We can't make such a big bunch of beef. Yang Song didn't bring many boxes this time. Yang Song had plans to make too big a bunch. Everyone would doubt it. So this time, the beef kebab can only be regarded as an auxiliary. Other things can be more. The roast gluten is very good. Yang Song made his fortune by this!

At the beginning, the baking gluten was dark, and it didn't look so good-looking. But now, after the system upgrade, Yang Song's cooking skills have increased a lot, from the original ugly to the present scorched yellow tempting, always tempting others to taste the baked gluten!

At the beginning, Yang Song was able to pack and sell. Later, after the system was upgraded, the takeout function was limited. As a result, many of Yang Song's regular customers would miss the packaging period from time to time when they were eating! It's just baking gluten. Everyone is happy to eat it! Yang Song had no choice but to explain to you, saying that when things are packed and taken back, the taste will be bad after a long time, which will affect the taste of delicious food, so he won't take them out. If he wants to eat them, he will finish them in the store!

We still agree with this statement. Instead, we are eating in Yang Song. Xiao Zhao is so beautiful, Xiao Si is so lovely, and the environment is still so beautiful. Every day, the shop seems to have just opened, and there is no smell of lampblack. We are all curious. Why is there no lampblack in the shop that has been open for so long? Is Yang Song a purist? Do you have to clean so many times every day? It's not very scientific!

But this is a good thing, so we didn't think about it. Anyway, if we had a good meal and the place was clean, wouldn't it be good? What do you care about doing so much?

At dinner in the evening, Yang Song had prepared all the dishes. Squirrel mandarin fish found a big plate and put two on it. One was definitely not enough! Fish! If you make a pot of sauerkraut fish, a lot of fish, but squirrel mandarin fish is not the same! Sauerkraut fish has a lot of ingredients, but the squirrel mandarin fish is only a dry and bald fish, one person with one chopstick, this fish will be a lot less! So one fish is not enough! Yang Song has a precise calculation of everyone's food consumption now! I know how many dishes I should cook!

This is the basic skill of being a cook!

The dishes are almost served! Yang Song was still dealing with those kebabs at last. Because of the large number of kebabs, it was a little slower. Ye Yun outside was ok, because he had basically eaten this kind of taste and could still bear it!

As for others, they can't stand it at all! Xu Shu, in particular, is a full snack goods, now looking at the delicious dishes in the bowl, saliva one mouthful after another! Looking at teacher he pitifully, he asked, "teacher he, can I eat it? Yang Song said we should eat first

"They are cooks. They have worked hard to make such a large table of dishes. It's a bit impolite to wait for them to eat them directly. Be good, wait a little longer!" In fact, Mr. He is also suffering. What's wrong with Yang Song's dishes? How can the flavor be so fragrant? Each dish has the original flavor of the ingredients. Without too much seasoning, it's all delicious ingredients. This is just too difficult! I can't stop my saliva!

At this time, Yang song came out with a big tray, which was full of fragrant kebabs. This time, people couldn't help it. They all looked at Yang Song with a kind of pathetic eyes, which scared him. But when he saw that everyone didn't move his chopsticks, Dagui understood, and said with a helpless smile, "didn't you eat first? If the food is cold, it will be bad! "

"It's OK. Just wait a moment. It's not much. Are you finished there?" He said casually, but his eyes have been staring at Yang Songshou inside the kebab, this thing wine, simply can not be too beautiful!

Yang Song smiles and puts the kebab on the table and says with a smile: "OK, everyone eat it! It's all set up! Today, I want you to have a taste of my craft, so I didn't make soup, so I'll make do with it! "

"Nothing! be free! Good food is enough! " Gu Ge said in a hurry, and then looked at teacher he eagerly, he did not move chopsticks, we will not move chopsticks!

He teacher also knew almost, directly picked up a bunch of roast beef, put into the mouth inside a bite! Fresh and juicy tender beef suddenly burst out in the mouth, it is the taste of top beef, what 5A and cattle have to stand aside! Delicious beef, with spices, spicy, not strong! It has a light spicy taste, but it complements the beef! Perfect!

"Delicious! The world is delicious

He teacher who ate a mouthful, closed his eyes comfortably, his mouth couldn't help but send out a praise! All the greedy people couldn't help but reach out to grab the kebab in the plate! You have a string of roast chicken wings and I have a bunch of baked gluten. Why not grab the meat? Because all the ingredients of Yang Song look delicious! There is no choice at all!

Even Cai Mingwei couldn't help but taste a bunch of baked leeks! He generally likes to eat leek, what leek scrambled eggs ah! Leek box! He likes to eat, and now he sees baked leeks. Of course, he chooses to eat them!Sure enough, he could not help but close his eyes, the corner of his mouth as in the morning, pulled out a mysterious smile, others seem to be a mysterious feeling, but he knows, this is the taste of happiness!

Kebabs have not been ignored by everyone, of course, the dishes will not be left out! First of all, prawns with garlic! The girls grabbed prawns and began to eat them. It was not easy for men to compete with girls, so they had to pick up fans, garlic vermicelli! But this taste is not inferior to eating prawns! Although there is no shrimp q-bomb taste, but this taste, absolutely world-class ah!

Such fans are totally different from what they used to eat! The vermicelli are full of the fresh and sweet taste of prawns, and each one is full of sweetness. There is a taste on this side and no taste on the other side like other fans! This is perfect!

Yang Song simply ate some rice, ate an eight Fen full almost! Now it's time to watch everyone eat! Anyway, no matter what happens here, you can eat it! Yang Song in strict accordance with everyone's food distribution! So I won't worry about the thing that I can't finish eating! Rice? Yang Song of course steamed, or sweet potato steamed rice, but everyone is eating delicious! Nobody cares about it! Yang Song didn't tell everyone to eat! It's almost finished. Everyone should be able to think of eating!