Meng Shihan sat beside him and explained, "he wanted to keep his hands cold and not to destroy the taste of fish because of the temperature of their hands."

"This boy is so paranoid! How can your hands stand it? " After hearing this, granddad sun showed his heartache. This boy is so hard!

Chen Ming this time but light mouth, a face of calm.

"No, it's not paranoid at all. It belongs to Yang Song's persistence as a chef."

It can be said that Chen Ming knows the least about Yang Song, but Chen Ming is probably the one who knows Yang Song the most!

After putting the bucket in place, Yang Song began to deal with all kinds of ingredients, such as garlic, ginger and sauerkraut, and then began to put them into clean pure water. Although it is the most suitable pickle for making sauerkraut fish, there are still some problems in the saltiness just pickled, which needs to be dealt with! After all the ingredients were processed quickly, Yang song came to the pool, and then stood on the top of the pool, quietly standing, this station is dozens of seconds!

"Well? What is Yang Xiaoxiao doing? Stand still over there? " Granddad sun's face was strange. The boy didn't race against the clock to make sauerkraut fish. Instead, he stood in the pool to watch the fish!

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" he asked? This boy is really worrying

Meng Shihan didn't panic at all. He began to explain it slowly: "if I didn't guess, there should be a wild mullet left in the pool, and the rest are farmed!"

"I didn't expect the Wang family to do it again! It was the same last time! But at that time, it was a water tank, not so big. This boy should be waiting for the wild mullet to swim here! " Chen Ming laughs and leans on his chair with a smile on his face.

"What do you mean?"

Two old men's faces are confused! Shen Huaizhao followed Yang Song for a long time. He immediately thought of a possibility in his heart. He asked tentatively, "is the boss worried that the net will hurt the fish, so he is ready to catch it with his hands?"

"Smart! No wonder Yang Song decided to take you as his apprentice! " Meng Shihan looks at Shen Huaizhao with praise on his face!

Grandfather Meng and grandfather sun nodded their heads suddenly! The boy is worried about this!

Chen Ming got serious at this time, pointed to Yang Song and said, "attention, Yang Song is ready to start!"

At this time, Yang Song's right hand has been slightly raised, the body squats down, and then his eyes are staring at a swimming and happy mullet.

The poor wild mullet has not realized what kind of terrible treatment he is going to suffer. He only knows that the rest of the mullet are useless and run away as soon as they are bullied! It's not interesting!

Yeah? What's that man staring at himself all the time? Is it because I'm too handsome?

Unfortunately, such an idea just came out, Yang Song's right hand was like lightning, suddenly plunge into the pool, the next second quickly lifted it up, and then he held a wild mullet in his hand, which was also the last mullet in the pool. He did not know what special methods Yang Song used to seize the fish. Unexpectedly, every meter could move! Can only honestly stay in Yang Song's huge palm!

"The fish is not dead, is it?" Shen Huaizhao was worried when he saw that fish didn't move at all.

Chen Ming shook his head and explained: "what's dead? This is a unique technique of Yang Song. When he made squirrel mandarin fish, he complained that wild fish were not easy to catch. But after several times, he developed a method of catching fish. According to him, he grasped a certain acupoint of the fish, making the fish paralyzed and unable to move! It's like we've been hit with a pothole! "

Granddad sun's face was filled with emotion, "this boy is really a surprise to us every time! After living for so many years, I haven't seen such a fish catching technique. The posture of catching fish with that hand is really not simple! "

"Nonsense, you have eaten Xiaoyang's delicious food so many times. Do you think it should be delicious in the world Meng's grandfather looked at his old grandson's head with complacency on his face, and his nose was about to rise to the sky!

Old sun tou's face was oppressed. However, Meng Shihan was beside her, and it was hard to say some words. Although he and Lao Meng tou often lost each other, the feelings between the two old people were really good. Otherwise, they would not often run around on both sides and go sightseeing together! Therefore, some things, Meng grandfather does not allow to say, granddad sun will not talk nonsense!

However, Yang Song's gesture of catching fish with one hand shocked all the five judges. Originally, he thought that the boy was standing in front of the pool because there was no way to identify the wild mullet. Now it seems that this is not the case at all. People wait for the mullet to come to work! This one hand catches the fish the ability, really has two brushes!

If you think about it carefully, you can pickle the delicious food that the elder does not have. Such a boy is really not an ordinary person. If you think about it, you will be relieved!

Yang Song put the fish into the pool full of ice, one can increase the stiffness of the mullet, and the other can better deal with the fish blood! Frozen fish, the body's blood flow speed will be accelerated! Keep your body alive.In the treatment of mandarin fish, Yang Song found that fish blood with too much fishy smell, put more, can better deal with the fishy smell.

And he put his hands into the bucket filled with ice, the chilling feeling pierced through Yang Song's hands, his hands did not experience the ice for a long time, and he frowned slightly to resist the chilling cold!

More than ten minutes later, Yang Song moved his hands and felt stiff. Knowing that the temperature was almost the same, he took out his hands and quickly moved them! After the recovery of dexterity, Yang Song bit his teeth and suddenly caught the mullet! The knife on the hand pulled a circle of knife flower, began to deal with the mullet up!

First cut the throat, drain the fish blood, then start to treat the fish head and body, and finally slice. Everything happened in a minute or two. Before the hands returned to the temperature, Yang Song had handled all the fish and began to marinate and remove the fishy smell!

"I haven't seen Yang Xiaozi deal with live fish before. Now it seems that his family doesn't have a fish killing shop for his proficiency in handling live fish." Old sun's face was surprised, which was too fast, and looking at his technique, the flexibility of his hands was simply too high!

At this time, the elder saw Yang Song's method of dealing with the live fish, and sighed to himself, "I lost yesterday. It's really not a mistake. Maybe it's just that my skills are not as good as others."

At this time, the second elder was quite quiet. The boy was really not a common person. He sighed: "yes, I thought this boy was fishing for fame and reputation before. Now it seems that he lost really well!"