They don't know what Yang Song said is true.

Yang Song and noble eat from beginning to end in jiaozi street.

They finish what's delicious. They take a bite and leave.

The whole is better. The boss is a little confused.

Steamed dumplings with fried stuffing taste amazing. Yang Song plans to make some changes, otherwise it may not be in line with young people's taste.

"However, the intestines and stomachs of young people are too fragile now. It's good to let them eat something mild."

"The fried dumplings with pig oil residue dipped in chili and soybean vinegar have a good taste. Some miss hu la soup. Fried dumplings and fried dumplings really match hu la soup."

"What is Hu spicy soup?" Noble suddenly asked.

"You haven't had Hu spicy soup?"

"No, is it good?"

"Have you gone? I'm going to prepare it for you to drink." Yang Song thinks nobility is a little brother. Can he make his little brother never drink spicy soup? Absolutely not.

What's more, he wants to eat it himself.

"I can make fried dumplings filled with pickled cabbage to match with Hu spicy soup. It must taste good!"

Just do it. Yang Song sent noble back to the hotel and plunged into the space again.

"Immortal, immortal, are you back? I know it's wrong..."

Wu Chuang is still hanging.

Yang Song hurried over and saw that he was just a little miserable. There was nothing else.

"It's you. I accidentally forgot you, but you have nothing serious to do. Just hang up. Practice your body, do less bad things, and reflect on yourself."

Wu Chuang is going crazy.

What do you mean, forget him?

"I'm still hanging. I'll die!"

"I won't die. I'm amazing here. I can assure you. Don't you believe it? If you don't believe it, you'll continue to stay and see if you'll die for a year and a half or three or five years." Yang Song is confident in his space.

The chickens, ducks, geese, sparrows and pigeons raised in the space are not dead. Even the fish, shrimp and crabs in the river live well.

"I believe, I believe, and I really reflect. When will you let me out? I really can't stay here anymore."

Wu Chuang has really had enough.

He regretted, sincerely apologized to Yang Song, admitted his mistake, and vowed never to retaliate after going out.

"How can a man's mouth be believed? You have to take practical action."

Yang Song thought for a moment and showed Wu Chuang a video.

"You see, this is the rules for disciples, the Confucian classic on the gentleman, the Buddhist Classic on the heart, the Taoist classic on being good like water, and here are the Analects of Confucius, the book of songs, Mencius and Fu Lei's family letters. If you don't understand them, you can check the ancient Chinese dictionary. I'll put one for you. Be sure to understand the meaning, understand the main truth and educate yourself."

Wu Chuang is crazy.

He's a bright college scum.

"If you want to go out, study hard. When you learn it, it hurts your heart, change your face, and know when to go out again."

Wu Chuang cried bitterly: "fairy, please let me out. My parents are old. They really can't live without me. I have to go out to feed them. You give me so many books. I can't finish reading in my lifetime."

"Don't underestimate yourself. Human potential is unlimited."

Yang song can comfort people.

"In addition, your parents didn't have a second child? Although your sister is a girl, she is very promising. Without you, the family of three is very good. Speaking of this, you can copy the book of filial piety."

"I don't!" Wu Chuang collapsed again.

"Be obedient. As long as you copy one, I'll let you down."


"You see, if I say I'll hang you up, I'll hang you up. If I don't let you go, I won't let you go. If I say I'll let the thunder chop you, I'll let the thunder chop you. When have I never kept my word? I've always been honest."

Wu Chuang doesn't want to talk anymore.

Yang Song gave him the pen and paper and arranged a desk for him.

The one floating in mid air.

"How do you write this?" Wu Chuang is still hanging upside down.

"Write carefully." Yang Song arranged the table steadily for him: "hanging upside down will make you concentrate more."

Wu Chuang doesn't believe it.

It's no use not believing it.

Yang Song has left.

He is a cook and his first task is cooking. It's easy to teach hooligans.

Wu Chuang doesn't worry about eating and drinking in the space. Yang Song won't be hungry in the space. Even the food he gives is delicious.

Just hanging upside down, life is difficult.

Yang Song is cooking spicy soup in the kitchen.

He hasn't cooked Hu spicy soup for a long time. He has to practice again to make a Hu spicy soup suitable for the taste of northeast people.

One side's soil and water nourishes another.

Since we have come to the northeast, of course, Hu spicy soup should also adapt to the tastes of the people here.

This is equivalent to Sichuan people inviting southerners to eat spicy hot pot, which makes southerners cry.

Southerners have a reasonable doubt: "it's not spicy at all."

Sichuan people: "no, this is slightly spicy, or slightly spicy."

Then he calmly drank the bottom of the hot pot: "it's not spicy at all."

Yang Song wants to make Hu spicy soup, spicy and delicious mushy soup.

Spicy and delicious is the taste, and mushy is the taste.

The mushy taste is very suitable for breakfast.

Such basic things as fried noodles, pepper, cauliflower, fungus and shredded tofu can't be less.

What Yang Song has to do is adjust the proportion of ingredients.

Northeast people can't eat too spicy, so reduce pepper and add green pepper. Green pepper is spicy and has rich flavor, which is suitable for people in Northeast China.

Yang Song chose beef instead of meat.

You can't add tofu skin. You have to shred dried tofu.


Too much needs to be adjusted. Yang Song worked for three hours in the space to prepare the most suitable Hu spicy soup for northeast people.

After busy, he has a great sense of achievement.

Fried a pot of water and fried bread with pig oil residue and pickled cabbage, ate it with Hu spicy soup, drank a cup of honey water and went for a walk in the garden.

By the way, I have a look at my own vegetable garden. Everything is very good.

AI vegetable farmers are hardworking and capable.

There are also zither players who play the piano for melons, fruits and vegetables.

Yang song called several dancers: "dance a startling dance for me."

Seeing the real startling dance, Yang song really realized what is called pianruo startling Hong and WAN Ruo Youlong

"The dancer's waist is really soft and beautiful! She can't jump out of the style in the TV series."

The system said, "the dancer who danced for the host imitated the Emperor Zhou E and the queen of the late Tang Dynasty. She was the founder of Jinghong dance."

Yang Song was surprised: the imitators are so beautiful. Isn't emperor e of Zhou more beautiful?

"Yes, Emperor Zhou e is a real dancer. Her neon and feather dance is more beautiful. That's the real city and country."

Yang Song had to admit: "no wonder so many people wanted to be emperors in ancient times."

System: "please continue your efforts to summon the Emperor Zhou e as soon as possible. Although it is only a separate part of the different world, it is no different from the real one."

"Work hard, host, have imperial enjoyment one day earlier."