken! Originally participated in Changbai Mountain Tianchi side of a pure black black chicken! It's dark all over! Only feet are white! The ancients often said that snow mountain black chicken's feet were dyed white by white snow! Snow mountain black chicken eggs, no special nutrition! But only chicken, nutrition is extremely rich! It is a rare food material with strong drug properties! Because of its powerful properties! By the ancients wanton encirclement! Because of its unique growth environment, can not be captive! A long time ago, it has been extinct for a long time! If the host wants to unlock snow mountain black chicken, please upgrade as soon as possible! "

it's such a thing! Yang Song knows now! He said to Mr. Wang, "it hasn't been done for the time being! But I heard that my friend is already trying to find a way! I can't tell you exactly what's going on, but as long as it's available, I'll tell you at the first time. What do you think? "

"Good, good! If there is hope! That would be great! Our family has a unique formula for medicinal diet! Can recuperate person's body! But the main ingredient is snow mountain black chicken! I found it in the first two months! Want to try, used a lot of black chicken, have no success! It seems that you still need snow mountain black chicken, so I'll ask you! " Mr. Wang took a sip of hot tea! He said with a smile the purpose of asking about this!

Yang song suddenly realized and said with a smile, "it's so! Can you regulate your body? Is it to increase health? Or what? "

"Enhance people's physical potential! Ordinary people eat, as long as insist on exercise! Will be able to strengthen the muscles and bones! If the body deficiency person eats, can fill Yin to increase Yang! It is also a medicated diet for all ages! Ah! If Xiao Yang is interested, I will send you this medicated food now. " Old Wang looked at Yang song very curious appearance, also does not hide private, directly prepared to send this medicated food to Yang Song!

"No, no, no! I don't need medicated food here! Mr. Wang, you misunderstand! I'm not going to go on the medicated diet! " Yang Song is still clear! Chef industry, a total of many kinds of Sichuan and Guangdong cuisine ah! There is also a special help others conditioning body! It's medicated food! But I am not this, so I don't need to know! Don't you know when Mr. Wang comes out?

Now talking about this matter, Yang song suddenly remembered something, and really needed to give it to Mr. Wang. Yang song suddenly said with a mysterious smile: "Mr. Wang, wait a minute! I have a good thing to show you! "

"What is it?" Mr. Wang is very curious! Every time Yang song says there are new things, they are some strange things!

Yang song came to the kitchen and took out six new species of bamboo mice, three male and three female, from the system! It's not adult. It's about the size of an adult. It's the hardest time to grow. Now it's time to cultivate! Three pairs. After three generations of mating, there is no need to worry about inbreeding!

He came to Cuiyuan with a box! Mr. Wang was drinking tea. When he heard a voice behind him, he looked back. He was so scared that he almost spouted a mouthful of hot tea! Yang Song has two huge unidentified animals in his hand! Strictly speaking, it should be a monster!

"Mr. Wang! Have a look! This is a new species of bamboo rat developed by my brother! And optimize the breeding skills! We don't need to separate them individually. We have formed a social habit. Even if we raise a large group, we don't need to be afraid that they will fight unintentionally! Don't worry about raising it! " Yang Song briefly introduced this new species of bamboo rat!

But Mr. Wang's face is muddled now. Is this bamboo rat? It seems that the bamboo rat that has been raised for so many years has never been so big! And look at the hair color of the bamboo mouse, absolutely can grow a lot more! This can only be regarded as a just weaned bamboo rat! Yang song seems not to care about it at all!

Mr. Wang asked again with some uncertainty: "is this really a bamboo rat? You have created the heart, right? "Yang Song looked down at the six bamboo mice that were communicating with each other in the cage, thought about it carefully, nodded and said, "maybe! But these six little guys belong to rodents and bamboo mice in essence! Don't worry too much! Although this kind of bamboo rat is very fierce, it is very easy to cultivate, but there is a problem! The number of oestrus per year is basically once every three weeks. Unless pregnant, these mice can basically mate! For a long time, there will be no more than six bamboo rats at a time! About three on average! But the pregnancy rate is very high! Need attention! If you run out, don't worry. You can't breed with other species! One more thing is! When there are more bamboo rats, you must control the number regularly! Follow my advice! There are thirty male rats and ninety female rats in total. Otherwise, if the speed is too fast, you will not be able to stand it! "

"What you mean! After cultivating so many bamboo mice, we need to control the number? How long is your pregnancy Mr. Wang seems to have forgotten that this bamboo mouse belongs to a new species!