There are more students from Chaoyang University.

"Why are there so many people in our school?" It was none other than Li Dongsheng, a classmate of Du Nanxing's laboratory.

Gao Ziang, Ma Yongqi and Tian Heng also came together. They are all old acquaintances of Yang Song.

"It was the four of them who went to the restaurant for dinner. As a result, the cook saw that they were in poor health, didn't receive them directly, and couldn't give money!"

"Oh, the people who are said to be rejected by the hotel."

The four of them are on fire.

"It's a little embarrassing." Ma Yongqi is the thinnest.

"As long as you are calm enough, the embarrassed person must not be you." Gao Ziang was not afraid at all.

Li Dongsheng was as steady as an old dog: "we are the people who have eaten Yang's kitchen stove. How many dishes have these talents here eaten Yang's kitchen?"

"Yes, we had a whole table." Tian Heng is very proud.

"It's Yang Chu's dish in such a big iron pot today. Is it for sale or not?"

"I don't know."

"But I know that if Yang Chu doesn't sell, the people present won't agree. They may use chopsticks directly."

Just look around. One of the people on the scene is counted as one, and everyone craned their necks waiting to eat.

Yang Song has begun to paste corn cakes, and the smell in the air is richer.

People familiar with the situation even brought their own chopsticks.

The person unfamiliar with the situation tried to suck his nose: "why is it so fragrant? Why is it so fragrant? What is it so fragrant? Can I have a bite?"

"It's chef Yang who is cooking. If he does well, he may or may not sell. It depends on the situation."

"Why not sell it? That chef Yang is not a cook? He doesn't need to make money to support his family? Aren't we all ordinary and lovely social animals?"

"We may be. Chef Yang is definitely not. He doesn't need money. He only pursues the progress of cooking. As long as chef Yang is not satisfied with today's dish, he won't sell it. If he doesn't sell it, we can't eat it!"

"If the dishes are bad, they won't be sold. The chef is very sincere and good. That's right."

"The problem is that the chef's standard of doing well and doing bad is different from ours. Don't you know, the last time he made silk pulled sweet potato, the silk was all..."

"Such a cow?"

"Yes, a cook who doesn't need money will hurt the diners too deeply!"

Diners now have only two emotions, that is, want to eat and fear. Fear is mainly afraid that Yang Song has finished the dishes. Suddenly, they say, "today's dishes are not well done. If I'm not satisfied, I won't sell them!"

The diners were able to cry for him every minute.

Yang Song didn't disappoint in the end: "a pot comes out, a hodgepodge, which needs everyone to eat together. It's not sold to individuals alone. At least one for two, 99 yuan per person."

Those who do not know the best will make complaints about it before they eat.

"This man is crazy. It's just a pot of hodgepodge. He wants 99 yuan per person! If you don't eat, let him rob the money!"

Soon his voice was drowned.

"It's only 99 yuan, which is cheaper than Hu spicy soup!"

"What's the matter with chef Yang today? Why is the price so cheap?"

"But why do you want people to eat together?"

"This is not a chance for a single dog to live."

"OK, don't be picky. It's good that brother song didn't press down the dishes and didn't sell them!"

"Man, let's play a game together?"


"Sisters together!"

"No problem!"

Yang Song began to pack dishes for people and practically implemented what is called one pot out and a large portion.

It can be said that after Yang Song became a cook, the most important part of the meal is this one pot.

Everyone couldn't help but marvel when they saw the plate of dishes belonging to themselves and their companions.

"Enough to eat, enough to eat, absolutely enough to eat this time!"

A lot of ingredients that seem not to be together seem to be dark cuisine, but with the blessing of Yang Song's cooking, it is absolutely impossible that they are not delicious.

"I'm careless. I never thought it was delicious to eat chicken offal with pork ribs and pickled cabbage!"

"The old tofu and bean curd are stewed together. The tastes are different. In particular, the bean curd is burnt outside and tender inside. It absorbs the soup. It's salty and delicious!"

"Old bean horn tastes better than meat!"

"Beloved chicken gizzards, chicken feet, chicken wings, chicken heart, chicken liver!"

"It's amazing that there are pig's feet. Let's taste the pig's feet and fermented bean curd carefully. It's really wonderful!"

"It's good to live with a mouthful of food, meat and corn flour cake!"


Gao Tiezhu and his wife also feel that life is beautiful. They are Yang Song's helpers. They can eat and drink for free and have another one. They don't worry about not enough food at all.

Noble and Yang Song eat together.

"Uncle, you are a great cook!"

Yang Song was amused: "how to say?"

"Cooking is delicious. Good food can bring endless power to people, and even encourage people to face life positively. Just like me, after eating your cooking, I think I can write two more sets of papers and recite three texts. It's nothing at all."


"It must be true. As long as you do this again tomorrow, I can have one more tutorial class!"

In order to eat more, noble students also gave their strength.

Yang Song said, "the cram school is not needed. You finish your homework. If you have nothing to do, just preview your homework. What cram school? Primary school students don't have to do so!"

Yang Song, who has never been to a cram school, doesn't understand why today's children should be sent to a cram school.

Is the school teacher not dutiful?

Not enough homework?

Not enough things to recite and write?


Want to kill pupils?

"Happy study is very important. You don't have to go to cram school. Your uncle, I didn't go to cram school in those years, but I still went to college. Most of those who went to cram school in our class didn't do as well as me. Facts have proved that not going to cram school is the wisest choice, okay?"

"Yes, I don't like cram school. It's very boring!"

"Men can't do boring things. If they want to do it, they will do cool and overbearing."


Gao Tiezhu and his wife are really big hearted. They are not worried that Yang Song will bring their children astray.

After about a week, Yang Song basically ate all the delicious food on the streets of Shenyang.

After all, he has been eating in Shenyang for nearly two months.

It's all due to overtime to achieve such amazing results.

Yang song goes out to eat in the morning, at noon and then at night. Sometimes he goes out to eat all day. He doesn't have a double break or even a single break.

In order to excel in this cooking practice, he is extremely diligent.

Rao is so. Yang Song dare not say that he has eaten all over Shenyang.

In any city in China, no one should easily say that I have eaten all over this city.

Really, the wind flashed his tongue first!