Zuo Yu loves reading. Most of his corporal soldiers are literate when they enter the barracks.

When Yang Song was cooking, he found that all the soldiers were literate, and many people took literacy books with them.

Many words were written on the ground of the barracks. Everyone had a small stick and practiced writing on the ground at any time.

Literacy is a glorious thing in summer.

Soldiers are most likely to be scolded as rough Wufu. They can read and recognize words, feel proud and happy, and the atmosphere in the barracks will be much better.

Zuo Yu is good at leading soldiers.

Only a general like him can lead the army of 70000 people to learn to read.

Yang Song also saw a stack of papyrus and different handwriting in the camp.

It should be homework.

The thought that the generals had to do homework for the commander in chief after training was very gratifying.

It's too easy to speculate.

It is clear at a glance which is higher or lower, general or teaching craftsman.

Zuo Yu understood.

Yang Song said: "potatoes and sweet potatoes are easy to grow. As long as you master the know-how, it is easy to have a high yield.

In fact, I have one condition. "

"You say." Don't say one, just ten.

Yang Song zhengse: "after potatoes and sweet potatoes are widely planted, the yield is very high, and people will no longer starve.

This is a good thing and there are hidden worries.

I ask the general to be vigilant. We must not waste food, even if we are full. "

In any age, knowing the place and wasting food should be punished by heaven.

Zuo Yu knows more about people's hearts: "I understand."

Yang Song added: "although sweet potatoes and potatoes are easy to grow, we should also pay attention to keeping the land alive. If each land is planted for three years, we must stop for a year and plant something else to restore the land fertility."


Yang Song had no other conditions. He borrowed a fast horse and ran back to the city. There were twenty pots of pork stewed vermicelli waiting for him.

In one day, I made pork stewed vermicelli in two places, and everyone was very satisfied.

Yang Song didn't want to eat pork stewed vermicelli for at least half a year. It's too much.

Vermicelli dishes are very popular. All kinds of stewed vermicelli are on the menus in Tianxiang building and Baifeng Pavilion.

Everyone has a vermicelli on their table.

Whitewater City, you haven't eaten noodles. You're embarrassed to open your mouth and talk to people.

Everyone is eating and talking about noodles.

Then, a variety of small snacks - baked sweet potatoes began to appear in the streets and alleys.

"Selling baked sweet potatoes, a pot of honey, sweet!"

"Potato vermicelli pork buns, delicious!"

"French fries, scorched outside and tender inside!"


All kinds of potatoes and sweet potato products quickly swept the streets.

A large number of potatoes and sweet potatoes have been planted near Baishui city.

Zuo Yu and the magistrate discussed writing a letter together, played the emperor secretly, and explained the sweet potato and potato clearly.

General Zuo sent his confidants to Beijing with potatoes and sweet potatoes.

The name Yang song first appeared on the table of the emperor of the Xia Dynasty.

Three months passed, and the potatoes and sweet potatoes planted in a large area of Baishui city had a bumper harvest again.

The business of Baifeng Pavilion is still booming, but it is no longer as simple as a restaurant for the whole Baishui city.

More like a monument.

Even if the exchange ends, there is still an endless stream of merchants in Baishui city.

Potatoes and sweet potatoes began to be sold to state governments and sold all over the world.

After attending Li Erdan's wedding, Yang Song officially left Baishui City, carrying a small burden and on his way alone.

"My Lord, in fact, you don't need a backpack."

Yang Song: "no, I want to carry it."

This kind of burden is a roll. I ride on a dark horse and feel good about holding my sword at the end of the world.

The background music is "the sword is like a dream".

Pretend to make people happy.

Yang Song wanted to go to the capital, but he didn't intend to go directly to the capital. He walked and stopped all the way. When he saw the chaliao restaurant, he sat down and had a cup of tea and something to eat.

Sometimes there are surprises.

For example, there are willow leaf steamed dumplings in Liangzhou city. The wild vegetables and agaric pork stuffing are fresh and tender. The agaric is crisp. The pork is chopped very finely. The steamed soup is very delicious.

Yang Song sat there, ate two cages in one breath and gave the boss a reward.

"Can I work with you for two days?"

The boss's surname is Yu and he is called Lao San.

"Why? I don't think the childe needs money."

He's just a small stall. He has enough hands. He doesn't have to hire anyone at all and can't afford it.

"I think it's interesting."

"My little business, childe, you still..."

"I don't want money. I work for nothing."


What can't white workers who don't want money? Even in small business, the boss also wants to take the opportunity to rest, even if it's only two days.

That afternoon, Yang Song went to work at a roadside rice stall.

He tied up his sleeves, put on his sweat scarf and worked like a model.

At first, the boss was worried that Yang song would accidentally break something. He was completely relieved.

Yang Song is responsible for asking guests, delivering food to the table, cleaning the table, and burning a fire from time to time.

After half a day, I'm not tired, but I'm hungry.

While there were no guests, the boss asked Yang Song to eat.

Of course, the waiter can't eat meat dumplings. The boss is interesting enough to give Yang Song two steamed buns and a bowl of noodle soup.

Steamed bread is not steamed bread. It is a little similar to flower rolls, that is, the bottom juice and noodles of the dumpling filling are steamed. It tastes a little salty and oily. For people who want to make a living, it has more taste than white flour steamed bread.

Interestingly, the bowl of dough soup, each of which is a soft small dough, the size of a finger belly, tastes soft. The boss poured a spoonful of marinated meat soup, ordered some vinegar and sprinkled with small scallion. It tastes very fragrant.

It's just right to eat when you finish your work.

Yang Song has eaten noodle soup, noodle soup and dough for the first time.

The boss's stall doesn't sell much. Besides steamed dumplings, there are only two kinds of noodles, plain noodles and marinated meat noodles.

There is nothing to say about plain noodles, that is, boiled white noodles with water, enough vegetables and a fried egg.

Don't think it's not delicious. It's summer here.

Pure natural pollution-free flour, hand rolled into noodles, coupled with green vegetables that have not used chemical fertilizers and pesticides, can't be delicious.

Marinated meat noodles, in fact, can not be called marinated meat noodles, but more like pig miscellaneous noodles.

A bare pig bone stew, the rest is pig water, pork does not exist.

There are only a few coppers selling noodles at the small stall. There are also labor and food materials to deal with the tax. Where can I really put meat for you? It's good to have pig large intestine, pig heart and pig liver.

However, pig miscellaneous food may not be a good taste.

Yang Song liked the pig miscellaneous very much. His sensitive nose told him that there were at least two spices he had never known.

So stay and find it.

Besides, the owner's dumpling stuffing is very interesting. In addition to pork, agaric and wild vegetable stuffing, there are others. There is no fixed matching. You can use whatever ingredients are cheap, and the price remains the same.

This is business.

After Yang Song stayed, he realized his wish to see wild vegetable fish meat stuffing, wild vegetable shrimp and bird egg stuffing, pure wild vegetable stuffing, and stewed meat soup dumplings with dried radish.

All kinds, only you can't think of it, no boss can't do it.