
Why on earth?

Why does everyone believe that Yang Song's mutton kebabs are delicious when they have never eaten them?

What exactly does that mutton kebab taste like?

Mutton kebab is delicious, isn't it still mutton kebab? Is it really that magic?

People like stupid leaders will encounter several in their life. Unexpectedly, some people feel that stupid leaders are not so stupid because of mutton kebabs and just smell the smell.

It's amazing!

To tell you the truth, Li Hui feels unlikely.

"The leader you met must not be stupid enough!"

He firmly believes.

The real stupid leader is his immediate boss. He took people to find the big leader to complete the program budget. As for the small leader, his boss doesn't wake up every day. He doesn't know they are out of the field today. He is busy carrying out the fool to the end.

"No, my leader is a real fool. You don't know that he once called me to the office for a conversation. He answered the phone halfway out. Within two minutes, I heard him yelling in the big office asking me where I've been. He took me away from the parallel world when I stepped on my horse! Even if this happened once, the problem is that he has to come once a week, which is more important than my daughter-in-law's aunt Frequently, do you say he's stupid or not? "

"Fool, fool, this is a real fool. Your leader is estimated to be mentally retarded."

"My leader likes to let us work overtime. When the work is finished, he wants us to be busy for a while. He says that the company is our family and we must love our family."

"When we're not busy, the stupid boss watches movies in the office. We're busy as dogs. The fool calls Haitao's hot pot takeout to eat hot pot in front of us. It's also called having fun with the people. He will accompany us whenever we're busy!"

"The same leader, manager Zhao of our company, is also. Relying on his brother-in-law of the boss, he eats hot pot in the office every three or five times and asks us to help him perform noodles pulling performance. What do you say to enrich our overtime life? I want to pull him!"

"After working for one year, according to the company's requirements, I should be given a salary increase. As a result, you know what my stupid leader said? This year's year is bad. A rash salary increase may be bad for your luck for one year. Why don't you wait for next year? It's almost the same anyway."

"With the clerk's salary, the stupid leader either asked me to order takeout for him or asked me to get express delivery for him. From time to time, he wanted me to do the work of other project teams. He said it was to let me learn more. I also asked him about the salary increase. As a result, he said I was like a financial fan and told me not to live so materially."

"It's OK to ask you to work. If you raise your salary, the leader is like I'm going to kill him."

"What's the most amazing thing? During the May Day holiday last year, our stupid leader said that there were too many people going out on May Day. He sincerely invited us to work overtime in the company and be clean!"

"Such words can be said!"

There are no stupid leaders who can't say anything.

Li Hui was stiff: "do you still think he has become better with such leadership?"

"Yes, after eating the delicious food made by Yang Chu, or as long as we smell the delicious food made by Yang Chu, our leaders will have such a moment and a trace of loveliness."

"Cute stupid!"

"It's a day to scold leaders, and it's a day not to scold leaders."

"I have succeeded in killing the leader and being in the top position. From then on, I will work diligently, behave properly, keep an eye on everyone, and get off work on time when I finish my work. Whoever dares to roll inside, I will let him clean the toilet. Whoever dares to eat hot pot alone when his colleagues are busy, I will let him work overtime every holiday and sing Conquest while working overtime!"

"The leader and the boss are all kinds of fools. I've given them up. I've just resigned and had a rest for three days. I've found a new job and have a serious weekend!"

"It's not a big deal in the eyes of the big boss to collect the leader's criminal evidence, crowd out colleagues, commit adultery and play tricks. I found that the stupid leader moved the boss's cake and he was about to be opened. I just signed a big order and had a good relationship with the boss's wife."


Li Hui didn't expect it at all.

"Are these the courage that chef Yang gave you? His cooking is so magical?"

Countless people in the workplace want to resign and kill their leaders for countless reasons. This is nothing new at all.

Most people are afraid to think or do.

Just think about a lot of things. No one really has the courage to go out of the comfort circle.

"In fact, to be exact, it is the story of chef Yang and his dishes that give us courage."

"What do you mean? Can chef Yang tell stories?"

A cook came from other places. He can not only cook, but also tell stories.

"What is the magic story?"

"You'll know later."

There are delicious food and interesting topics. Time passes naturally and quickly.

"At this time, please tell me in detail what the Phoenix roast quail egg tastes like? It's really so delicious?"

When Li Hui asked, everyone stopped talking and fell in love with his eyes again, as if floating in the clouds. His face was full of happy expressions.

Shen Xinnian was the first to sigh:

"I like chicken very much. I eat steamed chicken, fried chicken, roast chicken and roast chicken every year. I don't know how many chickens I have eaten. I think there is no chicken I haven't eaten in this world, and there is no good taste of chicken I haven't eaten!

Until I met Yang Chu today, I can only say that I was too naive in the past. Until today, I found that I was just a frog at the bottom of a well. I had never eaten really delicious chicken before.

Phoenix chicken is worthy of being the legendary old chicken. It's really delicious! Can afford the word Phoenix.

Of course, the roast chicken is delicious not only because of the delicious meat of Phoenix chicken, but also because of Yang Chu's superb cooking. I ate 36 kinds of spices in the roast chicken. The more complex the spices are, the more complex the ratio is. If you don't pay attention and the wrong dose, the spices can destroy the whole chicken, but Yang Chu turned the complex spices into notes, A wonderful music is synthesized, and the classic music can be handed down.

Language has been indescribable, but I must say that even if someone takes a Golden Chicken inlaid with pearls, gems and jade to exchange with me, I will not hesitate to let him go.

This chicken must be eaten by me!

Of course, the more amazing thing is the quail egg. Really, I swear with the honor of eating most of my life. From seeing it to picking it up, I really thought it was a quail egg. Until my teeth bite it, the delicious taste of fish meat, mushroom and egg skin pop out, I realized later that it was not a quail egg.

I have a very clever tongue and a very sensitive nose, but they all deceived me, or Yang Chu's great cooking deceived my tongue and nose.

These quail eggs hidden in the chicken belly are actually fish eggs made by Yang Chu. It's amazing. How did he do it?

How finely do fish and mushrooms have to be chopped to make the smooth skin of quail eggs? This Sabre technique is uncanny and incredible!

Yang Chu is definitely the person that my dream voice instructs me to find. I firmly believe! He's definitely a genius! No, he is an immortal! "