After leaving Yang Song's shop, the elder walked on the road, sighed at the second elder and said, "second, your temper really needs to be changed! This time, I always think it's not so simple! "

The four elders also sighed at this time, "that is to say! Second, we have no way to refuse! I always think there's something wrong with that boy! "

"Yes, I feel that the boy is really waiting for the four of us to pass, and then waiting for us to challenge! He seems to want us to challenge him! " The three elders have doubts on their faces. The boy's appearance is really ghost!

When the elder came to the big table, they sat down and sighed!

After sitting down, the two elders seem to be angry about the previous things, and the mustache is flying up and down. If Chen Ming sees it, he will have to smile secretly.

The four elders talked the least, but they could see it most clearly. At this time, he touched his beard and said faintly: "I have the same idea as the eldest brother. The boy estimated that he had been waiting for us to go. As soon as I entered the door today, I felt something was wrong!"

"What's wrong? I feel that this boy is arrogant, we must give him a lesson It's funny how the two elders blow their beards and stare.

The elder shook his head slightly and carefully analyzed: "why is there nothing wrong? As soon as we went there, the boy had prepared all kinds of things, from flowering dumplings to green bamboo and green onion. We didn't know all the things before. The owner didn't tell us that Xiaohai only had Huahua dumplings. He should have tasted green bamboo and scallion before, but he didn't find it was green bamboo onion. After we arrived today, the boy showed so many good things on purpose! It's just to get us fooled! "

"Even so, it only shows that the boy is too arrogant!" The second elder is a typical impulsive brainless type.

"Second, I've told you for years that your temper should have changed! As we've said before, this guy is definitely trying to stimulate us! For the challenge The three elders finally can't help speaking. The Third Elder's temper will not change until he dies!

The elder sighed deeply and stood up. "Forget it. I've thought for a long time. I don't know what the boy's purpose is. Let's go back and prepare well. Don't overturn the boat in the gutter. It's not good!"

In recent years, the four elders have been out of the mountain for three times. All of them have seen the special cooking skills, and then they went to buy them. Once, they sold them to them for money, and two times they didn't care about money. But in the end, they all lost to the four elders. Every time they went out, they were full of confidence. Only this time, they didn't know why There's something wrong. Maybe it's Yang Song. He's too annoying!

As for cooking, the four elders are very confident. Although Yang Song gives them a strange feeling, there is no big problem. It is a mule or a horse. He will take it out on the day of the competition!

After seeing off the four elders, Yang Song put away all the utensils, sat in the garden and had a beautiful rest. He thought about the four dishes carefully and thought about how to deal with these dishes in the past few days. He immediately had a general plan, so he hummed a song and was ready to leave, but was stopped by Meng Shihan. He asked Yang Song: "are you sure you have no problem Is that right? They are four elders of the hermit kitchen Wang family! Are you really so confident in your cooking? "

"When have I ever done something I'm not sure about?" Yang Song asked Meng Shi Han. A confident smile appeared on his face. It is Yang Song's motto not to fight an uncertain battle!

The latter, with a confused look on his face, carefully recalled the days when he knew Yang Song, shook his head and said, "no, it seems that there is really no such thing."

"That's fine! Leave everything to me! I am the kitchen god in the future. These four roles must be dealt with well! "

Leaving this sentence, Yang Song hummed a song and left the store, leaving all the things inside to Meng Shihan and Chen Ming!

Chen Minggang had just finished explaining to the workers when he saw Yang Song leave. He walked over and shook his head helplessly. "What kind of confidence do you think this guy has? How old is he? Dare to challenge the four elders! What ignorance

"I believe him!" Looking at Yang Song's back, Meng Shihan suddenly spat out such a sentence!

"That's right. How can we believe that... Eh? What do you say? Do you believe him? " Chen Minggang was just about halfway through the speech. After hearing Meng Shihan's words clearly, he almost bit his tongue.

But soon, Chen Ming soon figured it out, as if it was the same. Every time Yang Song dared to say something, he must be able to do it. And today, his appearance is very strange and he is really happy. He is totally different from Yang song before. Is it ghost?

With such doubts, Chen Ming also threw himself into the booming cause!

But what he didn't know was that, not far from the Food City, there were two people staring at this side, a middle-aged man and a woman, all showing a gratifying expression on their faces."Is it really because of Yang Song's friend that Xiao Ming can become like this after the founding of the people's Republic of China? Isn't it about that girl? I just had a look at that girl. She is good-looking and elegant. She is very suitable for us Xiaoming The middle-aged beautiful woman suddenly opened her mouth and said that it was her mother, Li Lan, who had not seen Chen Ming for a long time!

And that man is Chen Ming's father, Chen Jianguo! He said with a smile, "if they can be together, of course, it's the best. You know, I don't care what kind of match they are. But I can see that the girl has no interest in our son. Instead, she has a vague feeling for Yang Song's boy!"

"But isn't that girl a little older than Yang Song?" Li Lan didn't understand. Meng Shihan was the same age as his son, while Yang Song was younger.

Chen Jianguo laughed, shook his head, reached for his wife's hand, and said with a smile, "who can tell the truth about young people's affairs? Besides, isn't it popular to have a brother-in-law relationship now? As the saying goes, the female big three embraces the golden brick! Let's not worry about their affairs. You have seen them today. Do you know what Chen Ming is doing now? You see, I'm reluctant to go out to work with me. It's hard and tired now. It's not hot and dry, this stinky boy