Send the courier away. Chen Ming quickly runs back and carefully unpacks.

What will Yang Song send him?

As we all know, Mr. Chen doesn't need money. Although he doesn't have a girlfriend, he doesn't feel anything as long as it's not Valentine's day and singles day.

Being single has become a habit. He just feels that being single is great and doesn't want to be a girlfriend at all.

Yang song can't send it to Chen Ming's girlfriend.

The only possibility is - delicious!

"How many delicious food did brother song send me for such a big box? How long should I eat? Should I take photos? Send a circle of friends? Taking photos doesn't seem to be enough to express my excitement. I should record a short video!"

When the outer package was opened, the contents surprised Chen Ming.

He couldn't believe it was true.

For a moment, heaven fell to hell.

I never thought brother song would send him a refrigerator!

"Why the refrigerator?" Chen Ming held the refrigerator and asked, "Why are you a refrigerator?"

This touch is not to make the food look like a refrigerator, or it is a refrigerator itself.

"Brother song, what are you playing with? Do I still lack a refrigerator?"

Chen Ming was very sad: "why do you give me the refrigerator? Will I put things in the refrigerator? I have a cold storage at home."

Lost, Chen Ming opens the refrigerator door.


The refrigerator is actually powered on. It is full of things up and down.

Chen Ming hurriedly opened a grid with three colors of moon cakes.

He couldn't wait to take a bite.

The thick durian juice explodes in the mouth, followed by mung bean paste and glutinous paste. After refrigeration, it tastes like ice cream.

I don't know how Yang Song did it. The moon cake tastes cool, but it's definitely not ice teeth. In particular, the filling of the moon cake is integrated with the outer pastry. The durian pulp is sticky, juicy, soft, sweet and beautiful.

"So this is the durian bean paste ice skin moon cake that brother song once said!"

Three colors represent three tastes.

Chen Ming can't wait to eat the other two.

In addition to moon cakes, Yang Song also sent many fruits, which were planted in the space.

White jade Hami melon, red heart pitaya fruit, big Sweet Pomelo, croissant, etc. these fruits will not be mentioned first.

Best of all, Yang Song also sent a kind of pomegranate steamed stuffed bun.

"Steam in a pot over medium heat. It can be eaten after 15 minutes. Beware of scalding."

In addition to pomegranate buns, there is an iron pot stewed goose sent by Yang Song, which is only a semi-finished product.

Yang Song wrote down the production steps in detail and told Chen Ming to give them to a professional chef.

"I can make about five flavors. Have fun. When I come back, I'll make you a real iron pot stewed goose. In addition, the northeast is really worth visiting. There are a lot of delicious food."

Seasoning bags of northeast cold noodles, various cold dishes, and wrapped fried dumplings can be eaten as soon as they are steamed in the pot.

"Leeks, eggs and big meat also put a very magical ingredient. Let me guess what it is. In short, it's delicious. If you grasp the heat well, you can eat 60% delicious."

50% and 60% are scored according to Yang Song's technology.

"And bacon, this bacon is so heroic!" Chen Ming holds a one meter bag and laughs.

"Bacon dipped in sauce, but also oil cakes. When the oil cakes are refrigerated and transported, the taste will be destroyed. Let me find a chef to bake oil cakes, eat bacon, and the formula for dipping."

"The fried pork with tomato juice is very delicious, but the fried pork needs to be cooked and eaten immediately. Tell me here and don't send it! Brother song, you are so cruel!"

"The sweet potato is better now, and the potato, banana, apple and taro will not be sent!"

Chen Ming sighed and sighed. Thousands of miles away, Yang song could still make him greedy.

"The shredded pork with Beijing sauce has been packed and can be eaten when it is hot. I'd better find Gu Baiwei, a professional chef. The shredded pork with Beijing sauce should be rolled with spring cakes to taste good. The spring cakes are not sent. Let me find a way by myself."

"The northeast is the capital of barbecue. Everything in the world is here. Nothing can't be barbecued. But barbecue pays attention to smoke and fire. It also needs to be roasted and eaten now. I won't send it here. There are a few photos. Let me see to relieve my greed."

In a sigh, Chen Ming saw roast pickled vegetables, roast veal in mud oven, roast chicken wing steamed rice, roast chicken stuffed with chili, roast wide flour, and Roast Whole cattle.

There are also chicken racks, rice covers and various roast chicken racks in the photos.

Yang Song also understood: "these can't be sent back, but I made some brine. Let's talk about our regrets."

The best thing is that Yang Song sent a pot of sauerkraut stewed with blood sausage, only ingredients and ingredients, not even semi-finished products.

"Find Gu Baiwei and let him make it for you."

"In addition, the fried string is also good. The Fried String still can't be mailed, but I only made the dipping material and gave the production method. I can find a cook to fry the string and eat it."

"Korean friends are very warm. I cooked two meals for them. They sent me a pile of chili sauce, rice sausage, pickles and rice wine. After I tasted it, I improved the recipe. I also sent you rice wine. You should cook yuanxiao. Osmanthus blossoms just bloom. I made osmanthus glutinous rice dumplings, which can be boiled and drunk with rice wine."

Yang Song also sent stinky tofu and told them to fry it and eat it with cold noodles.

"The taste is very unique."

"There's another thing about the northeast that is completely superior to other places. It's definitely ice cream."

Yang Song said: "I didn't eat bad ice cream here. It's not only cheap, but also the most powerful is that there are many varieties and good taste."

Chen Ming received Zhongjie Daguo, madiel, Aoxue and Hongbaolai.

Ice cream is worth five little stars from taste to shape.

Milk raisins are absolutely pure milk. They are fragrant, smooth and delicate. The milk in the ice cream in Northeast China is processed from freshly squeezed milk. The preserved raisins inside are spoken by the ice cream factory. Whoever eats bad raisins is welcome to smash the sign.

Yang Song loves milk raisins very much. He ate at least six in the northeast. Each raisin preserved fruit has thick pulp and sweet taste. When people eat it, they can imagine that the green and round raisins are very satisfied in the sun.

Blueberry chocolate, I haven't seen anyone really fill ice cream with thick and mellow chocolate blocks and blueberry jam. Every bite is true.

Green apple ice cream, the skin is actually Apple flavored chocolate, the color is beautiful, every bite is fresh milk chocolate, green apple makes people feel like summer in the ice and snow.

In addition, there are chelizi flavor ice cream, almond tofu ice cream, salted egg yolk ice cream, jasmine ice cream, hot pot flavor ice cream and so on.

Here, let's talk about hot pot ice cream in detail. It's definitely not dark cuisine.

Noble invited Yang Song to eat ice cream for the first time, which was hot pot flavor.